
1.I will never forget the day when we spent together.(我将永世不忘我们共同度过的那一天。
2.We have had a good year together. Thanks for your part in it.我们共同度过了愉快的一年,特此致谢。
3.Is marriage finding someone to share life with?结婚可是在寻觅共同度过人生的人?
4.United Nations Common Systems Standards联合国共同制度标准
5.Considering common prosperity of spirit as the necessary dimension of spirit of common prosperity;精神共同富裕是共同富裕不可或缺的精神维度
6.Whither General Average--Brief Introduction to the Influence of UNCITRAL Transport Law Convention to General Average共同海损制度何去何从——析UNCITRAL运输法公约对共同海损制度的影响
7.I have no objection to spending the weekend with them .我不反对同他们共度周末。
8.conditions of service of the United Nations common system联合国共同制度的服务条件
9.Common System of Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials核材料衡算和控制共同制度
10.common system of salaries, allowances and other conditions of services薪金、津贴和其他服务条件共同制度
11.share sb's belief, faith, optimism, etc与某人有共同的信仰、 信念、 乐观态度等
12.United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Other Benefits联合国薪给、津贴和其他福利共同制度
13.peaceful coexistence of States with different social systems不同社会制度国家之间和平共处
14.The new sixteen-member group will include both China and India.此新十六国共同体将包括中国和印度。
15.The commonality of norms is a matter of degree.规范的共同性是一个程度问题。
16.The various harmonics are in resonance in this cavity to different degrees.在口腔中,各种谐音的共鸣程度不同。
17.Two senators who were cosponsors of new legislation.两个共同倡议新的司法制度的议员
18.Different tax arragements apply to public utilities.有适合于公共设施的不同的岁收制度。

Collective Institution共同制度
3)common degree of belief共同信念度
1.Japanese scholar Kagami Mitsuyuki proposed a co-behaviorism paradigm in his paper "A New Paradigm of Modern Chinaology",which can reverse the Western center theory and provides the equality to discuss "the research of individual countries" of multiplicative subject between China and the West.日本学者加加美光行先生在《现代中国学新范式》长文中提出以"共同态度性"新范式去扭转西方中心论笼罩下的"地域研究"为中西方多元主体之间平等对谈的"国别研究"。
5)common abundance value共同丰度值
6)general average共同海损制度
1.Discourse on the York-Antwerp Rules,2004 s influence on the general average;谈《约克安特卫普规则2004》对共同海损制度之影响
