1.He advocates "self-encourage"and"self-congratulation"and requires subject and object inter-active and dialectic unity between educator and educatee in the process of teaching.他重视家庭教育和言传身教,要求学生立志博学,提倡"自勉"与"自得"。

1."M" is for motivation, self-discipline and spurring yourself on as well as motivating people to excel.代表干劲、自律、自勉,同时,勉励他人超越自我。
2.And as my reason began now to master my despondency, I began to comfort my self as well as I could,现在,我已开始振作起来,不再灰心丧气,因此,我尽量自勉自慰。
3.Connotation Interpretation of Nantong Shipping College s School Motto: Strive Diligently for the Perfect Acquisition of Both Chinese and Western Knowledge;南通航运职业技术学院校训“自勉自奋,祈通中西”内涵解读
4.Don't strain yourself.不要过于勉强你自己。
5.M" is for motivation, self-discipline and spurring yourself on as well as motivating people to excel.M代表干劲、律、勉,同时,勉励他人超越自我。
6.My father gained a bare livelihood of family by his own hands.父亲靠自己的双手勉强维持家计。
7.She'd never think of imposing herself.她决不想勉强别人接纳自己.
8.hold one's end up做好自己份内的事,尽自己的责任;(在困难面前)坚持下去,不泄气;勉强对付下去,勉强过活
9.So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.我因此自己勉励,对神,对人,常存无亏的良心。
10.[NIV] So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.我因此23自己勉励,对神对人,常存无亏的24良心。
11.His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity,I thought.我觉得他的热情有点勉强,缺乏自发的冲动。
12.To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.如果要在自然和不经意中显现个人勉力,须要有清醒的自我认识。
13.The love can not be forced, since don't compromise other people, do not discommode an oneself more.爱是不能勉强的,既不要迁就别人,更不要委屈自己。
14.I never push,@ the man replied,@and I never rush. Most of all, I never wish for too much.“我从不勉强自己,”穷人回答说,“也从不急于求成,尤其是决不贪多。”
15.Lack of sufficient natural resources has airways forced the Greek people to work hard to 呒make both ends meet.由于自然资源匮乏,迫使希腊人民辛勤劳动方能勉强度日。
16."But later, they took back again the servants and the servant-girls whom they had let go free, and put them again under the yoke as servants and servant-girls."后来却又反悔,叫所任去自由的仆人婢女回来,勉强他们仍为仆婢。
17.Victorian values,eg thrift, sobriety,hard work维多利亚时代的价值观念和社会准则(如节俭、自制、勤勉).
18.Lockhart is obsessed with himself and his image.洛哈特已经被他和他自己的肖像画(些勉强吧)全迷住了。

To urge oneself to be self-reliant淬勉自强
4)tear oneself away勉强使自己离开
5)Mian Dialect勉语
1.On the Voiced Initials of Early Chinese Loan Words in Mian Dialect;勉语早期汉语借词全浊声母探源
