2)riverain tribes河滨部落
3)milk way天河

1.The river floods in the spring.这条河春天河水泛滥。
2.It was like a deluge from heaven.那犹如天河决口一般。
3.there are three thousand million other Milky Ways, or Galaxies, in the universe.在宇宙中有30亿个其他银河系或天河
4.Poetic Sentences in My Heart Shining Like Milk Way in Heaven--SHI Tian-he’s Sixty-Year Devotion to Literature Creation我心有长句 耿耿似天河——石天河六十年文学创作论
5.It was so cold that the river had frozen.天气冷得河水都结冰了。
6.They fished all day in the fiver.他们整天在河边钓鱼。
7.The next day the little bird flew down to the river.第二天,燕子飞到河边。
8.This river heads up in the Tianshan Mountains.这条河发源于天山山脉。
9.They fished all day in the river.他们整天在河里捕鱼。
10.a pair of swans nesting by the river栖息河边的一对天鹅.
11.The Yongding and Daqing rivers meet near Tianjin.永定河和大清河在天津附近合流。
12.The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tienjin.大运河在天津和海河汇合。
13.The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin.大运河在天津与海河汇合。
14.On hot days we often bathe/go bathing in the river.天热时我们常在河里[去河里]游泳.
15.They trekked for three days along the banks of the Zambezi.他们沿着赞比西河河岸跋涉了三天。
16.It rained all the time this summer which made some rivers flood.今天夏天总是下雨,造成一些河流泛滥。
17.Luohe Zhongda Natural Food Additive Co., Ltd.河南省漯河市中大天然食品添加剂有限公司
18.The Heihe bridge stele of Xixia and the religion of Pingtian Xiangu in the Heihe valley;西夏黑河桥碑与黑河流域的平天仙姑信仰

riverain tribes河滨部落
3)milk way天河
4)backnard tribes落后部落
1.On the Origin and Development of the Tibetan Tribe, Wangshidaihai, Consisting of 18 Smaller Tribes;汪什代海十八部落源流浅谈
2.The Origin and Evolution of Qinghai Mongolian Tribe青海蒙古族部落的溯源与演变特征
3.The issue of tribes has long been a troublesome problem for the rulers,historians and sociologists in Middle Eastern history.部落问题,是中东历史上一直困扰着统治者、历史学家以及社会学家的一个问题。
6)fall of stream;riverfall河流落差

天河天河 天河   推拿穴位名。即天河水。见该条。