2)mastery approach掌握趋近
3)mastery approach goal orientation掌握趋近目标
1.Exploratory discussion on how to promote teachers to master modern education and technology;试论如何促进一线教师掌握现代教育技术
2.Welders are trained in theory and practical knowledge to master the welding skill,by which can overcome its defect and promote welding efficiency.电焊工通过理论和实践培训,掌握这种技能,体现它的优点,克服它的缺点,推广这种焊接方法,提高焊接工作效率犤1,2犦。
3.The essay discusses the ways to help students master the basic concept and the creative thinking ability in middle school chemistry teaching, Nowadays we put the importance on the quality education, so it is quite necessary and important for us teachers to strengthen the chemistry basic concept teaching and cultivate the students quality and ability.着重论述在中学化学教学中 ,培养学生理解掌握基本概念的方法和创新性的思维能力。

1.assume [hold, drop] the reins of government掌握到 [掌握着,放弃] 政权
2.`I will jump-mathematically.'“我会准确地掌握。”
3.have [seize] the initiative有 [掌握] 创制权
4.Who owns the information will take the initiative.谁掌握了信息,谁就掌握了主动权。
5.e.g. To be bilingual, one has to be bicultural.要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。
6.He sure is wear the pants in this family.他的确掌握家庭大权。
7.His rise to power was very rapid.他很快掌握了大权.
8.wield the scepter君临,统治,掌握大权
9.He sure wears the pants in this family.他的确掌握家庭大权
10.Learning them is important.掌握急救方法非常重要。
11.He knows his homework inside out.家庭作业他完全掌握了。
12.Is he good at running meetings?他擅长掌握会议吗?
13.Once I get the haul of them-Lord!有一天我掌握了它--天哪!
14.possess valuaBle data.掌握珍贵的数据资料
15.he mastered the rudiments of geometry.他掌握了几何学初步。
16.He knew no secrets of any consequence.他不掌握什么重要机密。
17.have sth. at one's fingers'ends熟练掌握某事,精通某事
18.He cannot grasp the realities of the situation.他未能掌握实际情况.

mastery approach掌握趋近
3)mastery approach goal orientation掌握趋近目标
1.Exploratory discussion on how to promote teachers to master modern education and technology;试论如何促进一线教师掌握现代教育技术
2.Welders are trained in theory and practical knowledge to master the welding skill,by which can overcome its defect and promote welding efficiency.电焊工通过理论和实践培训,掌握这种技能,体现它的优点,克服它的缺点,推广这种焊接方法,提高焊接工作效率犤1,2犦。
3.The essay discusses the ways to help students master the basic concept and the creative thinking ability in middle school chemistry teaching, Nowadays we put the importance on the quality education, so it is quite necessary and important for us teachers to strengthen the chemistry basic concept teaching and cultivate the students quality and ability.着重论述在中学化学教学中 ,培养学生理解掌握基本概念的方法和创新性的思维能力。
1.And how to according to every stage and situation that changes on the playground,utilizing various competition rhythm,grasping and controlling the power of the whole match.阐述了足球比赛中比赛节奏的表现形式及特征,以及如何根据场上各阶段,各种情况的变化,运用各种比赛节奏,掌握和控制整场比赛的主动权,最终获得整场比赛的胜利。
2.5-year-old enfants can distinguish big & small from two same objects; 3-year-old enfants can compare relatively big & small with two same objects; 4-year-old enfants can grasp big & small among different objects arranged in groups; 90% of 4-year-old enfants can grasp big & small matched between people and objects, but only half of the.5岁儿童能判别当前两同类物体的大小;3岁儿童能对两同类物体的大小相对性比较;4岁儿童能掌握不同类物体间大小的搭配;4岁儿童9成能掌握人与物间相对大小的匹配,但仅一半儿童掌握三个同类物体同时比较时大小相对关系,即4岁儿童还未对“大”“小”词义完全掌握。
3.And how to according to every stage and struction that changes on the playground, utilizing various competition rhythm,grasping and controlling the power of the whole match.阐述了篮球比赛中比赛节奏的表现形式及特征,以及如何根据场上各阶段,各种情况的变化,运用各种比赛节奏,掌握和控制整场比赛的主动权,最终获得整场比赛的胜利。
1.Characteristics of time and space in volleyball,the relationship between them and the mastery and use of them were analyzed.分析了排球运动的时间和空间特性、排球运动中时间与空间的相互关系及实战中时间和空间特性的掌握运用问题,认为排球运动的复杂性就在于时间和空间的复杂变化,掌握变化规律对于选材、教学、训练、比赛都有积极作用。
