2)Ba[英][,bi: 'e?][美]['bi 'e]巴
1.The Semantic Classification of Northeastern Dialect——Taking Words with Suffix "Ba" in Northeastern Dialect as Examples;东北方言的语义分类——以东北方言中带后缀“巴”的词语为例
2.The Historical Evolvement of Affix "ba(ba)";词缀“巴(巴)”的历史演变
3.Study Of The Nationality Of Yelang,Ba,Shu And Correlative Ethnic Groups;夜郎与巴蜀相关民族的族属问题

1.lymphatic vessel【解】淋腺, 淋管淋
2.Please come in,@ said Ali Baba.阿里说:“请进。
3.Hi, Barbara, how are you?嗨,拉,你好吗?
4.Happy Barry, Happy Barry,快乐的瑞,快乐的瑞,
5.Santa Barbara and San Francisco.圣拉和旧金山的。
6.resembling lymph or lymphatic tissues.类似于淋或淋组织。
7.Carbidopa and Levodopa卡比多/左旋多
8.Marriage of Barbarossa罗萨的婚礼(绘画)
9.Procarbazine Hydrochloride盐酸丙卡肼(甲基肼)
10.The boy stumbled through his recitation.这男孩结结地背诵。
11.He stammered out an answer.他结结地作了回答。
12.He kept bumbling on about something.他结结地说个不停。
13.said Carrie, stumbling at the word.“嘉莉结结地问。
14.stammer out a request结结地提出请求.
15.stammer (out) a few words结结地说出几个字
16.Coordinating Committee on Export Control (COCOM); Coordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries黎统筹委员会(统)
17.A salt or ester of barbituric acid.比妥酸盐,比妥酸酯
18.jerk along through one's story结结地把话讲完

Ba[英][,bi: 'e?][美]['bi 'e]巴
1.The Semantic Classification of Northeastern Dialect——Taking Words with Suffix "Ba" in Northeastern Dialect as Examples;东北方言的语义分类——以东北方言中带后缀“巴”的词语为例
2.The Historical Evolvement of Affix "ba(ba)";词缀“巴(巴)”的历史演变
3.Study Of The Nationality Of Yelang,Ba,Shu And Correlative Ethnic Groups;夜郎与巴蜀相关民族的族属问题
1.Corneliu.Baba on the impact of Chinese painting科尔内留·巴巴对中国绘画的影响
2.The Romania famous painter Corneliu BaBa, (1906-1997) whose unremitting pursuance towards the art for nearly one century is without sisters in that dazzling and speculative art world of last century.罗马尼亚著名画家柯尔尼留·巴巴(Corneliu Baba,1906——1997)近一个世纪的艺术执着追求,在上个世纪那个幻眩、投机的艺术世界里,独竖一帜。
1.The Diagnostic Value of Color Doppler Sonography in the Superficial Lymphadenopathy;彩色多普勒超声对浅表肿大淋巴结病变的诊断价值
2.Advancement of Imaging Research on Lymphadenopathy淋巴结病变的影像学研究进展
6)Lymph node lesions淋巴结病变
1.Value of DWI and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in differential diagnosis of lymph node lesionsDWI及动态增强MRI在淋巴结病变鉴别诊断中的价值
