自由教育,liberal education
1)liberal education自由教育
1.The historical evolution and contemporary characteristic of the liberal education;自由教育的历史演变及当代特征

1.The Transcendent Essence of Education and Its Ideal of Liberal Education;教育的超越本质及其自由教育的理想
2.Liberal Education: Historical Inevitability of Higher Education;自由教育:高等学校教育的历史必然
3.Historical Changes of Liberal,General and Cultural Education自由教育、通识教育、文化素质教育的历史流变
4.Several Problems in Educating College Students on Freedom of Religious Belief;如何对大学生进行宗教信仰自由教育
5.Liberal Education and Good Life:Review of the Thoughts of the Straussians on Liberal Education;自由教育与美好生活——施特劳斯学派自由教育观述评
6.Idea of Liberal Education Helps to Attain World Top University--The Idea of Liberal Education of Yale University;自由教育理念成就世界一流大学——浅析耶鲁大学的自由教育理念
7.From Liberal Education to General Education: A Historical and Comparative Perspective;从自由教育到通识教育——历史与比较的视角
8.British Educational Practice Under Liberal Pedagogical Conceptions and Its Enlightenment;自由教育思想影响下的英国教育实践及其启示
9.Reflections on Newman's Liberal Education: Values and Limitations of Rational Individuals’ Education纽曼自由教育反思:理性人教育的价值与局限性
10.International Union for the Liberty of Education国际争取教育自由联盟
11.International Organization for the Development of Freedom of Educatio促进教育自由国际组织(促进教育自由组织)
12.The Liberalization of Education Service Trade and Chinese Educational Development;教育服务贸易自由化与中国教育发展
13.How Education Freedom Can Be Possible--Answers of Educational System教育自由何以可能——教育制度的解答
14.Freedom and Autonomy: Kant s Moral Education Ideology;自由与自律:康德道德教育思想研究
15.Liberalization of Education Service Trade and Development of Cyber Education in China;教育服务贸易自由化和中国网络教育发展
16.Problem Child Education Based on Neill s Freewill Education Idea;从尼尔的自由主义教育思想看问题儿童的教育
17.Each state is free to develop its own educational plan.每州可以自由发展本身的教育计划。
18.Kant’s Educational Thought: Cultivating a Free Man;培养自由之人——试论康德的教育思想

free education自由教育
1.The value and its realization of free education自由教育的价值和实现方式
2.Aiming at making the school fit the child,Summerhill School in England composed a wonderful piece in the history of foreign educational experiment by constantly performing the experiment on students free education and self-governess.英国夏山学校以"让学校适应学生"为宗旨,坚持不懈地对学生进行自由教育及学生自治的实验,在世界教育实验史留下了精彩的篇章。
3.These are enlightening to us in our efforts to eliminate coercion and to advocate free education.这些对于目前我国学校教育力戒强制或强迫,提倡自由教育具有重要的启发意义。
3)freedom education自由教育
1.This book represents his naturalism education thought, which introduces naturalism education, freedom education, and emphasizes education should follow characteristic of children.其自然主义教育思想的主要内容是:自然教育、自由教育以及教育要遵循儿童的年龄特征。
2.Studying freedom education can provide a chance to better understand and examine again the contemporary practice of the higher education of our country,and it is also a wise choice for us to carry out it in the higher education.自由教育作为一种重要的教育思想,它的内涵和教育价值深刻影响着现实中的教育理论与实践。
4)educational freedom教育自由
1.Cultivating freedom ability,figuring freedom spirit and nurturing freedom personality are the inner provision of educational freedom.培养自由能力、塑造自由精神、养成自由人格是教育自由的内在规定。
5)the liberalization of education教育自由化
1.Development of the liberalization of education service;本文正是从对教育自由化的动因入手 ,对国际教育服务自由化进行探讨 ,重点结合世界贸易组织服务贸易总协定的有关规定和我国入世后就教育服务市场开放所做的具体承诺讨论我国目前面临的机遇与挑战及应对之
6)free education zone自由教育区
1.Based on these trends,the thesis analyze the commercial trend of cross border education and the idea of free education zone in South Korea,and also India s policy consideration and its attitude towards education sector in GATS.文章分析了韩国跨境教育赢利性、学校收费与教育质量脱钩、实验自由教育区等问题,并分析了印度对于服务贸易协定有关教育的理解及政策考虑。
