学习化社会,learning society
1)learning society学习化社会
1.Reflection on the development of adult education in learning society;学习化社会中成人教育发展的思考
2.On functions of vocational guidance in schools under the background of learning society;学习化社会背景下学校职业指导的功能趋向
3.Introducing"continuing education" "learning society"and"lifelong ed ucation;浅析“终身教育”、“学习化社会”和“终身学习”

1.Study Society: Moving towards the Aesthetic Study of University Students;学习化社会:走向大学生的审美化学习
2.Introducing"continuing education" "learning society"and"lifelong ed ucation;浅析“终身教育”、“学习化社会”和“终身学习”
3.The theories of the sociological studies and lifelong education;社会化研究对终身教育、终身学习与学习化社会理念的理论支撑
4.Analysis on Concept of Life-long Education,Life-long Learning and Learning Society;终身教育终身学习与学习化社会概念辨析
5.Thinking on the Self-study of Higher Vocational Schools Students in the Vision of Learning Society;学习化社会视野中高职生自主学习的思考
6.Social Base & Logical Relation of Lifetime Education, Lifetime Study & Learning Society;终身教育、终身学习和学习化社会的社会基础与逻辑关系
7.HVTE-Education Supermarket in Learning Society;高等教育——学习化社会的教育大超市
8.Adwance Lifelong Education and Establish the Study-based Society;促进终身教育发展 构建学习化社会
9.The New Mission of Education in a Learning Society: Leisure Education;学习化社会教育的新使命:闲暇教育
10.Constructing the Education System for Life and Establishing Learning Society;构建终身教育体系 创建学习化社会
11.The lnitial Analysis on Questions of Community Education in a Learning Society;学习化社会中发展社区教育若干问题刍议
12.The Status and Role of Languages in Socialization;社会化进程中的母语习得与外语学习
13.Lifelong education and learning and construction of a learning type society are the necessity of social economy, science, and technology and social cultural life development.终身学习、设学习型社会是社会经济、技和社会文化生活发展的必然。
14.Construction of New English Learning culture in the Leaning-oriented Society;论在学习型社会中构建新型英语学习文化
15.E-learning Hub and Nationwide Public Support Services System in Distance Education for Building A Learning Society;学习型社会、数字化学习港与公共服务体系
16.Learning Society is an Important Cultural Feature of a Comfortably-off Society;学习型社会是小康社会的重要文化特征
17.Study-oriented Society is the Cultural Aim to Construct a Comfortable Life;学习型社会是全面建设小康社会的文化目标
18.Promoting the Tradition of Social Edification and Accelerating the Construction of Learning Society弘扬我国社会教化的传统 加快学习型社会建设

study-oriented society学习化社会
1.The study-oriented society is a kind of ideal social pattern which many countries strive to establish at present .学习化社会是目前世界上很多国家努力创建的一种理想社会图景。
2.China, Chinese government, for the purpose of implementing study-oriented society, set up some organizations applicable to China s conditions with Chinese characteristics which have laid a good basis for the establishment of lifetime education in China and the construction of study-oriented society.探讨新中国成立50多年来推进学习化社会建立的历史和组织形式,将为我国终身教育的建立以及学习化社会的构建奠定良好的基础。
3.However, in terms of embrac ing a study-oriented society, self-study examinations in higher education have a p romising future, although relevant reforms are necessary.如果我们立足于学习化社会 ,从迎接学习化社会的高度看 ,高等教育自学考试有着广阔的前景 ,但必须进行改革。
3)socialization of learning学习社会化
1.It is expounded that to update traditional educational idea is to meet the demands of social development,and new educational idea of socialization of learning and life-long education should be set up.阐述了更新传统教育理念是社会发展的要求,要树立学习社会化、教育终身化的教育新理念,提出了实现终身教育理念的途径。
4)socialization learning社会化学习
5)society with a strong atmosphere for study学习化的社会
6)Society of study论学习化社会

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决