奥林匹克教育,Olympic education
1)Olympic education奥林匹克教育
1.Olympic education must be continued;一定要把奥林匹克教育坚持下去
2.Olympic education and teenagers personality cultivation;奥林匹克教育与青少年人格培养
3.With Olympic education as a guide to promote the reform and development of modern higher education;借鉴奥林匹克教育 促进高等教育改革与发展

1.Olympic Mathematics Study and Mathematical Olympiad Education奥林匹克数学研究与数学奥林匹克教育
2.Interpretation of Olympic Movement by Practice of Olympic Education Model School奥林匹克教育示范校以实践诠释奥林匹克运动
3.Olympic education and Chinese university students P.E.;奥林匹克教育与中国大学生体育教育
4."Humanistic Olympic"and the Diversification Trend of Olympic Education;“人文奥运”与奥林匹克教育多元化趋势
5.Popularize the Olympic Education to All Chinese People;普及奥林匹克教育的问题及对策——兼谈中国农村奥林匹克教育
6.Young people and children will be the principal recipients of education concerning the Olympics.青少年是奥林匹克教育的主要对象。
7."Take the School as Basic"--Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee Education Department;“以校为本”——中国的奥林匹克教育模式
8.The current situation and prospect of Olympic education in higher schools;我国高校奥林匹克教育的现状与展望
9.The Significance on Advocating Olympic Education in the University;在大学生中开展奥林匹克教育的意义
10.The Present condition and Future prospect of Olympic Education in Chinese Colleges;中国高校奥林匹克教育的现状与展望
11.Promoting Olympic Education-An Obligation for the Hosting City of Olympic Games开展奥林匹克教育——奥运主办城市的责任与义务
12.On Combination of the Three Ideologies of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and Olympic Education;试述北京奥运三大理念与奥林匹克教育的结合
13.Analyzing Implementation of the Olympic Education Plan of 2008 Beijing;试析2008年北京奥运会奥林匹克教育计划的实施
14.With Olympic education as a guide to promote the reform and development of modern higher education;借鉴奥林匹克教育 促进高等教育改革与发展
15.The Educational Significance in Olympics and the Humanity Olympics;奥林匹克运动的教育意义与“人文奥运”
16.Olympic Sports and the College Sports Education in New Period;奥林匹克运动与新时期高校体育教育
17.Educational and sports background of the prosperity of the Olympic Games;奥林匹克运动兴起的教育与体育背景
18.Education is a core element of the Olympic principles.教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容。

Study on the Olympic Education论奥林匹克教育
3)Olympic mathematics education奥林匹克数学教育
1.The value of Olympic mathematics education in new era;论奥林匹克数学教育的时代价值
4)Olympic humanity education奥林匹克人文精神教育
5)school Olympics educate学校奥林匹克教育
1.The beijing Olympic games and the school Olympics educate;北京奥运会与学校奥林匹克教育
6)chldren education of Olympic Games儿童奥林匹克教育

奥林匹克理想(见奥林匹克宗旨和奥林匹克主义)奥林匹克理想(见奥林匹克宗旨和奥林匹克主义)(Olympic ideal)  奥林匹克理想(Oly呷ie ideal)和奥林匹克主义。见奥林匹克宗旨