钱穆,Qian Mu
1)Qian Mu钱穆
1.Comparitive Study of Qian Mu for Scholars of Qing Dynasty;钱穆对清代学者的比较研究
2.An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Historical Thoughts of Qian Mu;试析钱穆史学思想的特点

1.On "Biography of Qian Mu" by ChenYong;为国学大师钱穆再立碑传──评陈勇著《钱穆传》
2.A Brief Comment on the Relationship Between Qian Mu and New School of Textual Research--Focus on the Contact of Qian Mu with Fu Si-nian;钱穆与新考据派关系略论——以钱穆与傅斯年的交往为考察中心
3.On Qian Mu’s "Chinese" Education--Study of Qian Mu’s Thought about Moral Education during New Asia Period论钱穆的“中国人”教育——钱穆新亚书院时期德育思想研究
4.On the Cause of Formation of History of China s Academics in the 300 Years by QIAN Mu;论钱穆《中国近三百年学术史》成书原因
5.Qianmu s Thoughts on Chinese Renaissance during Chinese Resistance Against Japanese War;抗战时期钱穆的文化复兴思想及评价
6.Communion and transformation: On Mr. QIAN Mu s interpretation to Yi Zhuan;融通以达变:论钱穆先生对《易传》的诠释
7.Qian Mu s Idea of Historical Studies as Seen in Chronological Biography of Liu Xiang and Liu Xin;从《刘向歆父子年谱》看钱穆的史学理念
8.To Understand DAI Zhen-A Discussion with Mr. QiAN Mu and Mr. YU Ying-shi;理解戴震——钱穆余英时“戴震研究”辨正
9.A Chronicle of the Life of Liu Xiang and Liu Xin,Father and Son by Qianmu and the Modern Movement Challenging the Ancient Scholars;钱穆《刘向歆父子年谱》与现代疑古运动
10.On the Research on Zhu Zi’ Zhong-He (Neutralization)Theory by both Qian Mo and Mou Zongsan论钱穆与牟宗三对朱子中和学说的研究
11.Discussion on Qian Mu and Naiton Hunan s Comparison Research on Chinese History;试论钱穆与内藤湖南对中国史的比较研究
12.Cultural defendism and political choice--a comparative study of Xu Fuguan and Qian Mu;文化卫道与政治抉择——以徐复观、钱穆为例的讨论
13.Qian Mu s Methodology of the Historical Study of Academic Disciplines and his Insights;钱穆的学术史方法与史识——义理、考据与辞章之辨
14.Seeking for Truth or Utility? --Comparison on Academic Thoughts between Fu Ssu-nien & Qian Mu;求真乎?经世乎?——傅斯年与钱穆学术思想之比较
15.A Comparison on Qian Mu and Yu Yingshi s Views of Chinese and Western Cult ures;薪火相传 各领风骚——钱穆余英时中西文化观比较
16.QIAN Mu s Research on Ancient Chinese Political Civilization and Its Defects;钱穆对中国古典政治文明的认识及其局限
17.The Activity in Thinking: Qianmu's Road in Chinese Culture Education思考中的行动:钱穆的中国文化教育道路
18.But the solemn gentleman QIAN Mu(钱穆)composed that SHUN emperor buries in the river Han basin in the northwestern part of Hubei, which brings about a lot of controversy.钱穆先生却撰文说舜葬在湖北西北部汉水流域,从而引起争论。

1.Nostalgia in the Cataclysm of Society——A Review of Qianmu’s viewpoint on culture history over sixty years ago;巨变中的怀旧?——重温六十多年前钱穆先生的文化历史观
3)Qian Bin-si(Qian Mu)钱宾四(穆)
4)Qian Mu's historical viewpoint钱穆历史观
5)Qian Mu s Theory on Xinya Education钱穆论新亚教育
6)On QIAN Mu s Cultural Outlook论钱穆的文化观
