吴宓,WU Mi
1)WU Mi吴宓

1.Wu Mi: A Case in the Culture View;文化视野下的吴宓——兼论吴宓陈寅恪交往之于《学衡》
2.Wu Mi s Conservative Reaction to the New Culture Movement during May 4~(th) Movement--Based on Wu Mi s Diary;论吴宓对五四新文化运动的保守回应——以《吴宓日记》为中心
3.A Brief Account on the Academic life of Wu Mi--Comment on “Chronological Contents of Wu Mi s Works and Translations”;勾勒吴宓学术人生的轨迹——《吴宓著译系年目录辑要》评介
4.Chairman of Preparatory Committee for the Mi Wu Conference吴宓学术讨论会筹备委员会主任
5.On the Systematicity of Wu Mi’s Thought and his Concept of One-and-Many;论吴宓思想的体系性及其“一多”观念
6.Wu Mi s "Morality" Literature View of New Humanism;吴宓新人文主义的“道德”的文学观
7.A brief analysis of Wu Mi s elaboration and spreading of the traditional Chinese humanism;略论吴宓对中国传统人文精神的阐扬
8.His work in these areas also commands general respect.在这些领域内吴宓的成就也赢得了普遍的重视。
9.WuMi s Thought of "Literature-life Curriculum" and Its Inspiration;吴宓的《文学与人生》课程思想及其现实启示
10.Internal Conflict and Self-salvation:a Study of the Early Journals of WU Mi;内心的文化冲突及其自救——吴宓前期日记研究
11.Combination of Sentiment and Reason: On Wu Mi s Outlook on Spirit of Poetry;情理兼到,情智双修——论吴宓的诗歌精神观
12.On Wu Mi’s Cultural Views and His Cultural Experience before Studying in America;论吴宓留学前的文化经历与其文化取向的关系
13.Chinese Students Studying Abroad and Modern New Confucianism --taking Feng Youlan and Wu Mi as the Representatives;中国留学生与现代新儒家——以冯友兰、吴宓为中心
14.A contempory scholar with most qualities of poem--On the"old style"poetry of Mr.Wu Mi;最具诗人气质的现代学人——论吴宓先生的旧体诗
15.On Wu Mi s Thought and Criticism of Literature and Arts in 1920s;试论二十年代吴宓文艺思想与批评实践
16.A Loud Thunder at a Quiet Place;于无声处听惊雷──读《吴宓先生给邹名璋侄的信》
17.An Un-satisfactory Tragedy: My Opinion on Wu Mi and His Cultural Ideality;无法圆满的悲剧——我看吴宓及其文化理想
18.After his graduation from Harvard Mi Wu returned to China and started teaching western literature at the Southeastern University in Nanking.吴宓从哈佛毕业后,回到中国,开始在南京东南大学讲授西方文学。

Wu Mis Verses《吴宓诗集》
3)marriage and love affairs of Wu mi吴宓婚恋
4)On Wu Mi s Poems论吴宓的诗
5)Wu Mi and The Critical Review吴宓与《学衡》
6)Wu Mi's Self compiled Life chronicle《吴宓自编年谱》
