生活教育,life education
1)life education生活教育
1.The Effect of Tao Xingzhi s Life Education Theory on Education of Adaptable Function;陶行知生活教育理论对适应性功能教育的启示
2.This paper investigates and studies several teaching ideas and methods, such as humanism, life education, joyful teaching and computer simulation; with their application in the teaching of engineering courses.本文探讨了几种教学思想和手段,包括人本原理、"生活教育"学说、快乐教学法以及仿真教学在电气类专业教学中的应用。
3.This paper introduces some highlights on Mr Tao Xingzhi s life education and it s significance.本文从陶行知先生的“生活教育”、“社会即学校”和“教学做合一”等方面的教育理论入手进一步挖掘其教育理论精华 ,以其指导现实教育改革工

1.Youth and Family Life Education Network青年与家庭生活教育
2.Family Life Education Resource Centre家庭生活教育资料中心
3.family life education worker家庭生活教育工作人员;家庭生活教育工作者
4.C. Educate the kids to be noble and normal.三、重视生活教育、人格教育的养成。
5.Drawing Inspiration from the Life-oriented Education Theory to the Preschool Education生活教育理论对学前双语教育的启示
6.China Needs a New Educational Philosophy: From Quality Education to Life Education;中国需要新的教育哲学:从素质教育到生活教育
7.Programme Committee on Family Life Education家庭生活教育活动委员会
8.On the Meaning of Life to Education and the Meaning of Education to Life;论教育的生活意义和生活的教育意义
9.“Life World” and Education Inclination;“生活世界”与教育的取向——兼论“教育即生活”与“生活即教育”
10.An Comparison between Du Wei and Tao Xing-zhi s Points towards Life and Education;生活与教育——杜威“教育即生活”与陶行知“生活即教育”之比较
11.family education[美]家庭(生活)教育(课)
12.From "Education is Life"(Dewey) to "Life is Education"(TAO Xing-zhi)从杜威的"教育即生活"到陶行知的"生活即教育
13.On Individual Activity:the Life Vigor of Education Ecological Environment;个体活动:教育生态的生命活力所在
14.Education:Transformation from "Should-be Life" to "Possible Life"教育:“应然生活”向“可能生活”的转向
15.Current Education Reform in China:Seen from the Concept of "Life Being Education";从“生活即教育”看当代中国教育改革
16.Education Making Our Life Better--Study on Henry Norn s Russell s pedagogical thinking;教育成就美好生活—罗素教育思想刍议
17.A Revelation of J. Dewey s "Education Is Life" to Quality-oriented Education;杜威“教育即生活”对素质教育的启示
18.Nurturance Education about Green Lifestyle in Chemistry Education化学教育中绿色生活方式的养成教育

living education生活教育
1.The ceremony is a kind of "becoming an adult education",a form of life education,responsibility education as well as living education.成人仪式是人类历史上特有的一种文化现象,是一种古老的青年教育的方式,积淀着一个民族的古风遗俗,具有丰富的教育意蕴:成人仪式是一种“成人”教育;成人仪式是一种生活教育;成人仪式是一种责任教育;成人仪式是一种生命教育。
2.Education of Survival Thought of Tao xing-zhi implies his simple living education theory full of philosophy, which emphasizes the combination of.陶行知的生存教育思想蕴涵在他的朴素的而富有哲理的生活教育论中 ,强调教育与生产劳动紧密结合 ,还教育以本来面目。
3.The role of health school libraries in life,survival and living education of students to help them cultivate their outlooks on life,survival and living was studied.从中等卫校图书馆的角度探讨图书馆在开展生命教育、生存教育和生活教育活动中帮助学生确立正确的生命观、生存观和生活观的作用。
3)educational life教育生活
1.The satisfaction of happiness in teachers educational life mainly comes from their awareness of healthiness,independence,fairness,morality,successfulness,harmoniousness,and sense of belonging.揭示教师教育生活幸福感的构成,并从教师教育生活的实际出发,探究满足教师教育生活幸福感的方式,在理论上有助于增进人们对教师教育生活的理解,在实践上有助于增进教师教育生活的幸福和学生教育生活的幸福。
2.This paper explores today s educational life in terms of the dialectical relationship between competition and compromise.在当代社会背景下教育生活中存在竞争与妥协的辩证关系。
4)education life教育生活
1.As one of the important specializations of education life, multi-integretion appears the integration of past life, realization life and future life; the integration of teachers life and students life; the integration of recognition life and feeling life; the integration of direct life and indirect life; the integration of system life and freedom life, ect.奠基于教育世界的教育生活具有自身的特殊性。
2.With the development of education in modern society,compromise,in education life,gets value rationality and legitimacy.随着现代社会教育的发展,教育生活中的妥协获得了价值合理性和正当性。
5)life is education生活即教育
6)education is life教育即生活
1.The Essence of Dewey s "Education is life" and the Critic of Education Regression to Life Word;杜威“教育即生活”的内涵与教育“回归‘生活世界’”之批判
