学术规范,academic norm
1)academic norm学术规范
1.The establishment of academic norm in talent culture;重视学术规范对人才培养的作用
2.The practical reflection on academic freedom and academic norm to China;学术自由与学术规范对我国切实性问题的思考
3.This paper reviews the discussion about the academic norm organized by Library and Information.文章是对《图书与情报》学术规范讨论的阶段性总结,认为这场讨论对于提倡学术正气,提高学人思想认识,强化同人学术规范意识,推动本学科学术规范建设,起到了积极作用。

2.On the Key Role and Responsibility of Universities Journal in Maintaining Academic Standard;论高校学报在维护学术规范中的责任
3.The Construction of Pedagogic Academic Norm: present condition and outlook;教育学的学术规范建设:现状与展望
4.On Journal Editors Occupational Ethics and Academic Standard;浅议学报编辑的职业道德与学术规范
5.An Analysis of the Academic Standardization of Chinese Linguistics Periodicals Published between 2004 and 20062004——2006年中国语言学期刊学术规范分析
6.Construction of Academic Norm Depends on Implementation and Self-discipline;学术规范建设重在落实 贵在自律
7.Comments on controversies of musical academic innovation and criterion in new ages;新时期音乐学术创新与学术规范论争述评
8.The Academic Morals and Academic Norm Training of Master Degree Candidates;论硕士研究生学术道德与学术规范的培养
9.The practical reflection on academic freedom and academic norm to China;学术自由与学术规范对我国切实性问题的思考
10.The Psychological Reasons of Scholarship Anomie and the Psychological Regulation of Scholarship Norm in Colleges and Universities;高校学术失范的心理动因及学术规范的心理调控
11.REGULATION OF SCIENCE NORMS AND COMBAT AGAINST THE CORRUPTIONS IN THE SCIENCE -- A Summary of Symposium on"the Regulation of Science Norms and Style of Study"in Journal of Dialectic of Nature整饬学术规范,反对学术腐败——《自然辩证法通讯》“学术规范与学风建设”专栏讨论综述
12.Academic Norms and Study Style of Classical Literature at the End of the 20th Century世纪末古典文学研究的学术规范与学风
13.Meditation of Maintaining Academic Standard and Morality --Comments on Chen Guosheng s Academic Fasification;维护学术规范和学术道德的沉思——评陈国生学术造假事件
14.Academic standardization analysis of sports periodicals based on CSSCI;基于CSSCI(2004—2006)的体育学期刊学术规范量化分析
15.Primary ways analyse of carrying the education of academical criterion in medical college;医学院校开展学术规范教育的主要途径分析
16.Strengthening Education of Scientific Morals and Academic Standardization in Universities;高校应该加强科学道德和学术规范教育
17.STANDARDIZAION AND DISTANDARDIZATION:Thinking on the Problem of Academic Corruption(Ⅱ);规范与失范——关于学术腐败的思考笔记(二)
18.Have you followed current conventions of academic writing?是否遵循了学术论文的写作规范?

Academic standard学术规范
1.Status quo and countermeasures on academic standard of postgraduates in P. E. institutes体育院校研究生学术规范的现状及对策
2.Furthermore,it points out that the international awareness of educational research results should be developed and the common academic standards and the academic periodical inte.通过了解SSCI数据库的特点、分析教育学科在其数据库中的地位,本文指出中国教育研究成果要走向国际,必须树立教育研究成果的国际意识,遵守共同的学术规范和加强学术期刊的国际交流。
3)academic norms学术规范
1.It is pointed out that observation of citation conven- tions and academic norms is crucial to the academic development of students and the forming of a .针对这种情况,本文从学术和法律的角度,界定抄袭行为的概念并指出其严重性;同时,以个案分析的形式介绍了识别抄袭的方法,用实例展示了如何合理地使用他人的研究成果并将其融入自己作品之中;最后,还介绍了几种被广泛接受的征引文献的格式,希望能达到鼓励外语类学生养成良好的学术态度、掌握恰当的学术规范的目的。
2.In the discussions concerning the normalization of academic researches, the value, subject and methodology of academic norms are the three comparatively important questions.在有关学术规范的讨论中,学术规范的价值、学术规范的主体和学术规范的方法是三个比较重要的问题。
4)Academic Criterion学术规范
1.The problems of academic criterion in music world were presented more serious than other subjects due to superficial understanding and misleading to music art and its phenomena.本文以音乐学"学术规范"为考察对象,分析了近年来发生在我国音乐学术研究领域的学术失范行为及其主要表现形态和产生背景,对学术界围绕"学术创新与学术规范"问题的讨论进行描述,对此次论争的产生原因和背景、论争的性质和目的、对象和方法、作用和意义以及论争中所涉及的与音乐学学术规范有关的若干理论命题进行探讨,对各方论者所涉及的主要论域和主要观点进行分析与评价,并在此基础上阐明了作者在上述几个问题上的立场和观点。
2.Currently,a relativism trend has emerged in the scope of Study on "Dream of Red Mansions",denying academic criterions and denying norms for the right and the wrong.当前,在红学领域出现了一种否定学术规范、否认是非对错标准的相对主义倾向,这与当代西方各种激进的哲学流派的涌入不无关系。
3.The paper studies subject construction in Jiaxing College in four major aspects: the orientation and goal of subject construction, organization of subject construction, academic moral and academic criterion construction, evaluation mechanism of subject construction.该文对嘉兴学院现阶段学科建设的定位和目标、学科建设的组织形式、学术道德与学术规范建设、学科建设的评估机制等四个重要问题进行了初步探
5)Academic standardization学术规范
1.Science moral,academic standardization and moral education in universities——Take the example for Suzhou University survey;科学道德、学术规范与高校德育教育——以苏州大学调查为例
2.Analysis of Academic Standardization of Key Journals of Integrated Education(2004-2006)综合性教育学核心期刊学术规范量化分析——基于入选CSSCI(2008-2009)来源期刊
3.The university social and scientific journal has a positive effect on the academic standardization.高校社科学报对学术规范化具有正面作用,但如果处理不当,也会对学术规范化起到负面效果。
6)the New paradigium of Academic新学术规范

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿