校本教研,school-based teaching and research
1)school-based teaching and research校本教研
1.Exploration of school-based teaching and research of middle schools in towns in minority areas of Guizhou;贵州民族地区乡镇中学数学校本教研的探索
2.A Study on Practice of School-based Teaching and Research in Biology of High Schools;高中生物学科校本教研的实践研究
3.School-based Teaching and Research in Jiuzhou Primary School;九洲小学校本教研的探索

1.Rational consideration on school-based research in secondary vocational schools;对中等职业学校校本教研的理性思考
2.School Base Teaching and Research: One Effective Approach to Accelerate Teachers Specialization Development;校本教研:教师专业发展的有效途径
3.Teacher Reflection Based on School-based Teaching Research: Causes and Motivation;基于校本教研的教师反思:动因与动力
4.Pushing Forward the School-based Teaching Research to Promote the Development of Teachers Specialties;推进校本教研建设 促进教师专业发展
5.School-based Teaching and Research:the Historical Choice for Teachers Professional Development;校本教研:教师专业发展的历史选择
6.Young Teacher Sharon:Effective ways of school-based teaching and research;青年教师沙龙:校本教研的有效途径
7.School-based Teaching and Research Serve as the Space for Teachers Cooperative Culture;校本教研——教师合作文化的创建平台
8.The Three-dimensional School-based Teaching Research in Rural Areas and Teachers Professional Development;农村“立体化校本教研"与教师专业发展
9.Improve Teachers Professional Levels of Competence Based on School-complied Teaching, Studying and Training;立足校本教研培训 提升教师专业素质
10.Promoting the Development of the Teachers Specialization by Carrying Out the School Education Research;开展校本教研 促进教师专业化成长
11.School-based teaching and research and teacher s professional development in rural areas;校本教研与农村地区教师的专业发展
12.On the History Options of Teachers' Professional Development--School-based Teaching and Research论教师专业发展的历史选择——校本教研
13.To Develop of Teacher's Practical Knowledge in School-based Educational Research在校本教研中发展教师的实践性知识
14.Re-analysis The School-based Research of Minorities Regions under the Perspective of the Professional Development of Teachers再析教师专业发展视野下的校本教研
15.School-based Teaching and Researching:The Permanet Way of Teachers Professional Development in Rural Areas;校本教研:农村教师专业发展的“治本之策”
16.Actual Status of Individual Teaching Research in Primary School and Development Strategy;小学校本教研的现状及发展对策研究
17.The Focus of the School Prosperity by Scientific Research School-orientated Teaching and Research;论“科研兴校”的着力点——校本教学研究
18.Universities and Colleges Should Guide School-based Research In Order to Promote Quality Education;高校应引领“校本研究”,推进“素质教育”

school-based teaching research校本教研
1.Pushing Forward the School-based Teaching Research to Promote the Development of Teachers Specialties;推进校本教研建设 促进教师专业发展
2.Several issues of school-based teaching research;校本教研中需要注意的几个问题
3)school-based research校本教研
1.Rational consideration on school-based research in secondary vocational schools;对中等职业学校校本教研的理性思考
2.The School-based Research of Minorities Regions under the Perspective of the Professional Development of Teachers;教师专业发展视野下的民族地区校本教研
3.A Strategic Study on Regional Promotion of School-based Research in Rural Middle Schools;区域推进农村中学校本教研的策略研究
4)school-based educational research校本教研
1.A Case Study on School-based Educational Research Improving the Teachers Professional Development;校本教研促进教师专业发展之个案研究
2.Theory and Practice of U-S Collaborative Research in School-based Educational Research;校本教研中“大学—小学合作研究”的理论与实践
3.The misunderstanding of the role and functions of school-based educational research has led to practice astray.校本教研实践歧义产生的根源是校本教研作用和功能理论的模糊。
5)school-based research strategy本校教研策略
6)research training on the school校本教研培训

教研室主任  主要指高等学校按专业或课程设置的基层教学组织即教学研究室的负责人员。    在资本主义国家和旧中国,高等学校没有教学研究室组织,教师直接向系(科)主任或校(院)长负责,采取教授负责制。中华人民共和国成立初期,学习苏联经验,结合中国实际,进行教学改革,在高等学校建立了教学研究指导组,后改为教学研究室,简称教研室,作为学校教学和科研的基层组织。每室设主任一人,在系(科)主任领导下全面负责本专业或课程的教学和科研活动。    在中国,教研室主任要领导和组织教师讨论和制订本室各学科的教学计划,拟定教学大纲,选编教材;正确处理教学与科研的关系,本科生与研究生的关系;改进教学方法;制订青年教师进修计划和研究生培养计划;领导所属实验室、资料室的建设和管理工作;领导本室教师对学生的自习、实验和实习,加强指导等等。    在中国,中等学校里,一般不设立教研室,而是按各学科分别设教学研究组,简称教研组。教研组长要领导本组教师学习党的教育方针、政策;研究教学大纲、教材和教法,提高课堂教学质量;结合教学钻研教学理论和专业科学知识,帮助新教师提高业务能力;总结交流教学和领导课外活动的经验等。    此外,中国的省、市、地区(州)、县各级教育行政部门都设有教学研究室,主要负责研究、推动本地区的教学改进工作。