社会哲学,Social philosophy
1)Social philosophy社会哲学
1.Mach s social philosophy and social practice;马赫的社会哲学和社会实践

1.Sima Qian s Physical Philosophy and the Social Philosophy in Shi Ji (Records of the Historian);司马迁自然哲学与《史记》社会哲学
2.Philosophy of Science,Philosophy of Technology,Philosophy of Society from Social Constructivism;从社会建构主义看科学哲学、技术哲学和社会哲学
3.International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy国际法律与社会哲学协会
4.Engineering Philosophy: From the Perspectives of "Meta-" Philosophy and Social Epistemology;工程哲学:“元”哲学与社会认识论的视野
5.Family Philology:West Philosophy Individual-society Pattern s Scotoma.;家哲学:西方哲学“个人——社会”模式的盲点
6.Toward a Harmonious Philosophy:the Philosophical Foundation of Socialistic Harmonious Society;和谐哲学:社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础
7.Philosophy Idea of Society Developing--New Recognition of Learning Society;社会发展哲学观——学习型社会的新认知
8.The Prosperity of Philosophy and Social Sciences for Socio-economic Development繁荣哲学社会科学 服务经济社会发展
9.the theory sets up philosophy foundation of the socialism diapason society论构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础
10.Philosophic Inquiry into the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society;对“构建社会主义和谐社会”的哲学探讨
11.On the Low Entropy Society Is the Philosophical Essence and Evidence For the Harmonious Society;低熵社会:和谐社会的哲学本质和依据
12."the construction constructs the socialism harmonious society" the philosophy ponders;对“构建社会主义和谐社会”的哲学思考
13.The philosophical methodology of building socialist harmonious society;构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学方法论
14.Talking about Constructing the Philosophy Basis of the Harmonious Socialist Society;论构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学依据
15.From Totality Philosophy to Harmonious Society--On Philosophical Foundation of Building a Socialist Harmonious Society;从总体性哲学到和谐社会——论构建社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础
16.Philosophy Ponder on Non-tradition Mass Organization Social Function of Our Country;我国非传统社团社会功能的哲学思考
17.Environmental sociology: challenge to and inspiration for sociology from ecological philosophy;环境社会学:生态哲学对社会学的挑战与启示
18.The State Philosophy and the Theoretical Generalization of the Philosophy of Socialist Countries;国家哲学与社会主义国家哲学的理论概述

philosophy and sociology哲学社会学
3)philosophy of sociology社会学哲学
4)sociological & philosophical study哲学与社会
5)philosophy of society哲学社会观
6)Philosophy and social sciences哲学社会科学
1.Several Considerations on Building the Theoretical Innovation System of Philosophy and Social Sciences;关于建设哲学社会科学理论创新体系的若干思考
2.An investigation of the research for philosophy and social sciences in Heilongjiang province A Question for Study Group with the Propaganda Department,;对黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究状况的调查
3.Recognize the tradition and dange of the nearsightedness culture and pay attention to the innovation in philosophy and social sciences;认清短视文化传统及其危害 重视哲学社会科学的理论创新

法哲学和社会哲学国际协会  专门研究法哲学和社会哲学的国际性学术团体。创立于1909年,会址设在瑞士巴塞尔大学。其宗旨是在法哲学和社会哲学领域内进行具有国际水平的探索。该协会吸收对法哲学和社会哲学有专业兴趣的会员。它每2年年召开一次世界性学术大会,并举行有关专业的学术会议。它的出版物为《法哲学和社会哲学文献》(季刊)等。