三生教育,Sansheng Education
1)Sansheng Education三生教育
1."Sansheng Education" in the Field of Music Education音乐教育视野中的“三生教育
2.Transition between "Sansheng Education" and Social Education Value“三生教育”与社会教育价值观之变迁
3.The Scientific Development Road to Higher Education with Yunnan Characteristic——Study on "Sansheng Education" in Colleges and Universities云南特色高等教育科学发展之路——高等学校“三生教育”研究

1.On the Pattern of Life Eucation in Kindergartens幼儿园“三生教育”之生命教育模式探析
2.Transition between "Sansheng Education" and Social Education Value“三生教育”与社会教育价值观之变迁
3.On the Relationship between "Sansheng Education" and All-round Development Education论“三生教育”与全面发展教育的关系
4.Children′s Life Education in Ancient China and Its Useful Inspiration on "Sansheng Education"中国古代幼儿生命教育及其对“三生教育”的启示
5.The Manifestation and Realization of the Value of Sports in "The Living-life-survival Education"“三生教育”中体育价值的显现与实现
6.The Significance of "Sansheng Education" and Classroom Teaching“三生教育”之生命意蕴及意义课堂
7.Completely Carry out "Sansheng Education" to Build Modern Education Value System全面实施“三生教育” 建设现代教育价值体系
8.On Essence of "Sansheng Education"--About the Nature of Life Surviving Living Education“三生教育”本质论——关于生命、生存、生活教育本质的思考
9.Three Priorities: better outcome of pregnancy, better child-raising, better education三优:优生、优育、优教
10.C. Educate the kids to be noble and normal.三、重视生活教育、人格教育的养成。
11.Discussion about the Graduate Experimental Education Reformation from the Three Elements of Education从教育三元素论研究生实验教育改革
12.The Summary and Exploration of Teaching Practice on Philosophy,Values and Morality about the Freshmen;大学新生“三观”教育的教学实践与探索
13.On the 3V Education of Students by the 2C Teachers;论“两课”教师对学生的“三观”教育
14.Great Efforts to Build A "Triple Three" System of College Ideological And Political Education努力构建“三三三”大学生思想政治教育体系
15."Three-be" Education: An Exploration of University Student’s Ideological and Political Education Innovation“三成”教育:大学生思想政治教育的创新探索
16.All three were students at Louisiana Technical College.这三人都是这一职业教育学院的学生。
17.On the Middle School Students Education Mode of "Trinity";“三位一体”中学生道德教育模式研究
18.Improving Work in Helping Students with Problems in Life,Study and Mind by Promoting Cultural-Quality-Oriented Education;开展文化素质教育 做好“三困”学生工作

three kind of education三育教育
3)The plan of three early educations三早教育
1.The plan of three early educations is based on our real education condition, which builds a bridge between the traditional education and advanced education as a balance and breakthrough.“三早教育”计划立足我校实际 ,放眼未来 ,是在传统教育模式与国际先进教育模式间寻找的一个“平衡点” ,其具体含义是 :早期接触临床、早期接触科研、早期接触社会实践。
4)Three-level education三级教育
1.Through an international compare study, the paper reflects the current situation and existing problems ot educational expenditure and its distribution structure in the three-level education in China.通过对财政性教育支出总体水平及其三级教育中的分配结构两个方面的国际比较分析,反映我国财政性教育支出的状况和存在的问题,并提出相应的教育支出改革的思路。
5)"Three-Self" Education"三自"教育
1.On College Students "Three-Self" Education in New Situation;论新形势下大学生“三自”教育
6)Three views education三观教育

三生【三生】 (术语)即三世转生之意。传灯录曰:“有一省郎,梦至碧岩下一老僧前。烟穗极,微云此是檀越结愿,香烟存而檀越已三生矣。”白居易诗:“世说三生如不谬,共疑巢许是前身。”案此三生指转生而言。其外又有诸宗所立三生成佛之义者有数家,今列之如图。