吴汝纶,Wu Ru-lun
1)Wu Ru-lun吴汝纶
1.An analysis of the causes for Wu Ru-lun to abandon traditional Chinese medicine and to accept the Western medicine;弃中择西:清人吴汝纶医学观的转变及原因分析
2.Modern Educator Wu Ru-lun’s Thought on Teachers;近代教育家吴汝纶论教师
3.Research on WU Ru-lun s Life;关于吴汝纶生平的几点考证

1.Culture manifestations of Wu Ru-lun s medicine outlook and its cause;吴汝纶医药观的文化表现及成因简论
2.Common Features of the Educational Ideologies of Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun;张裕钊与吴汝纶教育思想的共同特征
3.The Lotus-Pool School and Formation of the Gu Wen Circle around Wu Ru-lun;莲池书院与以吴汝纶为中心的古文圈子的形成
4.A View of Wu Rulun s Education Thoughts and Practice from Scripts of Lord Banxue;从《办学公文稿》看吴汝纶教育思想与实践
5.An analysis of the causes for Wu Ru-lun to abandon traditional Chinese medicine and to accept the Western medicine;弃中择西:清人吴汝纶医学观的转变及原因分析
6.My Personal View on the Reappraisal of the Role of WU Ru-lun in Modern Chinese Education;吴汝纶在我国近代教育中定位问题之我见
7.A Brief Discussion about Wu Ru-lun s Attitude towards Western Science and Technology of Modern Agriculture;略论吴汝纶对西方近代农业科技的态度
8.Wu Rulun's Investigation in Japan and Its Impacts upon Modern Chinese Education吴汝纶赴日考察对中国近代教育的影响
9.After the war and chaos in 1901, Wu helped his student Zhongdacaizhi found a Japanese language school in Beijing.庚子之役后,吴汝纶帮助其学生中岛裁之在北京创办了东文学社。
10.Unity of View of Evolutional History and Confucian Orthodoxy of Ancient Chinese Prose--Thinking about Wu Rulun s and Yan Fu s Thoughts;进化史观与古文道统的同一——吴汝纶与严复思想考索
11.“A Good Combination of Chinese andWestern Elements”Is the Main Melodyof Wu Rulun’s Educational Idea;“东西合璧”是吴汝纶教育思想的主旋律——兼与“中体西用”教育思想比较
12.Study on three letters from Zhang Shu-sheng,Ding Ru-chang and Wu Zhao-уоu tо Сhosen Dynasty officials;韩国藏张树声、丁汝昌、吴兆有致朝鲜王朝官员书信三件笺证
13.Aaron: I'm not picky, just like Wu Zun. As long as the food is not too spicy, I'll alright.亚纶﹕不挑剔﹐好象吴尊一样。只要食物不要太辛辣﹐都还好。
14.Wu Zun: The one who is now giggling to himself– Aaron. But no, I think it's not because he is lazy. He simply prefers playing basketball, that's all.吴尊﹕个现在自己在偷笑的-亚纶。可是其实我想应该不是他最懒惰。他只是比较喜欢玩篮球吧了。
15.Acrylic,Linen ,Polyurethanes ,Wool ,Polypropylene腈纶, 麻, 氨纶, 羊毛, 丙纶
16.Making Explorations the Source of Ru porcelain汝瓷探源——兼谈汝窑与越窑的关系
17.Discussion of‘Three Feet Cup of Ru Kiln’and‘Three Feet Case of Ru Kiln’;“汝窑三足樽”与“汝窑三足奁”小议
18.core-spun spandex包芯氨纶丝,包芯氨纶纱

Wu Rulun吴汝纶
1.Affectionate Care between Teacher and Student: Li Hongzhang and Wu Rulun;李鸿章与吴汝纶的师友情缘
2.Unity of View of Evolutional History and Confucian Orthodoxy of Ancient Chinese Prose——Thinking about Wu Rulun s and Yan Fu s Thoughts;进化史观与古文道统的同一——吴汝纶与严复思想考索
3)WU Ru-lun s Opinions on the Western Medicine and Chinese Medicine吴汝纶与中西医
4)The review of the research about Wu Ru-lun吴汝纶研究述评
5)On Wu Rulun's Educational Thoughts论吴汝纶教育思想
6)Wu Ru-lun and the Lotus-pool School吴汝纶与莲池书院

吴汝纶(1840~1903)  近代文学家、教育家。字挚甫。安徽桐城人。同治三年(1864)举人,次年中进士。先后入曾国藩、李鸿章幕府。历官直隶深州、冀州(今均属河北)知州。光绪十五年(1889)起,主讲保定莲池书院,执教多年,弟子甚众。二十八年,吏部尚书张百熙荐举为京师大学堂教习,自请赴日本考察学政。在日本,因留学生事与驻日公使蔡钧发生龃龉,归国后不赴京师就任,还乡谋办桐城小学校。    吴汝纶与张裕钊、黎庶昌、薛福成号称"曾门四弟子"。曾国藩说"吾门人可期有成者,惟张、吴两生"(《清史稿·张裕钊传》)。其论文,宗法桐城派,而又主张"有所变而后大",认为"桐城诸老,气清体洁,海内所宗,独雄奇瑰玮之境尚少"(《与姚仲实》)。所以他的文章,既得桐城派整饬雅洁之长,又不全落桐城窠臼,风格矜炼典雅,意厚气雄,得于《史记》者尤深。不过因求文者众,应酬之作稍多。    吴汝纶论学,也师事曾国藩,由训诂以通文辞。晚年尤着力于解经。自言"近十年来,自揣不能为文,乃遁而说经,成《书》、《易》二种说"(《答黎莼斋》)。然而说经实非其所长,"往往私造训诂,自立一义,不足为训"(张舜徽《清人文集别录》)。但其点勘,注释古籍多种,务在畅通大义,颇便于初学。    吴汝纶的思想比较开通,主张研习西学。他主讲莲池书院时,曾特聘英文、日文教师。又曾为严复译《天演论》,《原富》和美日学者多种著作写序,倡导启蒙。《天演论序》传诵尤广,在清末思想界发生很大影响。    吴汝纶的诗,亦多应酬赠答之作,但也有些具有真情实感的作品,如《依韵奉酬廉卿》等,慷慨沉郁。    吴汝纶的著作,生前曾刊刻《深州风土记》、《东游丛录》等。殁后一年,其子吴闿生编次《桐城吴先生全书》付刊,内含文集、诗集、尺牍及说经著作等 6种。另有编定未刻及未编定者多种,后来陆续有《桐城吴先生日记》、《尺牍续编》及点勘古籍多种行世。