理性批判,rational criticism
1)rational criticism理性批判
1.There are two meeting points on Haidegeer and laozhuang s philosophy-rational criticism and human care.海德格尔哲学与老庄哲学有两个契合点:即理性批判和人文关怀。
2.He classified science and metaphysics with his rational criticism; and with his transcendental philosophy he greatly influenced the theoretical route and basic direction of the contemporary British and American analytical philosophy and European humanistic philosophy.他以其理性批判划分了科学与形而上学的不同领域,更以其先验哲学深刻影响了西方现代英美分析哲学与欧陆人本哲学的理论思路、基本走向。
3.The words are the field where the rational criticism can be launched,while the true words are the prerequisite for us to cond uct the rational criticism.理性批判是教育理论发展的基本动力。

1.On Frankfurt School s Criticism of Technological Ration;法兰克福学派技术理性批判理论批判
2.From Critique of Instrumental Rationality to Critique of Functional Rationality:An Important Turn of the Critical Theory;从“工具理性批判”到“功能理性批判”——批判理论的一个重要转向
3.Critique of the Critique of Instrumental Reason in Dialectics of Enlightenment;对《启蒙辩证法》中工具理性批判思想的批判
4.The Two Wings of the Modernity Criticism: Rationalism Criticism and Aesthetics Salvation;现代性批评的两翼:理性批判与审美救赎
5.Engels and Hypnotism--Critique of Reason Based on Practice恩格斯与催眠术——基于实践的理性批判
6.On Immanuel Kant s "Synthetical Judgments a Priori" in Critique of Pure Reason;《纯粹理性批判》核心思想及其价值
7.On Husserl s Criticism of the Scientific Ration and His Scientific Concept;论胡塞尔的科学理性批判及其科学观
8.The Comparison of the A and B editions Transcendental Deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason;《纯粹理性批判》中两版先验演绎之比较
9.A Reason Critique in "the Eyes of Power";透过“权力的眼睛”的理性批判思想
10.Look at Infinite Condition From Critique of Pure Reason;从《纯粹理性批判》看“无条件”问题
11.On the translation of“Appearance" and “Phenomenon"in 《Critique of the pure rationality》;关于《纯粹理性批判》中“Appearance”与“Phenomenon”的翻译
12.Honneth s Critical Reflection of Early Critical Theory;霍耐特对早期批判理论的批判性反思
13.Critical Discourse Analysis Theory and Critical Text Reading;批判话语分析理论与批判性语篇阅读
14.Critical Research of Frye s Theory of Archetypal Criticism;关于弗莱原型批评理论的批判性考察
15.The Theory of Social Harm:A Further Critical Clearance;社会危害性理论:进一步的批判性清理
16.On the Rational Bases of Habermas Social Critical Theory;论哈贝马斯社会批判理论的理性基础
17.A critical comment or judgment.批判批判性的评论或判断
18.Critical View on Criticism Theory:Reflection on Marcuse's Criticism批判理论之批判——马尔库塞批判理论的当下反思

critical rationality批判理性
1.When we seek for the approaches to the humanistic care for science and technology, we should keep the value rationality and critical rationality.在寻找对科学技术的人文关怀的途径中,对它们保持价值理性和批判理性,努力做到:坚持科学与人文相结合;关注人文视野中的技术;坚持科技进步与人的全面发展相结合,从而破除迷信而崇尚真理,实现科技进步与可持续发展的并行不悖。
3)Critical Reason批判的理性
1.On Marcuse's Critical Reason and New Sensibility Thought;马尔库塞批判的理性与新感性思想研究
4)critical rationlism批判理性论
5)the critical social theory批判性社会理论
1.The artical based on the critical social theory examined contrains and obstacles encountered in this process are revealed.NursingEducation 2 0 0 2 ,4 1(7) :2 89 2 94 )上著文 ,论述了该校实施国际交流项目的初步经验 ,该文根据批判性社会理论 ,指出了在项目实施过程中所遇到了障碍和限制 ,特别是政治和经济对沟通和理解互动的影响。
6)critical rationalism批判理性主义
1.The Legal Philosophy of Critical Rationalism: Albert s Opinions and Method;批判理性主义法哲学:阿尔伯特的理论路向与方法研究
2.This paper illustrates the basic structure of his book The Logic of Scientific Discovery and summarizes his "critical rationalism" and his main standpoints.在梳理《科学发现的逻辑》一书基本结构的基础上,概述波普尔的"批判理性主义"思想的形成及其主要观点,可以看出波普尔将科学游戏—即科学发现—的规则的研究结果称作"科学发现的逻辑"。
3.logical positivism and critical rationalism).本文简要而又全面地评述了逻辑主义(即逻辑实证主义和批判理性主义)关于科学与非科学的划界的相关思想,提出了必须区分科学与非科学的划界的两种重要涵义:第一种划界和第二种划界。

批判理性主义  见K.R.波普尔。