网络教室,network classroom
1)network classroom网络教室
1.Design and implement of network classroom of remote teaching system using ASP;远程教学网络教室的设计与实现
2.Application of communication technology in the management system of network classrooms;网络教室管理系统中多媒体通信技术的应用
3.This article introduced the design idea,the technical characteristic and the function of information management system for the multimedia and the network classroom.介绍了开发多媒体与网络教室信息管理系统的设计思路、技术特点与功能。

1.Red Spider Multimedia Network Classroom" -a good aid in network-aided teaching;“红蜘蛛多媒体网络教室”——网络教学好助手
2.Design and Implementation of Net Classroom Based on Campus Network;基于校园网的网络教室的设计与实现
3.Multimedia network language laboratory used in english teaching;多媒体网络教室在英语教学中的应用
4.On the Application of the Multimedia Network Classrooms;浅谈多媒体网络教室在教学中的应用
5.Design and Implementation of Network Classroom System Based on CSCW;基于CSCW的网络教室设计与实现
6.Making Use of Old Equipment to Building New-type Multimedia Network Classroom;利用旧设备 构建新型多媒体网络教室
7.Network Classroom System Based on IPTV Technology一种基于IPTV技术的网络教室系统设计
8.Teaching Method of Combining with Classroom Teaching,Network Classroom and Course Experiment课堂教学、网络教室和课程实验结合的教学方法
9.The Application of Multimedia Network Classroom in the Teaching of Computer;浅谈多媒体网络教室在计算机教学中的作用
11.The Application of Multi-Media Network Classroom in Computer Teaching;多媒体网络教室在计算机教学中的应用
12.Creating a New Mode of the Chinese Composition Teaching by Means of Multi-media and Internet;在多媒体网络教室环境下创建作文教学新模式
13.The Study on Inquisition Teaching Model in Multimedia Network Classroom多媒体网络教室中的探究教学模式研究
14.The Selection of Network Teaching System in Multimedia Classroom;多媒体教室网络教学系统方案的选择
15.The Design of Network Teaching and Network Testing System in Multimedia Classroom多媒体课室网络教学与网络考试系统的设计
16.Using Ghost and Electronic Classroom Software to Maintain Network Computer Lab;运用Ghost和电子教室软件维护网络机房
17.The Exploring Development and of Network Classroom for Physical Education;高等院校网络体育教室的建设与探讨
18.Reformation and Project Design of Network Lab Experiment Teaching;网络实验室实验教学改革与方案设计

classroom net教室网络
3)multimedia network classroom多媒体网络教室
1.Effective Teaching Strategies based on Multimedia Network Classroom;基于多媒体网络教室的有效教学策略
2.This paper talked about applying bluetooth technology in multimedia network classroom and solving the insufficiency of traditional multimedia network classroom so as to improve the efficiency of network teaching.主要讨论在多媒体网络教室中运用蓝牙技术,解决传统多媒体网络教室存在的问题,提高网络教学的效率。
3.Based on the development of software installation and management in the multimedia network classrooms, and also according to the specialty of the multimedia network classroom, this thesis sets forth the necessity of using the software Ghost6.多媒体网络教室也称网络化多媒体教室,通常指的是在普通单机机房或普通教学网络的基础上,通过音频传输卡、视频传输卡、信号传输线、控制部件、耳机及麦克风等设备,实现教师机与学生机之间的互连,各计算机之间屏幕、声音的实时交换,并且具有多种辅助教学管理功能的教学系统。
4)network and computer classrooms网络和电子教室
1.In answering to this, the article puts forward a solution with multimedia, group activity, network and computer classrooms int.本文从课堂教学方式、课堂组织方式、课外学习监督等方面提出了多媒体教学手段、小组活动形式、网络和电子教室配合课堂教学等相结合的方式,并结合实践对其科学性和可行性等进行了探讨。
5)synchronous net-classroom同步网络教室
6)the network multimedia classroom网络多媒体教室
1.The method of installing computer system based on the PXE network launch technology was introduced in order to enable the installation and maintenance work of computer system in the network multimedia classroom faster and safer and more convenient.介绍了基于PXE网络启动技术安装计算机系统的实现方法,以使网络多媒体教室中计算机系统的安装与维护工作上更加快捷、安全和方便。
