社会平等,social equality
1)social equality社会平等
1.The paper contends that neighborhood effects help reduce social differences and promote social equality,which can be explained by both theory and practice.文章指出,邻里效应有助于减少社会差别、促进社会平等,这在理论和实践上都能得到说明。
2.Institution has intrinsic unity with social equality.制度与社会平等具有内在的统一性。
3.But, civil service exam system had broken old social stratification,so,it had positive role in accelerating reasonablely social mobicity, and constracting social equality system.但是,科举制度打破了旧有的社会分层,在促进合理的社会流动,在构建社会平等体系方面具有积极的意义。

1.Promoting Social Equality,Fairness and Constructing a Harmonious Society;促进社会平等、公平与和谐社会构建
2.On Social Equality under Socialist Market Economy--also on Roemer s Equal Concept;析社会主义市场经济背景下的社会平等问题——兼析罗默的平等观
3.On Social Equality and Citizen s Equality;论社会平等和公民平等——解读《反杜林论》的社会伦理学
4.Troktskyite Sri Lanka Equality Party斯里兰卡平等社会党
5.Equality Treatment (Social Security) Convention平等待遇(社会保障)公约
6.On the equal opportunity of social and nonsocial education;论社会、非社会提供的教育机会平等
7.Social inequality is one of the important social phenomena.社会不平等是重要的社会现象之一。
8.Social Sexual Equality and the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society;社会性别平等与社会主义和谐社会的构建
9.One who advocates the abolition of social inequities.平等主义者提倡消灭社会不平等现象的人
10.the doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political and economic and social equality.主张平等政治,经济和社会理想的人类平等主义。
11.Unequal Elementary Education and Unequal Social Economy;基础教育不平等背后的社会经济不平等
12.and that it could cause great inequality in society,而且它会在社会上引起巨大的不平等,
13.The Problem of Social Sex Equality Research on the Choice of Social Security System;社会保障制度选择中的社会性别平等问题研究
14.From Marxist Equality View to the Structuring of the Harmonious Society of Socialism;马克思主义平等观与社会主义和谐社会的构建
15.On Nations Equal Rights during the Construction of Socialistic Harmonious Society;论社会主义和谐社会构建中的民族平等权
16.Promoting High Education Fairness for a Socialist Harmonious Society;促进高等教育公平 构建社会主义和谐社会
17.Higher Education, Social Stratification and Social Justice in Transformational China;转型中国的高等教育、社会分层与社会公平
18.On the Problem of Higher Education Justice in the Socialist Harmonious Society社会主义和谐社会视阈中的高等教育公平问题

equal society平等社会
3)social inequality社会不平等
1.Take a look at the social stratification and social inequality from the perspective of urban communities:a comparative study to communities of Tianjin;从城市社区看社会分层与社会不平等——对天津市两个商品房社区的比较研究
4)social equality right社会平等权
5)Gender Equality社会性别平等
1.This paper elaborates from the perspective of social gender the importance of gender equality in the shaping of a new socialist countryside,discusses the gender inequality existing in the countryside and the negative impact of gender difference in the mode of female farming and male manufacturing and trading,in education,and in citizen participation.运用社会性别视角阐述社会性别平等发展对建设社会主义新农村的意义,分析当前农村社会中存在的性别不平等现象,指出“女耕男工”、文化教育、民主参与等方面的性别差异现状对建设新农村产生的不利影响,提出了关照农村社会性别的特殊需求,将性别平等与妇女发展纳入教育优先发展的体系,制定、实施适当的倾斜政策,加强先进社会性别文化建设等推进农村妇女发展的措施与建议。
2.In women s development, the crux of the matter lies in gender equality.而发展的核心问题则是社会性别平等。
3.This paper reviews and analyzes the Chinese and international labor laws and policies from a gender perspective and argues that to realize gender equality in laws and policies is a basis of eliminating gender discrimination in the world of work.文章从社会性别视角对中国以及国际劳动法律和政策进行回顾分析,认为在法律和政策制定层面实现社会性别平等是消除劳动领域性别歧视的基础,主张在中国劳动法律和政策制定过程中,加强社会性别平等的立法理念,把性别平等原则和方法纳入立法程序,逐步完善妇女劳动权益保障法律体系。
6)level of social equality社会平等程度

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决