劳动教育,labor education
1)labor education劳动教育
1.The Problems, Reasons and Relative Strategies of Youngsters Labor Education in Current China;当代中国青少年劳动教育的问题、原因及其对策
2.Strengthening labor education and constructing practical approaches for morality cultivation加强大学生劳动教育 构建文明修身实践途径
3.This paper analyses the aim, significance, and form of labor education to the college students and expounds the impact of labor education on college students quality education.本文围绕对大学生实施劳动教育的目的、意义及形式进行了认真的分析,阐述了劳动教育在大学生素质教育中产生的影响。

1.Education for human being:to combine labor education with leisure education;人的教育:劳动教育与闲暇教育相结合
2.The Functions of Labor Education in the Students All-round Development Education;劳动教育在学生全面发展教育中的作用
3.Effects of Labor Education on College Students Quality Education;略论劳动教育对大学生素质教育的影响
4.Improve Students’ Overall Qualities with Labor Education;以劳动教育促进学生整体素质的提高
5.Carry out labour safety and health care education among the workers对劳动者进行劳动安全卫生教育,
6.Vocational Education: A Way from Labor Surplus to Labor Liberation;职业教育:劳动力剩余走向劳动力解放
7.labour compensation of the educated受教育者的劳动报酬
8.An Adventure in Working-Class Education劳动阶级教育的创举
9.Experiment on Laboring technical Education for Moderate Mentally Retarded Pupils;中度智力残疾学生劳动、劳动技术教育实验报告
10.Scientific research and educational work are mental labour -- and doesn't mental labour count as labour?科研工作、教育工作是脑力劳动,脑力劳动也是劳动嘛。
11.The Issue of Teacher s Work Pay: Viewed from the Commodity Property of Education;从教育之商品性看教师劳动报酬问题
12.Improve Labor and Technology Teaching, Actualize Quality Education;改进劳动技术课堂教学,实施素质教育
13.How Should We Improve the Minorities Ability to Compete under the Background of the Development of the Western Areas;西部开发、劳动力流动与少数民族教育
14.Raising Doubts on the View-Education Is Productive Labor--Discussing the Nature of Educational Labor with the Persons of the Same Occupation;对教育是生产劳动一说的质疑——关于教育劳动的性质与同仁的商榷
15.The Promoting Effect of Labour Skill Education on Quality Education;浅谈劳动技能教育在素质教育中的促进作用
16.Experiment of Working Skill and Vocational Education;启智学校劳动技术教育与职业教育实验报告
17.Education and the Division of Labor: Gorz’s Theory of Education Fairness and Its Enlightenment教育与劳动分工——高兹的教育公平理论及其启示
18.People in the field of education worked especially hard.特别是教育工作者,他们的劳动更辛苦。

labour education劳动教育
1.In view of various bad styles among youths, colleges must keep in mind to strengthen labour education.开展劳动教育是造就学生全面发展的必须条件之一。
2.Proceeding from the function of labour in the formation and development of human beings, this paper gives a fairly comprehensive discussion about the labour education in terms of its significance and tasks, and content and implementation.本文从劳动在人的形成和发展中的作用谈起 ,对劳动教育的意义和任务以及内容和实施作了比较全面的论述。
3.Both Tao Xingzhi and Mao Zedong emphasized labour education and took it as a powerful weapon for transforming the old system of education.陶行知和毛泽东都很重视劳动教育 ,把劳动教育当成改造旧教育制度的强劲武器。
3)education labor教育劳动
1.This article focuses on the theoretical basis of socialist education labor with commodity features,the significance of the labor commodity in education practice and the relevant countermeasures of optimizing the allocation of labor resources under the primary stage of socialism and the marketing economic system.本文着重阐述了社会主义初级阶段,在市场经济体制下社会主义教育劳动具有商品性特征的理论基础、教育劳动商品性在教育实践上的意义以及优化配置教育劳动力资源的相关对策。
2.Based on education labor with social economic function,this paper discusses the potential,actuland implied relations between the higher professional education and the social economic develepment.本文从教育劳动所具有的社会经济功能入手 ,论述了高等职业教育与社会经济发展的潜在、现实、隐含关系 ,在此基础上 ,对高等职业教育与经济发展的相关度及其规律进行了更为深入的探
4)educational labor教育劳动
1.It includes the productivity of educational labor and investment, and the educational property of productive force.教育的生产性包括教育劳动的生产性、教育投资的生产性和教育的生产力属性三个方面。
2.Teachers professional morals, which are the components of the educational labor tools, fulfil an irreplaceable function in the course of education.教育劳动是一种特殊的生产劳动 ,教师是特殊的生产者。
5)labor course劳动教育课
6)Working view education劳动观教育

劳动教育  使学生树立正确的劳动观点和劳动态度,热爱劳动和劳动人民,养成劳动习惯的教育,是德育的内容之一。    生产劳动是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,是人类最基本的实践活动。在原始社会中,人人都要劳动才能生存。在阶级社会中,出现了体力劳动与脑力劳动的分离与对立,剥削阶级把体力劳动者作为剥削和压迫的对象。在社会主义中国,实现了生产资料公有制,消灭了剥削与压迫,劳动人民当家作主,劳动是每一公民的光荣义务。各尽所能按劳分配是社会主义的基本原则。每一个公民都应该以自己的辛勤劳动对社会主义现代化建设作出贡献。    劳动教育的主要内容是:①树立学生正确的劳动观点,使他们懂得劳动的伟大意义。了解人类的历史首先是生产发展的历史,是劳动人民创造的历史;懂得辛勤的劳动是建设社会主义和共产主义的根本保证;劳动是公民的神圣义务和权利;懂得轻视体力劳动和体力劳动者,是数千年来剥削阶级思想残余;懂得把脑力劳动同体力劳动相结合的重要意义。②培养学生热爱劳动和劳动人民的情感。养成劳动的习惯,形成以劳动为荣,以懒惰为耻的品质。抵制好逸恶劳、贪图享受、不劳而获、奢侈浪费等恶习的影响。③学习是学生的主要劳动,教育学生从小勤奋学习,将来担负起艰巨的建设任务。并教育学生正确对待升学、就业和分配。    劳动教育,还要通过生产劳动和公益劳动等来实施。学生在校期间,要按照教学计划的规定,适当参加劳动。