美育教育,aesthetic education
1)aesthetic education美育教育
1.While teaching chemistry, teaching material can be combined to carry on patriotism and dialectical materialism ideological education and aesthetic education as well.化学教学中结合教材可以对学生进行爱国主义思想教育、辩证唯物主义思想教育和美育教育
2.Starting with aesthetic education,the paper discusses the relationship between spinning and aesthetic education,completely displaying the beauty of sports and making people realize that they should undertake the sport in the perspective of appreciation of beauty in order to enrich sports and cultivate people s qualty.从体育运动中的美育教育出发,对单车运动与美育的关系进行论述,充分展示体育运动中美之所在,使人们认识到在体育运动中要以审美的眼光和观点来从事此项运动,从而丰富体育运动的内容,全面塑造参与体育运动的人们的审美修养。
3.This thesis analyses that aesthetic education is a relatively independent educational form and that aesthetic education exists in the teaching activity.分析了美育是一种相对独立的教育形态,美育教育存在于学科教学活动之中。

1.Shallow aesthetic education in talking about good duty universities and colleges sports teaching is educated;浅谈高职院校体育教学中的美育教育
2.Carry out the Development of Aesthetics Education and Appreciation Ability on High-Professional Physical Teaching;体育课实施美育教育与欣赏能力培养
3.The Soul of Music Teaching is Aesthetic Education;音乐教育是以审美教育为中心的教育
4.The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times.46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
5.Aesthetic Education-A Bridge between Calligraphic Education and Quality Education美育——书法教育中素质教育的纽带
6.People Oriented Education and College Art Teaching--Aesthetic Education in All-round-development Education;人本教育与高校美术教学——谈素质教育中的美育
7.Art Education in the Modern Aesthetic, Moral, Intellectual s Role;浅析现代美术教育的美育、德育、智育功能
8.Art education in normal university is the origin of the Basic Art Education.高师美术教育是基础美术教育的母体。
9.The Relation Between American School Sports Education and Social Sports Education;美国学校体育教育与社会体育教育关系研究
10.Physical Education with Aesthetic Education--the Value of Sports Dance Teaching;“体美双育”——体育舞蹈的教育价值研究
11.The Requirement of the Quality-oriented Education to the Blending of Moral and Aesthetic Education;论素质教育对德育与美育交融的要求
12.By“beautiful”nurtures the human--To discuss in the specialized middle school language teaching the esthetic education;以“美”育人——谈中专语文教学中的美育
13.Moral Education Combining Aesthetic Education with Art Teaching in Middle School;中学美术教学中的“德育”与“美育”
14.Relying upon Aesthetic Education instead of Religion──A New Thesis on the Aesthetic Education Thought by Cai Yuanpei;以美育代宗教──蔡元培美育思想新论
15.The Concept of Aesthetic Education and Course Construction审美教育的理念与高校美育课程构建
16.Combining Beauty with Education,Culturing Beauty by Cheering the Heart--Discussions on Aesthetic Education in Middle School;寓美于教 怡情育美——谈中学语文审美教育
17.Successful Practice of Educational Transplanting from American Education to Japanese Education;教育借鉴的成功实践:从美国教育到日本教育
18.On Aesthetic Education in College Physics Teaching;论大学物理教育的美育作用和美育策略

Aesthetics education美育教育
1.On the aesthetics education of college physical educaton;论高校体育教学中的美育教育
3)beauty education美育教育
1.Firstly,dig sufficiently the function of beauty education of the strong and handsome bonny,and bring up the interesting of students;Secondly,pay attention to the training of the students comprehensive capability.通过对终身体育含义和健美操运动功能的阐释及当前高校健美操教学存在问题的揭示,从终身体育理念的角度论述了高校健美操教学改革理念;一是充分发掘健美操的美育教育功能,培养学生的兴趣;二是重视大学生综合能力的培养。
4)art education美育教育
1.They are ethical education tourist product, studying education tourist product, health education tourist product and art education tourist product in China.我国教育旅游产品开发的模式主要有道德教育旅游产品、修学教育旅游产品、健康教育旅游产品和美育教育旅游产品四大类。
5)Aesthebic Education and Physical Education美育与体育教育
6)aesthetic education审美教育
1.Confucius aesthetic educational method and modern meaning in philosophy education;孔子教育哲学中的审美教育方法及现代意义
2.Aesthetic Education and P E Education;寓审美教育于体育教学之中
3.The function of TV advertisement in aesthetic education;试论电视广告的审美教育功能
