胡瑗,Hu Yuan
1)Hu Yuan胡瑗
1.Hu Yuan, the Initiator of Taizhou School in Song Dynasty;泰州学派宋代开山祖——胡瑗
2.What We Can Learn from Hu Yuan s Educational Thought Today;胡瑗教育思想的当代启示

1.Philosophical Thinking of Huyuan s Educational Thought of "Understanding the System to Achieve Use;胡瑗“明体达用”教育思想的哲学思考
2.Discussion on Pragmatic Innovation of Hu Yuan as the Educator of the Northern Song Dynasty北宋教育家胡瑗的务实革新思想述评
3.The beginning of Neo-Confucianism and Hu-Yuan's thought理学的兴起与胡瑗“明体达用”思想新探
4.Blazing a Way in Education Reform in Song Dynasty: Hu Yuan s Educational Ideology and Practice;引领宋代教育改革之风:胡瑗的教育思想与实践
5.On the Value of the Huyuan Thought from the Vision of the Cultural Transformation Between the Tang and Song Dynasties;从唐宋文化转型视野中透视胡瑗思想的价值
6.The Theoretical Grounding of Cui Yuan s World Outlook Reflected in his Maxim--Also on the Stylistic Meaning of His Maxim;崔瑗《座右铭》人生观的理论底色——兼析座右铭的文体意义
7.To season or sprinkle with pepper.用胡椒调味,撒以胡椒粉
8.A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.胡蜂巢胡蜂或黄蜂的巢
9.have [wear] a mustache [a pair of mustaches]留着小胡子 [留着八字胡]
10.perfect nonsense, rubbish, etc纯粹胡说八道、 一派胡言
11.A carrot, a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜。
12."Well, fiddle-dee-dee!""哼,胡说八道!"
13.A single hair of a beard or mustache.(一根)须一根络腮胡或八字胡的胡须
14.A dried berry of the pepper vine Piper nigrum.胡椒粒干的胡椒子胡椒属
15.Of or belonging to the family Vespidae.胡蜂科的胡蜂科的或属于胡蜂科的
16.The gaohu was used as the lead instrument or for special renditions.主奏或特性乐器是高胡,也称粤胡、南胡,
17.The rabbit wants a carrot, a carrot, a carrot.兔子想要一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜,一根胡萝卜。
18.In the beginning is nonsense, and the nonsense is with god, and the nonsense is god .太初有胡说,胡说与上帝同在,这胡说就是上帝。

1.On the Value of the Huyuan Thought from the Vision of the Cultural Transformation Between the Tang and Song Dynasties;从唐宋文化转型视野中透视胡瑗思想的价值
3)Hu Yuɑn胡瑗(993~1059)
4)Hu Yuan in Song Dynasty宋代胡瑗
5)Huyuan's Emotion Towards Huzhou胡瑗的湖州情结
6)Hu Yuan and Huzhou Prefecture School胡瑗与湖州州学
