学校品牌,School brand
1)School brand学校品牌
1.On School Brand Personality in the CIS Vision;学校品牌个性的组织识别研究
2.School brand has the obvious characteristics of regional cultural,which is the vivid and specific per-formance of the regional culture characteristics on school brand,and which is the individual elements consisting of school brand.学校品牌有明显的区域文化特色,它是区域文化特征在学校品牌中的生动具体的表现,是构成学校品牌个性的要素。

1.Elementary Schools Brand Research Based on Communication;传播学视野下中小学学校品牌的研究
2.School brand has various values and effects.学校品牌具有多方面的价值和效应。
3.Research on the Management Strategies of the School Brand Based on the CIS Theory;CIS理论视角下学校品牌经营策略研究
4.Construct Schools for Parents Research Moral Education Mechanism;打造家长学校品牌 探索德育管理模式
5.Implication, Characteristics of School Brand and Its Creation;学校品牌的涵义、特性及其创建思路
6.The Management Strategy of "School Brand" in Distance Education;论远程教育环境中的“学校品牌”管理策略
7.Building the University Brand with the Help of Public Relations--The Way of Public Relations at Local Newly-built Universities;以公共关系推进学校品牌建设——新建地方性本科院校的公关之路
8.0n Theory and Practice of Specialty Development of Brandology in Universities;高校品牌学专业建设理论与实践研究
9.On Building the Brand of Campus Culture;加强校园文化建设 打造高职学院品牌
10.The Key for the Construction of Outstanding Brand of Higher Vocational School Consisting in the Refinement of School-running Characteristics;高职院校品牌创建重在凝炼办学特色
11.Distinction Shaping and Brand Strategy for University College Journals of Liberal Arts;高校文科学报的特色彰显与品牌塑造
12.Establish the “Trade Mark”: Way out for Journals of Social Science of Universities;打造品牌:高校文科学报的根本出路
13.A Brief Talk on the Build for the Brand of Higher Vocational Colleges from the Combination of Production,Teaching and Research从产学研结合谈高职院校品牌的创建
14.An Impact Study of Negative Word-of-Mouth in Internet to Brand Attitude for College Students;负面网络口碑对高校学生品牌态度的影响研究
15.The Empirical Testing of Effects of Price and Brand on Consumer Behavior;价格和品牌对高校大学生消费行为的影响分析
16.On Transformation of University Journals from Homogenized Competition to Trademark Management;论高校学报从同质化竞争向品牌化经营的转向
17.Annotate the Brand Strategy of How to Strong School by Cultivating its Characteristic;湖南科技学院“特色强校”理念的品牌定位与诠释
18.Establishing Study-Typed Organization and Setting up Brand Logistics Enterprise in University;创建学习型组织 打造高校后勤品牌企业

brand school品牌学校
3)Elementary School Brand中小学学校品牌
4)school brand strategy学校品牌战略
5)vocational school's brands职业学校品牌
6)school brand operating学校品牌经营

CPU品牌 笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料