德行,moral conduct
1)moral conduct德行
1.Since the Confucian puts "moral conduct" on the first place,contemporary undergraduates moral character education should put emphasis on the moral behavior fostering.儒家将"德行"放在首位,当代大学生的道德品质教育的重点要放在道德行为的养成上。
2.Talent criteria changed to stressing moral conduct from stressing ability.在人才标准上,亦由重“才能”向重“德行”转变,这里的“德行”主要是指儒家学说所规定的“道德规范”。
3.The practical value of moral rules, moral character and moral conduct can only be performed in the process of dynamic functioning among the three.道德规范、德性和德行的实践价值,只有在三者动态作用的过程中才能得到体现,同时也会随着社会现实的变化得到修正,进而使道德主体接受、理解并且内化。

1.V-is her [its] own reward.[谚]德行的报酬就是德行本身。
2.The Practical Value of Dynamic Morality System of “Rules-Character-Conduct”;论“规范-德性-德行”动态伦理道德体系的实践价值
3.Moral integrity and moral conduct of the outline of the traditional confucian ethics;德性与德行——传统儒家德性伦理思想勾玄
4.Research Development of the Relationship Between Moral Inference,Moral Emotion and Moral Behavior道德推理、道德情感与道德行为关系的研究进展
5.A rule or lesson in moral conduct.道德观道德行为规则或教育
6.Tourist non-moral behavior and new century moral construction;旅游非道德行为与新世纪的道德建设
7.Can the Virtue and the Moral Behavior of Students Be Developed by Means of Externalizing?;学生德性或德行能由内而外的生成吗?
8.Fact of Moral Action:Research Object of Moral Sociology道德行为事实:道德社会学的研究对象
9.Deutsche Bundesbank 7.7 percent德意志银行 7.7%
10.Devilish conduct or character.恶行恶魔的行径或恶德
11.Westdeutsche land bank girozentrale.(德国)西德意志地方票据交换银行。
12.Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand.美德与礼貌携手并行。美德便有礼貌。
13.On Shang Yang’s Moralization Thought about "Good Morals and Cultivation";商鞅“德明教行”的道德教化思想论
14.On theory of moral education in view of "Moral Bank";基于"道德银行"的道德教育理论探讨
15.Difficult Position on Keeping Scientific and Technical Behavior within the Bounds of Morality and Mutual Aid of Morality and Law;科技行为道德约束的困境与法德并济
16.The education/cultivation of medical ethics and cultural behaviors of hospital;医德教育、医德修养与医院文化行为
17.Mar del Plata Action Plan马德普拉塔行动计划
18.Madrid interband offered rate马德里银行间放款利率

1.Its clear logic levels are that virtue is the basis of human existence;that external morality is alienation of internal nature;that real moral behavior must satisfy the demands of internal nature;and that the logical induction of his ethical theory is to reach the realm of kindness.其理论的逻辑层次非常清晰:德性是人存在的依据;外在的道德规范是内在本性的外化;真正的道德行为必然合乎内在本性的要求;到达至善之境是其伦理理论的逻辑归宿。
2.Virtue and morality are a pair of important concepts that are related but also differ both in East and West ethical ideology.在中西方伦理思想中,德性与德行是一对既有联系又有区别的重要概念。
3.The morality and the individuality are important aspects.德行与个性是其中一重要方面。
4)moral integrity德行
1.It s acted out as one s moral integrity.其知行合一的基础即在于:一方面知包含了行,即它是所谓的真知;一方面行以知为自身的起始而涵盖了知,它表现为德行
2.The comprehension of the relationship between teachers and students is to understand the moral integrity.英语教学各要素都必须围绕并服从“理解”这个根本的理念;英语教学的根基是对人的本质的理解;心智活动的理解是英语教学的核心内容;师生关系本质的理解是德行的理解;英语教学需要理解性教学方法。
3.The authorities in selecting government officials began to shift their emphasis on abilities to moral integrity, i.在官方的选才标准上,亦逐渐由重“才能”向重“德行”转变,这里的“德行”主要是指儒家学说所规定的“道德规范”。
5)moral action德行
1.Nicomachus Ethnics is not only the first systemic and integrated ethnics literature but also the foundational work on moral actions in the human history.《尼各马科伦理学》是人类历史上第一部系统完整的伦理学著作,也是德行研究的奠基之作。
2.They both focused on virtue and gave similar interpretation of the integrity of virtue and being, virtue and normativness, virtue and moral action, virtue and happiness.在德性与存在、德性与规范、德性与德行、德与福的统一方面 ,都做出了相近的阐述 ,表现了共通的理论旨趣。
6)behavior morality行德

德行【德行】 (术语)所成之善谓为德,能成之道谓为行,即功德与行法也,又具足功德之行法也。三学六度是也。仁王经上曰:“有十亿七贤居士德行具足。”