罗汝芳,Luo Rufang
1)Luo Rufang罗汝芳
1.The Influence of Luo Rufang over Great Playwright Tang Xianzu;论罗汝芳对汤显祖的影响
2.Being Self-indulgent and Vivacious: Luo Rufang s Contribution to the Category of Kuang Chan;纵横任我 生意活泼——罗汝芳对“狂禅”的整合与改造

1.Study on LUO Ru-fang's Biography in the Manuscript of Ming History Preserved in Tianyi Pavilion Library天一阁藏《明史稿》之《罗汝芳传》初探
2.Being Self-indulgent and Vivacious: Luo Rufang s Contribution to the Category of Kuang Chan;纵横任我 生意活泼——罗汝芳对“狂禅”的整合与改造
3.On Luo Rufang's Practical Aesthetics试论罗汝芳“圣贤精神不离当下”的实践美学思想
4.Indra held court at Svarga, his heaven in the clouds surrounding the highest peak of the sacred mountain Meru.在苏瓦噶——环绕着圣洁的梅汝山峰顶云雾缭绕的因陀罗的天界里,他有一个天庭。
5.(Greek mythology) a hero noted for his many great deeds: killed Procrustes and the Minotaur and defeated the Amazons.(希腊神话)一位建立了许多伟业的英雄;杀死普罗克汝斯忒斯和人身牛头怪并击败亚马孙人。
6.Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.宽恕是紫罗兰在被鞋跟踩碎后,散发出来的芬芳。
7.Odours, when sweet violets sicken, live within the sense they quicken.甜蜜的紫罗兰已经开败,嗅觉中还留有它的芬芳。
8.Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro克雷塔罗州谢拉格达的圣芳济会传教场所
9.Different Background and Same Characteristics Have Their Own Exquisite Fragrance --On the Similarities and Differences Between The West Chamber and Romeo and Juliet;异域同质各芬芳——《西厢记》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》异同论
10.Making Explorations the Source of Ru porcelain汝瓷探源——兼谈汝窑与越窑的关系
11.Discussion of‘Three Feet Cup of Ru Kiln’and‘Three Feet Case of Ru Kiln’;“汝窑三足樽”与“汝窑三足奁”小议
12.Tholomyes had Fantine, called the Blonde, because of her beautiful, sunny hair.多罗米埃有芳汀,别号金发美人,因为她生得一头日光色的美发。
13.Bouquet: Tobacco, with intense violet and berry aromas.气味:烟草的味道带有强烈的紫罗兰和浆果的芳香。
14.Characteristic violet notes followed by intense aromas of plums and black cherries interlaced with liquorice.典型的紫罗兰芬芳伴着浓郁的李子、黑樱桃及甘草的复杂香气。
15.twining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers; western China to Russia.有淡绿色芳香总状花序的多年生缠绕植物;中国西部至俄罗斯。
16.short-stemmed violet of eastern North America having fragrant purple-veined white flowers.北美东部短茎紫罗兰,开带有紫色脉络的芳香白花。
17."Meadowbank is a school that really counts" said Miss Rowan happily.“芳草地是一所真正有声望的学校”,罗思小姐高兴地说。
18.The perfumes mirror the aromatic richness of the plums, black cherries, violets and liquorice.芬芳醇郁的李子、黑樱桃、紫罗兰及甘草的香氛十分和谐宜人。

Luo Ru-fang罗汝芳
1.Study on LUO Ru-fang's Biography in the Manuscript of Ming History Preserved in Tianyi Pavilion Library天一阁藏《明史稿》之《罗汝芳传》初探
2.Luo Ru-fang holds that the spirit of oracle lies in every time-being,which leads people to the way to aesthetics.泰州学派三传弟子罗汝芳提出的"圣贤精神不离当下"为人们指明了一条实践美的途径。
3)Luo Rufang's Ideology in Education罗汝芳的教育思想
4)Luo rulan罗汝兰
5)Luo Rujing罗汝敬
1.A Brief Narration on Luo Rujing s Coming Into Shanxi Four Times in Ming Dnasty;明罗汝敬四次入陕事迹述略
2.Luo Rujing is an important civilian in the early of the Ming Dynasty.罗汝敬是明代前期的重要文官,在永乐至正统年间历任侍讲、御史、工部右侍郎等职,曾参与《太祖实录》的第三次修订;两次“抚谕交趾,不辱命”;四次入陕督理屯田,“多所建制”。
6)A Study on Runan Luojuan Drama汝南罗卷戏研究

罗绍芳罗绍芳 罗绍芳   清代医家。字林一。方亭(今四川什邡)人。道光五年(1285年)举人。精医。著《医学考辨》十六卷,由方问经校订(1844年)。