教育民主,educational democracy
1)educational democracy教育民主
1.Theories of educational democracy attempt to integrate the idea of emancipation from the modernism with the idea of resistance from the postmodernism.教育理论中的民主理念首先源自法兰克福学派的批判理论,其次则是来自美国20世纪关于教育民主的理论、信仰、原则和实践等领域。
2.Political democracy is the prerequisite of educational democracy, which is at the same time the very basis of the former.政治民主是教育民主的前提 ,教育民主是政治民主的基础。
3.The idea of human-orientation in the educational field is an embodiment of educational democracy.树立以人为本的教育思想,体现教育民主的理念。

1.The Ideality of Educational Democracy--A Review on Democratic Theories of Critical Education;教育民主的理想——批判教育的民主理念评析
2.Education in the Vision of Democracy Making a Detailed Inquiry about the Core Idea of Democratization;民主视野中的教育——追问教育民主化的核心理念
3.On Current Middle School Chinese Education from Perspective of Education Democratization Thought;从教育民主思想看当前的中学语文教育教学
4.Democracy and Education《民主主义与教育》
5.Evziehungen in DDR德意志民主共和国教育
6.nationalistic education民族[国家]主义教育
7.Congress on Education for Human Rights and Democracy人权和民主教育大会
8.Good Interaction Between Education and Democracy--On Dewey s Philosophy of Democratic Education;教育与民主的良性互动——论杜威的民主教育哲学
9.A Survey on the Democracy Dispositions of High Sshool Students and the School of Education Democracy;高中生民主素质与学校民主教育研究
10.National spirit educates is the eternal theme of education.民族精神教育是教育的永恒主题。
11.On the Role of P.E. Teaching Democracy in Quality Education;论体育教学民主在素质教育中的作用
12.Education for Active Citizenship:A New Trend in International Citizenship Education;主动公民教育:国际公民教育发展的新走向
13.On the life-value of educational activity;论教育生活的生命价值——从《民主主义与教育》谈起
14.National Civic Education Programme for Democracy and Peace全国民主与和平公民教育方案
15.Mass education is essential in promoting democracy.民众教育对提倡民主是非常重要的。
16.Exposition and Critique of Dewey s Democracy and Education;对杜威《民主主义与教育》的解读和批判
17.The Study on Mao Zedong s Educational Thought of the Peasant in Period of New Democratic Revolution;毛泽东新民主主义革命时期农民教育思想研究
18.The Citizenship Education under the Horizon of Socialist Political Civilization Construction社会主义民主政治建设视域下的公民教育

education democracy教育民主
1.Mao Tsetung s ideology of education democracy is set under the concept of equal human dignity between teachers and students,in which teachers try to create a trustful and emotionally harmonious educational atmosphere so as to foster the effective realization of education goals and tasks.毛泽东的“教育民主”思想是一种在师生人格平等的理念之下,教师着力营造和谐信任、感情融洽的教育氛围,以促进教育目标和任务的有效实现的思想。
2.This paper discusses the relationship between democracy and education in three aspects and discourses up on the connotation and value of education democracy.本文从三个方面分析了民主与教育的关系,论述了教育民主的内涵以及价值。
3)democracy in education教育民主
1.This paper, starting from Deweys thought of democratic education, discusses the content of individuality and the misreading concerning individuality, suggests that democracy in education is the precondit.本文以杜威民主主义教育思想为视点,解读个性的内涵及其认识误区的矫正,提出教育民主是学生个性培养的前提,认为推行个性化教育是学生个性培养的路径抉择。
4)democratic education民主教育
1.Only through democratic education, can happiness life get .有助于幸福生活获得的民主社会和民主的生活方式,最终只有通过民主教育才能形成。
2.Democratic education thought is important ideas of Tao Xingzhi who advocated democratic education that education should be of the people,by the people and for the people;education for the public is for the sake of all public and education for all is for politics for all;and furthermore advanced successive applicable rules and methods.民主教育思想是陶行知的重要思想。
3.The thought of democratic education that she advanced has made a wide influence.埃米·古特曼是美国当代著名政治理论家,她提出的民主教育思想影响非常广泛。
5)democracy education民主教育
1.Creation education takes life as the source of its content,adopts Tao s educational idea of integrating teaching,learning and doing into one as its instrument and method in implementation,and offers democracy education as its guarantee of fulfillment.它是教育促进社会改造以及个人改造的必然选择;究其内容而言,它须来自于生活;教学做合一是其实施的手段与方法;而民主教育则是其实施的保障,他们共同构成了创造教育的思想体系。
2.Now the young people are during the key period of forming democratic quality, so it is quite important to strengthen and improve the ways of educating democratic quality and democracy education.青少年正处于民主素质形成和培育的关键时期,因此加强和改进我国学校的民主教育和民主素质的培养具有十分重要的现实意义。
6)educational democratization教育民主化
1.With the development of the reform of educational democratization ,the original evaluating methods for chemical experiment do not fit the need of the present educational democracy.随着教育民主化改革的不断发展 ,原有的化学实验评价方法已不能适应教育民主的需要。
2.In order to pursue equality of the educational opportunities and push on the educational democratization of our country,we should thoroughly understand and feasibly promote inclusive education.深入理解并切实推进全纳教育,是追寻真正的教育机会均等、推进教育民主化的应然选择。
3.This thesis concerns two macroscopic problems:the increasing problems on educational democratization and little effect of concrete reforms.本文从宏观方面列举了教育民主化的问题有增无减、具体改革成效不大两大问题,指出认识不统一、关系不协调、管理不到位是其主要原因。
