学习型城市,Learning City
1)Learning City学习型城市
1.E-learning System Design of Learning City Web for Beijing;北京学习型城市网E-learning系统设计
2.Learning organizations and construction of a learning city;学习型组织与学习型城市建设

1.On Urban Library System and the Constructing of Learning City;论城市图书馆系统与学习型城市建设
2.Building a Learning-oriented City to Improve Its Competitiveness;构建学习型城市 提升城市竞争力
3.Building the Learning Type City;建设学习型城市——梧州城市发展之我见
4.Learning innovtion is an active resource to constructa learning city;创新学习:学习型城市建设的活力之源
5.Building a Learning City and Constructing New Concept;学习“七一”讲话 建设学习型城市
6.The Preliminary Exploration on the Establishment of the Learning-oriented City;关于我国创建学习型城市的初步探索
7.E-learning System Design of Learning City Web for Beijing;北京学习型城市网E-learning系统设计
8.The core, importance and key to build a learned-minded city;建设学习型城市的核心、重点及关键
9.On the Role of Library in Constructing Study-oriented Cities;论图书馆在构筑学习型城市中的作用
10.On Several Fundamental Theoretical Problems of the Learning City;学习型城市若干基本理论问题的研究
11.A Few Peoblems Concerning Constructing Changchun into a Learning City关于把长春市建设成学习型城市的几个问题
12.Research on Study City of Jinan Construction;学习型城市指标体系构建初探——以济南市为例
13.Open Universities Opportunities and Challenges in Building a Learning-Oriented City;学习型城市建设中开放大学的机遇与挑战
14.Promoting the Construction of Learning-type City by Sticking to the Scientific Concept of Development;坚持科学发展观,积极推动学习型城市建设
15.Study on Pattern & Performance Evaluation Towards a Learning City;学习型城市创建模式及其绩效评价研究
16.Principle and Practice of Building a Learning-based City of Guangzhou;广州创建学习型城市基本思路及实践策略初探
17.Development and Suggestions of Construction of Learning Community for the Capital;首都学习型城市建设的发展历程及对策建议
18.Factors and Strategies of Construction of Learning City;学习型城市建设的影响因素及策略研究

learning-oriented city学习型城市
1.Ideas for establishing a learning-oriented city;创建学习型城市的几点思考
2.To build learning-oriented city is a practice of making use of theory of learning-oriented organization.学习型城市理论渊源于"学习型组织理论"。
3.While in the process of the city’s stepping into an overall well-to-do society, constructing a learning-oriented city is an important path which promotes the construction of an overall well-to-do society in the city.目前国内关于学习型城市探索基本上集中在基本理论的探索上,较少是基于综合现代化要求和实现全面小康社会要求的研究成果,此为本论文提供了研究空间。
3)learning-type city学习型城市
1.This paper introduces the formation and development of the concept of the learning-type city,analyzes on the position of the library in the construction of the learning-type city,and advances some measures for strengthening the library construction and increasing the position of the library in the learning-type city.介绍了学习型城市概念的形成与发展,分析了图书馆在构建学习型城市中的地位,提出了加强图书馆建设并提升图书馆在学习型城市中的地位的措施。
2.This paper advances some options on how to advocate citizen s reading and construct the learning-type city of Yangzhou,and points out that the university library should publicize its collected resources and provide the social services.就高校图书馆如何倡导市民读书,促进扬州市学习型城市建设提了几点意见,指出高校图书馆应大力宣传馆藏资源,开展社会服务。
3.Construction learning-type city is for improving the comprehensive quality of citizens continuously and pro-moting people s all-round development and then proceed to accelerate all-round development of economy,science-technology and culture.建设学习型城市的最终目的,就是为了不断提高市民的综合素质,促进人的全面发展,进而推动经济、科技、文化的全面发展。
4)study-oriented city学习型城市
1.In the process of establishing a study-oriented city, some developed countries accumulate abounding experiences.发达国家在创建学习型城市的过程中积累了丰富的经验:一是广泛传播并深入研究终身学习的理念,奠定学习型城市建设的观念基础;二是政府、民众、学术界三方齐心协力,共同推进学习型城市建设;三是法律机制、政策引导机制和市场机制相结合,铸就学习型城市建设的良性推进机制;四是以构建开放的终身教育体系为核心;五是以大力发展社区教育为手段;六是以各类学习型组织的创建为基本途径;七是以咨询和信息提供搭建“学习需求”和“教育供给”的桥梁;八是创造适合国情的建设策略与载体。
2.Qingdao is among the first few cities that puts forward the strategy of development of the "study-oriented city"in China.青岛在全国较早地提出了构建"学习型城市"的城市发展战略,该战略的核心工作是构建终身教育体系。
3.Under the background of establishing a study-oriented city and a lifelong education system,Changzhou TV University is facing new opportunities and challenges.在常州市创建学习型城市、构建终身教育体系的大背景下,常州电大发展面临新的机遇和挑战,学校要充分利用现代远程教育的优势,打造市区远程教育平台,建设好市民终身学习指导中心,使常州电大成为常州市发展社区教育的重要依托。
5)construction of learning type cities学习型城市建设
1.This paper has discussed the effects of public library in the construction of learning type cities, and put forward ideas for public library to participate in the construction of learning type cities.在论述公共图书馆在学习型城市建设中的作用的基础上,对公共图书馆如何参与学习型城市建设展开了一些思考。
6)learning-type city (organizati on)学习型城市(组织)

部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)