培训方式,training method
1)training method培训方式
1.In the course of training,all kinds of training methods including teaching method should be integrated and adopted,and more attention should be paid to creating a satisfying physical training environment.培训方式是相对于教学方式的、提高学员专业技能能力的重要训练方式。
2.There are many training methods.互动式教学正是改变传统的教学方式 ,结合成年人学习特点的一种重要培训方

1.Interactive Comprehensive Research-training Program--On Training Methods of the Teacher Training Organizers;互动式综合研修:培训者培训方式的思考
2.Exploring the Innovation Way of Police Training--Discussing the Practical Feasibility of the Participatory in the Police Training;探索警察培训方式的创新——论参与式培训在民警培训中的实践分析
3.Kindergarten-based Training--Challenging the Traditional Ways to Training Preschool-Teachers at their posts;园本培训——挑战传统的幼儿教师在职培训方式
4.Discussion of the Quality Control and Trainability Methods about Personnel s Trainability in Grogshop;酒店员工培训的质量控制及其培训方式的探索
5.Comparison among three different training manners of long-distance training;远程教育3种不同培训方式效果比较
6.Study on Some Problems Concesned Coach Training in China and Japan;中、日足球教练员培训方式的比较研究
7.Actively exploring effective training and making it a new impetus of enterprise development;探索有效的培训方式,促进企业发展
8.Learning in Participation: A New Strategy for Adult Training;在参与中学习——成人培训方式的更新
9.Innovating the Training Ways to Stress the Improvement of Abilities;创新培训方式 着眼能力提高——中共南宁市委党校创新学员培训工作
10.Study on the Curriculum and Training Model of Tropical Medicine;热带医学专业课程体系建立与培训方式的研究
11.The effective way to training the public servants;公务员培训的有效方法——“双讲式”培训
12.Training of Project Study -A New Way to Promote Training Achievement Transformation;课题研究式培训—促进培训成果转化的新方式
13.the improvement training teaching way, raises the senior staff to train the actual effect;改进培训教学方式,提高参训实际效果;
14.Because Internet-based training is a relatively new form of education, the types of training vary widely.由于基于Internet的培训是一种较新的教育形式,故培训的方式差异很大。
15.Training-the again choice of motivation pattern which our country civil servants;培训——我国公务员激励方式的再选择
16.Sand Table Experiment--New Way of Corporation Training;沙盘模拟实验——企业培训的新方式
17.An Effective School-Based Training Mode Named Monographic Study;专题研讨法——校本培训的一种有效方式
18.The Activity Process and Strategies of "Participation Training";“参与式培训”的活动过程和方法策略

training mode培训方式
1.Action Research on Training Mode of Rural Teachers’ Educational Technology Capability农村教师教育技术能力培训方式的行动研究
2.The construction of new country has close relationship with the quality of village cadres,there exist some limitations in the training mode and content of present village cadres.新农村建设与"村官"素质的高低具有密切关系,现行的农村"村官"培训方式和内容存在一定误区,应以开放型教育替代封闭型教育,实行多样化教学和针对性较强的培训,传授新兴农业技术、新型农业机械、前沿农业生产和销售信息以及先进的农村管理方式等,同时结合实际,在农闲期间适度加强培训频率。
3)Training manner培训方式
1.The modern management theory of manpower resources was applied to doing research on the plural-training manners of the volunteers for Beijing Olympic Games.运用现代人力资源管理理论,对北京奥运会志愿者多元培训方式进行研究。
4)training methods培训方法
1.Although many foreign researchers have covered this field and many training models as well as training methods were constructed and designed by them with the aim of increasing lev.许多外国研究者已经从理论上和实践上对跨文化敏感度进行了大量的研究,包括跨文化敏感度的培训模式和主要培训方法。
5)training scheme培训方案
6)Training method培训方法
1.The paper, from the aspects of the training idea, mechanism, teaching plan, training method and training aim,analyzes several procedures of ENA’s training for senior officials which are worth using for reference.本文从培训理念、运作机制、教学设计、培训方法以及培训目标等方面,思考ENA在对高级公务员培训中值得借鉴的几点做法。
2.The introduction of the case system into Party schools is an innovation in training method,an effective way to enhance leading cadres governing ability,an important link of implementing the teaching policy of integrating theory with practice,and also a teaching means of the interaction of teachers and students.党校推行案例教学法是创新培训方法、提高领导干部执政能力的有效途径,是党校落实理论联系实际教学方针的重要环节,是党校师生互动共赢的一种高质量的教学手段。
3.This also tells whether the training methods are scientific and reasonable.一个完整的培训方案应该以训练程序设计为主体,其中应包括训练主题设计与程序设计两项主要内容;另外,培训方案的有效性还必须有相应的评价工具作为技术保障,这也是培训方法科学性、合理性的体现。
