特殊儿童家长,special children's parents
1)special children's parents特殊儿童家长

1.Consideration of Parental Involvement in Special Education in China;对特殊儿童家长参与学校教育的思考
2.The Involvement Rights of Special Children s Parents --On the Related Legislation of Special Education in U.K.& U.S.A.;特殊儿童家长参与的权利——英美两国有关特殊教育立法的述评
3.On the Relationship between Special Children's Parents and Special Education Legislation in USA and its Inspiration特殊儿童家长与美国特殊教育立法的关系及其启示
4.Comparative Study on Teachers and Parents Perception of Home-School Cooperation for Children with Special Needs;辅读学校教师与特殊儿童家长的家校合作观比较研究
5.Research on Current Situation and Influential Factors of Parent Involvement in Early Education of Children with Special Needs in Shanghai上海市特殊儿童家长参与子女早期教育情况的调查及影响因素研究
6.The child development environment will be optimized, and children in special needs will receive special care.优化儿童成长环境,使困境儿童受到特殊保护。
7.An Investigation Report on Social Support to The Families with Children of Special Needs;特殊儿童家庭社会支持情况调查报告
8.Research Review on Family Education for Children with Special Needs in Mainland China;我国大陆特殊儿童家庭教育研究综述
9.specially gifted children特殊能力儿童 特殊能力儿童
10.The Application of Growth Modeling in Research on Language Development of Children with Special Needs;成长模型在特殊儿童语言发展研究中的运用
11.Counseling and Guidance for Exceptional Children特殊儿童辅导与谘商
12.special school (school for handicapped children)特殊学校(残疾儿童学校).
13.Children in special needs have received special care.困境儿童受到特殊保护。
14.A Study on Preschool Home Education of Children with Special Needs in Beijing;北京市特殊儿童学前家庭教育状况调查报告
15.special provision for autistic children in special child care centres特殊幼儿中心自闭症儿童特别服务
16.Discussion on the Family-Professional Partnership of Children with Special Needs;论特殊需要儿童家庭与专业人员合作的几个核心问题
17.Parents' attention: specials fair of children's articles will Be held on June 1st, Children's Day.请家长们注意,儿童用品大特惠展销会,将在“六一”国际儿童节举行。
18.The Second Comment on How to Inspire Special Children s Learning Motivation--ARCS Model and Its Application in Special Education;再论如何激发特殊儿童学习动机:特殊儿童学与教的心理学研究(II)

special small group home特殊儿童之家
3)Special children特殊儿童
1.Enlightenment of multiple intelligence theory to special children;多元智力理论对特殊儿童教育的启示
2.This paper analyses the characteristics and limi tations of behavior res earch as well as the difference of the r esearching method from others ,which gives an explanation to the method of behavior research as is suitable especially for the exploring research in the social work research of special children.作者在文中通过分析行动研究的特点、局限性以及这一研究方法与其他研究方法的不同 ,说明了行动研究方法是特别适应特殊儿童社会工作研究的一种探索性研
3.Although special children are a minority,it is of significance to develop their mentality and psychology.特殊儿童虽是少数,但对他们的人力开发,也有着极其重要的意义。
1.Nutrition-related KTP before and after Nutrition Education among Parents of Children Aged 0~6 in Guangdong,Jilin,Sichuan,and Hubei Provinces in China;广东、吉林、四川、湖北四省0~6岁儿童家长有关营养教育前后知信行的比较
2.Survey on the Knowledge of Preventive Vaccination for Parents with Children Aged 0-7 in Xuecheng District of Zaozhuang City in 20082008年枣庄市薛城区0~7岁儿童家长预防接种知识调查
3.70 parents with common characteristics in two communities(jingyuan district an.目的:本研究的目的在于描述社区儿童家长的抗生素知识水平及态度水平;描述家长为儿童使用抗生素的行为情况;比较健康教育前后家长对抗生素知识掌握水平及态度水平;比较健康教育前后家长使用抗生素的行为。
5)Children with special needs特殊需要儿童
1.The psychological assessment of the children with special needs runs through the whole process of special education and instruction.特殊需要儿童的心理评估贯穿于整个特殊教育和教学的过程中。
6)special fingers sign of children儿童特殊手指征
