职业教育现状,current situation of vocational education
1)current situation of vocational education职业教育现状
2)modern vocational education现代职业教育
1.Five major view basis of modern vocational education;基于五大视角的现代职业教育发展观
2.Probe into how to establish the foistering goal of modern vocational education;对科学确立现代职业教育培养目标的探讨
3.Elementary analysis on Hu Shi′s vocational education idea and its guidance significance for modern vocational education浅析胡适职业教育思想及其对现代职业教育的指导意义

1.Some "The First" of Our Country’s Vocational Education during Modern China;我国近现代职业教育的若干个“第一”
2.Five major view basis of modern vocational education;基于五大视角的现代职业教育发展观
3.Some Thoughts on Framing A Modern Vocational Education System;对构建现代职业教育体系的几点思考
4.Establishing Modern Vocational Education View of Fostering Mental Development of Vocational School Students;树立促进职校生心理发展的现代职业教育
5.The Study of the Modern Vocational Education Developing Trend and the Guangxi Vocational Education Reform;现代职业教育发展趋势与广西职业教育改革研究
6.Elementary analysis on Hu Shi′s vocational education idea and its guidance significance for modern vocational education浅析胡适职业教育思想及其对现代职业教育的指导意义
7.Position of Vocational Education in Modern National Education System;现代国民教育体系中职业教育的定位
8.Applying Modern Educational Techniques To Modernize Vocational Education;应用现代教育技术 促进职业教育现代化
9.Higher vocational education is necessary means to realize the essence of modern vocation;高等职业教育是实现现代职业本质的必要手段
10.On Splitting-up of Teachers Profession in Modern Distance Education;试论现代远程教育中教师职业的分化
11.Firstly Realizing the Education Modernization through Vitalizing Guangdong Profession Education;做大做强广东职业教育 率先实现教育现代化
12.Study on Application of Modern Educational Technology on Teaching Area in Vocational Education;现代教育技术在职业教育教学领域应用的研究
13.Teaching Reform Rural Vocational Education Based on Modern Educational Technology;基于现代教育技术的农村职业教育教学改革
14.Explorations on Application of Modern Educational Technology in Vocational Education;探析现代教育技术在职业教育教学中的运用
15.Research on Modern Value of Huang Yanpei s Vocational Education Thoughts;黄炎培职业教育思想的现代价值探究
16.The vocational education theory of Yang Xianjiang and its modern values;杨贤江的职业教育思想及其现代价值
17.The reciprocal effect between rural vocational education and modernized countryside;论农村职业教育与农村现代化的互动
18.The Countermeasure to the Development of Modern Distant and Vocational Education in Our Country;我国现代远程职业教育发展对策研究

modern vocational education现代职业教育
1.Five major view basis of modern vocational education;基于五大视角的现代职业教育发展观
2.Probe into how to establish the foistering goal of modern vocational education;对科学确立现代职业教育培养目标的探讨
3.Elementary analysis on Hu Shi′s vocational education idea and its guidance significance for modern vocational education浅析胡适职业教育思想及其对现代职业教育的指导意义
3)modernization of vocational education职业教育现代化
4)present situations and problems of vocational education of pharmacy医药职业教育现状和问题
5)occupational condition职业现状
6)vocational education职业教育
1.Discussion on the CNC teaching in vocational education;基于职业教育的数控技术教学的探讨
2.Fashion Sketch Teaching In Vocational Education;职业教育中的服装画教学
3.On the characteristics of vocational education objectives of higher learning of Chinese medicine;论高等中医药职业教育培养目标的特征
