简写方案,abbreviation scheme
1)abbreviation scheme简写方案
1.51%regard no difficulty in the abbreviation scheme.对试用《汉语盲文简写方案》2个月的64名初中盲生进行问卷调查,发现87。
2)writing program书写方案
3)simplified suggestions简化方案

1.the Scheme for Simplifying Chinese Characters汉语(字)简化方案
2.simple model reformulated gasoline简化方案的新配方汽油
3.Feasibility Study on a Reduction Procedure of Intensive Insulin Therapy;强化胰岛素治疗简化方案的可行性研究
4.Special Programme on Trade Facilitation简化贸易手续特别方案
5.Simple Algorithm about a New Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Given Preference Information on Alternative;关于已知方案偏好信息MADM新方法的简化算法
6.The simplified installation scheme Linux is easy to install so I describe it first简单化的安装方案Linux很容易安装,所以我先写它。
7.Joint Rapporteurs Programme under the ECE Working Party on Trade Facilitatio欧经会简化贸易手续工作队联合报告员方案
8.A Tabu Approach to Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling;求解混合Flow shop调度问题的简化禁忌搜索方案
9.Simply Constructed Auto 4S Shop Designed of Integrated Information Platform简易汽车4S店一体化信息平台方案研究
10.Feasibility Study on the Elimination of Separators in Small Simplified BWR(SSBWR-200)小型简化沸水堆取消汽水分离器方案可行性研究
11.Brief Introduction to Non-provincial Capital Second-level Postal Center Standardization Construction Plan;非省会二级局邮件处理中心工程标准化建设方案简介
12.Wielding the Plan of Automatic Match,Optimizing the Business of Freight Transport Trade;运用自动撮合方案 优化货运交易业务──公路货运电子商务系统简介
13.Review of Chomsky latest work Minimalist Inquiries: The Framework;Chomsky最简方案的新发展——《最简探索之框架》介绍
14.Ways for the Simplification and Drawing of the Binary Curve Equation;二次曲线方程化简与作图的简易方法
15.analyze the fault case to avoid patterning and simplifying;剖析失误案例要避免模式化和简单化;
16.state reduction状态简化-一种简化开关函数的方法
17.The bare bones of the scheme are its cheapness and simplicity.这个方案最主要的特征是省钱和简易。
18.The simplest solution to synchronization is what we call" manual sync".【翻译】最简单的解决方案就是手动同步。

writing program书写方案
3)simplified suggestions简化方案
4)Minimalist Program最简方案
1.Control and Movement in the Minimalist Program;最简方案框架下的控制与移位
2.Differences Between Government Binding Theory and Minimalist Program;论管辖约束理论与最简方案的差异
3.The Origin and Design Principle of the vP-shell Structure in Minimalist Program;最简方案中vP壳结构的由来及其设计原则
5)simply support scheme简支方案
1.Over beam of no blockwrok on top is generally designed according to simply support scheme,fracture easily occuring on its end and surface of contact with bolckwrok.上部无砌体时的挑梁 ,结构计算通常采用简支方案 ,在其根部与砌体接触面之间易出现裂缝。
6)MP[英][,em 'pi:][美]['?m 'pi]最简方案
1.In this paper,the author discusses the derivation of this kind of topicalization within the MP approach.文章以最简方案为理论框架,讨论汉语疑问话题的生成,同时,根据优选论的原理,确定疑问话题生成遵循的制约条件,即特征核查,强疑问话题前置,疑问话题前置,指别性成分前置。
2.PPT developed in 1980s can give good explanation to many linguistic phenomena, but MP in 1990s is even stronger in terms of explanatory adequacy.20世纪80年代的原则参数理论(PPT)已经具有很强的解释力,但20世纪90年代的最简方案(MP)更是超越了PPT。
3.This article discusses the acquisition of L2 English negative structures within the framework of MP, claiming that three stages must be gone through in order before reaching the final state of natural grammar, namely, VP, IP and CP, among which IP lies in the center.在最简方案的框架内讨论了二语习得中的否定句习得 ,认为否定句习得必须经过三个主要阶段 :VP ,IP和CP。
