1.Anti-Rollover Control Based on Fuzzy Differential Braking for SUV;基于模糊差动制动的运动型多功能汽车防侧翻控制
2.Research on FEM Simulation Method of Bus Body Frame Rollover Impact;客车车身骨架侧翻碰撞的有限元仿真模拟方法研究
3.After setting up mathematics model for liquid tank vehicle rollover, the rollover threshold for partially filled tank vehicle during steady state cornering is studied.由于非满载罐内液体货物的晃动 ,运输液体货物的罐式汽车与运输固体货物的汽车在弯道或变道行驶时 ,其侧翻稳定性将发生较大的变化。

1.electric multifunction side-turn nursing bed电动侧翻多功能护理床
2.A handspring in which the body turns over sideways with the arms and legs spread like the spokes of a wheel.侧翻跳身体向侧翻转,双臂、双腿象轮子的辐条一样展开的一种翻跳
3.A study on effect of automatic alternative support turnover bed on prevention of bedsore自动交替承托侧翻床防褥疮作用研究
4.The simulation study on coach superstructure safety based on roll-over客车侧翻的上部结构安全性仿真研究
5.Analysis factors of side-turning effect on load-haul-dump unit steering地下铲运机转弯侧翻的影响因素分析
6.Dynamic mechanics analyzes of the vehicle to turn over and prevent measure车辆侧翻的运动力学分析及预防措施
7.Process Practice for Reducing Width of Side Reversal of Hot Rolled Coil by Reentrant Casting of Slab连铸板坯侧凹浇铸减少热轧钢卷侧翻宽度的工艺实践
8.Cartwheel: A sideways acrobatic roll with the arms and legs extended.侧手翻:手腿伸展向侧方做滚动的技巧动作。
9.A Kinematics Analysis of the Tsuhakara3/1 in Yang Wei s Vaulting Horse;杨威跳马侧手翻直体侧空翻转体990°动作的运动学分析
10.A Kinematic Analysis of the Kasamatsu gastr.m.3/2 in XING Ao-wei s Vaulting Horse;邢傲伟跳马侧手翻直体侧空翻转体810°的运动学分析
11.The moment the tiger got shot, it fell over on its side.老虎一中弹,就侧身翻倒在地。
12.remove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side.把船浸渍或是翻倒一侧来清除水分。
13.The hunter fired and the deer fell over on its side.猎人开了枪,那头鹿侧身翻倒在地。
14.trapped by collapsing or overturning object受困于倒塌或翻侧的对象
15.My head spun after doing a cartwheel.做了一个侧手翻后我觉得头昏脑胀的
16.the train hit the truck broadside; the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it.火车侧面撞上了卡车;波浪从侧面撞上了独木舟,把它掀翻了。
18.Kinematics Analysis of Cartwheel Vault with 2 1/2 Back Saltos Tucked and 1/4 Twist Performed by LU Yu-fu卢裕富跳马侧手翻转体90°团身后空翻两周半的运动学分析

1.Simulation Study on Coach Structure Safety for Roll-over;客车侧翻的结构安全性仿真研究
2.In addition, we have also analyzed the roll-over effects of the ground slopes, load-shifting shocks, the suspension and the tire vibration on the trucks.针对自卸汽车卸载作业时发生的侧翻问题,分析影响自卸汽车作业安全的因素。
3.Roll-over is one of the main traffic accident forms for coach,invasive deformation such as superstructure disassembly or sink is likely to cause severe passengers casualty.侧翻是客车道路交通事故的主要形态之一,车顶塌陷、解体等侵入性变形能够造成严重的人员伤亡。
3)side tumbling侧翻
1.When running on rapid steering condition, automobile tends to occur side slip and side tumbling under centrifugal force, the threshold condition at the different steering speed, steering radius, and the different road conditions is derived based on the rapid steering automobile cornering force analyzes.汽车急转向时受离心力作用易发生侧滑、侧翻事故。
4)rollover warning侧翻预警
1.To avoid rollover accidents of automobiles,a model-based algorithm for rollover warning and a control strategy for rollover prevention were proposed.为了减少汽车侧翻事故,提出了一种基于模型的汽车侧翻预警算法以及在预警基础上的防侧翻控制算法。
2.An algorithm of real-time TTR rollover warning based on the model and optimal active control strategies for anti-rollover LQR based on the algorithm were researched.对建立的重型车辆8DOF与5DOF实时简化动力学模型进行了比较,优选出了能较好预测未来侧翻危险程度的5DOF模型,进而研究了基于该模型的实时TTR侧翻预警算法和基于预警算法的防侧翻LQR最优主动控制策略。
5)rollover prevention防侧翻
1.To avoid rollover accidents of automobiles,a model-based algorithm for rollover warning and a control strategy for rollover prevention were proposed.为了减少汽车侧翻事故,提出了一种基于模型的汽车侧翻预警算法以及在预警基础上的防侧翻控制算法。
2.Vehicle dynamics control with rollover prevention is an advanced vehicle active safety technology integrated traditional vehicle dynamics control with anti - rollover control.防侧翻车辆动力学控制是将传统的车辆动力学控制与车辆的防侧翻控制相结合的现代车辆主动安全技术。
6)vehicle rollover汽车侧翻
1.The paper obtained the quasi-dynamic stability factors and stability conditions of vehicle rollover through the theoretical analysis of its 3DOF linear model.通过对三自由度线性汽车侧翻模型的理论分析,得到了汽车侧翻系统准动态稳定因子。

翻正片 翻底片  从摄影原底片印洗发行电影放映拷贝过程中一种过渡形式的中间片,简称翻正翻底。翻正是从原底直接印制的,其画面为正像(与原底相反,原底是负像);翻底是从翻正上印制的,其画面为负像(与翻正相反,与原底相同)。制作翻正翻底的目的有:①供复制大量拷贝使用。②向国外输出影片素材供译制片使用。③从已有的影片或历史资料影片翻印一段或若干段作为素材。④制作影片中的特殊效果。⑤有时为了修正原底缺陷。⑥为了防止彩色片保存中的褪色,从彩色原底片印制分色黑白翻正片。    翻正翻底的制作程序,通常分两步,先翻正,后翻底;彩色片也可采用反转法一步制成反转翻底(在加工中用化学方法使影像反转成与原底相同的补色负像)。用16毫米原始反转片拍摄、加工的正像影片,如果拷贝量少,可直接从反转正片上印洗反转拷贝;拷贝量多,则制作翻底中间片,印洗大量拷贝。    在翻正翻底的复制过程中,由于光在胶片内部的散射、染料有害吸收的影响等原因,会使影像颗粒度增大、清晰度和彩色饱和度降低、细部层次损失。所以,翻底的质量不可能和原底完全一样。在洗印时可将这些缺点限制在最小范围内。为此,翻正翻底制作有如下技术要求:①符合反差规律。最佳放映反差系数为1.5,即放映反差为原景物反差的 1.5倍(见影片复制)。②选择匹配的胶片。彩色片用具有校正染料有害吸收色罩的中间片、反转中间片;黑白片用微粒翻正、翻底片。③正确曝光,充分利用胶片特性曲线的直线部分。④用间歇式印片机印片,以保证良好的清晰度。制作翻正翻底一般采用感光测定和实际试验片放映目视效果相结合的方法控制质量。