纠错,error correction
1)error correction纠错
1.Technology and application of error correction coding channel;纠错信道编码技术及应用
2.Application of Software Error Correction Code Technique in MCS 51 Single Chip Computers;MCS51单片机中软件纠错编码技术的应用
3.Comparison of quantum error correction and classical error correction;量子纠错与经典纠错的比较

1.On Error Classification,Error Cause and Error Correction Strategy;错误分类、错误起因及纠错策略初探
2.error recovery in bottom-up parsers自底向上分析程序纠错
3.error recovery in top-down parsers自顶向下分析程序纠错
4.A Study of Error and Error Correction in Vocational Students English Compositions;职业生英语作文常见错误和纠错研究
5.Development of Error Detection and Correction EMC IP Core;具有检错纠错功能的EMC IP核开发
6.Error Types and Error Correction Strategies in College Students Spoken English;大学生英语口语错误分析及纠错策略
7.Experiment Analysis:Attitudes towards Oral English Errors;实验分析:对待口语错误的纠错态度
8.The Efficacy of Teacher s Correction and Self-correction in Improving EFL students writing Accuracy;教师纠错与学生自我纠错对英文习作准确性的影响(英文)
9.Errors can be corrected by robot when disturbs appears.甚至遇到干扰走错时,机器人也能自动纠错
10.Asymmetric byte error correcting codes are also described.本文还介绍了字节式非对称错误纠错码。
11.On Applying Error Analysis Theory to Error Correction in Senior English Writing;运用错误分析理论指导高中英语作文纠错实践
12.Bose-Chaudhuri-HocQuenghem code错误纠正码,bch 码
13.It is necessary that all wrong cases should be corrected.纠正错案这很有必要。
14.remedy an injustice/a fault/ a loss纠正不公/错误/补救损失
15.Our principle is that every wrong should be righted.我们的原则是“有错必纠”。
16.The court rectifies its mistake .法院纠正了它的差错。
17.He can put the mistake right soon.他能很快纠正这个错误
18.There were things that I was doing wrong and he corrected them.并纠正我错误的动作。

1.Study on PDF417 barcode error correction based on reed-solomon algorithm;基于Reed-Solomon算法的PDF417码纠错研究
2.Proofreading and correction for the 1-wire digital thermometer DS18B20 s data;单线数字温度传感器DS18B20数据校验与纠错
3.The converter is made up of three parts: acquisition board, multifunction board and communication monitor and correction unit.针对捷联惯性系统中陀螺仪的动态测量范围很宽的要求,设计了一种高精度、宽量程的数据采集器,该系统由采集板、多功能板和通讯监听、纠错单元三部分组成,采用双口RAM实现现场数据采集与远程导航计算机的高速通讯,可靠性好,解决了捷联惯性系统中数据采集传输与姿态运算的时间冲突问
3)error correcting纠错
1.Error Correcting of Communicating Language in English Teaching;英语教学中交际语言的纠错
2.Under the condition of non redundant signal, one bit self error correcting can be realized by this scheme.该方案实现起来简单、快速 ,在信号非冗余情况下 ,对译码结果能够实现一位自纠错功能 ,可以大大提高译码的正确率 。
3.This paper analyses the basic philosophy of coarseness-precision combining and its error correcting in a shaft position encoder.本文分析了轴角编码器中粗精组合与纠错的基本原理,并基于160DD×4/16多线旋转变压器,提出了运用纯硬件电路实现编码纠错的一种简单方法。
1.Study of Neural Network Error-correcting in Computer Communications;计算机通信神经网络纠错的研究
2.Research on SVD watermark algorithm based on the error-correcting coding基于纠错编码的SVD水印算法研究
3.The error-correcting encoding ability of the tool and the system reliability were greatly increased.为了自动标志数字化车间中的刀具资源,研究了含校验位的数据矩阵码编码技术,用软件实现了其算法并在某打标设备上成功实施,提高了刀具编码的纠错能力和系统的可靠性。
1.It is not only easier to sample the information of the vehicle number automatically by making use of the computer,but also enhance the abilities of the error-detecion and error-correction for the vehicle number.该方法不仅易于利用计算机对车号信息自动采集,而且还可提高对车号的检错及纠错能力。
2.The corresponding relation of the model of special products to the database can be solved by use of a split-inquiry and a error-correction.阐述了仓储计算机管理程序的编制方法,运用拆分查询及纠错技术来解决特殊产品型号在 数据库之间查询的相互对应关系,利用计算机快速准确的优异功能,实现了生产的现代化管理。
3.Questionnaire survey is performed to explore the subjects attitude towards the error-correction strategy.研究结果表明:错误主要出现在语法层面上,原因为母语负迁移的影响和语言输出监控不够,大多数受试者对以教师直接纠错为主的策略持积极态度。
6)errors-and-erasures correcting纠错纠删
1.The design of pipelined errors-and-erasures correcting Reed-Solomon decoders and its implementation;流水线纠错纠删RS译码器的设计和实现

纠错1.纠缠交错。 2.纠正错误。