锯片,saw blade
1)saw blade锯片
1.Comparison of the performance's difference between wet and dry cutting with diamond saw blades;金刚石锯片干湿切性能差异对比分析
2.Contrast test about diamond saw blades under dry and wet conditions;金刚石锯片干湿切对比试验研究
3.Study on the disign of diamond saw blade for concrete-cutting;切割混凝土的金刚石锯片研究

1.single-blade stroke circular单锯片往复式圆锯机
2.multi-blade stroke circular多锯片往复式圆锯机
3.Woodworking machines-Single blade stroke circular sawing machines-Accuracy testsGB/T10960-1989锯片往复木工锯板机精度
4.The Study of Lateral Vibration of the Lamped Circular Saw in Cutting;锯切时夹盘圆锯片横向振动特性研究
5.Finite Element Mode Analysis of Saw Blade of Hot Sawmill Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的热锯机锯片有限元模态分析
6.automatic grinder for carbide saw blade硬质合金锯片自动磨床
7.Circular saw blades for woodworkingGB/T13573-1992木工圆锯片
8.carbide-tipped circular sawblade for wood working木工硬质合金圆锯片
9.double end circular saw flanks grinding双头圆锯片侧磨齿机
10.A steel saw blade is 0.7mm thick.一条钢带锯片为0.7mm厚。
11.Step down the pedal switch(5),the corner can be cut then.踩下脚踏开关(5)即可切角.锯片均速上升,锯截工件,松开锯片下降.
12.Study on Saw-teeth Angles Measurement Based on Vision Method基于视觉的合金圆锯片锯齿角度测量方法研究
13.Optimum Design of Ultra-thin Diamond Saw-blade for High-speed Circular Sawing高速锯切用超薄金刚石圆锯片的优化设计
14.Experimental Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Diamond Saw Blades for Noise and Vibration Reduction and Micro-Failure Mechanism;降噪减振金刚石圆锯片的动态特性及锯片微观失效机理实验研究
15.A thin metal plate or strip, as the bit of a key or the blade of a saw.金属薄条片金属薄条板或片,如钥匙齿或锯片
16.Also we produce dado bado blades set and all kinds of diamond circular saw blades.同时,本公司也生产各种组合锯套装,各种特殊合金锯片,以及各种金刚石锯片
17.low temperature electroplated synthetic diamond sawblade低温电镀人造金刚石锯片
18.Tungsten carbide tipped circular saw blade for woodworkingGB/T14388-1993木工硬质合金圆锯片

1.Effect of Saw Side Clearance Angle on Cutting Roughness;锯片锯料角对锯切表面粗糙度影响机理分析
2.Resarch and development of high speed saw cutting testing machine;高速锯片锯切检测试验机的研究与开发
3.Comparing with the traditional welding technology process, laser welding of the diamond saw has mach merit.与传统的焊接工艺比较 ,采用激光焊接工艺进行金刚石锯片的焊接 ,便于实现自动控制 ,生产效率高 ,基体与锯齿接缝耐热性好 ,锯片在使用过程中不会出现锯齿脱落现象 ,是目前最先进的锯片焊接工艺。
3)cold saw blade冷锯锯片
1.Study on burr suppression of cold saw blade;抑制冷锯锯片毛刺的研究
2.This paper analyses the reasons of crack on the cold saw blade from Laigang Heavy H-Beam production line.介绍了莱钢大型H型钢生产线冷锯锯片产生裂纹原因的研究与分析。
4)saw blade锯条,锯片
5)blade saw,web saw片锯
6)cold saw blade冷锯机锯片
1.In the excitation of transverse pulse, noise reduction and frequency spectrum of large sized cold saw blade, with measures of increasing clamp drilling holes and plus metal rubber between large damp and saw blade, are tested and analysed.对轧钢厂大型冷锯机锯片模型在横向脉冲激励下,采取增大夹盘、大夹盘与锯片间加衬金属橡胶及对锯片钻孔几种降噪措施后,噪声的降低量和频谱特性进行了试验分析。
2.Calculation and analysis to the natural frequency, modal shapes and dynamic response of 1650 cold saw blade in the different clamp size, it is found that increasing clamp can increase the natural frequency and whole stiffness of the saw blade.通过对冷锯机锯片在大小不同夹盘情况下,固有频率、振型及周期载荷作用下动态响应的计算分析,发现加大夹盘直径会使锯片的各阶固有频率增高,整体刚度增大,因而在相同载荷作用下,大夹盘锯片的动态响应比小夹盘的小,但夹盘振型的频率降低。

氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)药物名称:氨酚伪麻片(日片)与氨苯伪麻片(夜片)英文名:Compound paracetamol Combination Tablets汉语拼音:主要成分:日服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱;夜服片:对乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、盐酸苯海拉明。性状:日服片为白色,夜服片为蓝色。药理作用:动物试验表明本品具有解热、镇痛、镇静作用,另可降低鼻气道阻力及粘膜血管的通透性。药代动力学:适应症:用于治疗感冒引起的发热、头痛、四肢疼痛、鼻塞、流涕、喷嚏等症状。用法与用量: 白天服日服片,每日二次(8小时一次),每次1~2片。 晚上睡前服用夜服片,一日一次,每次1片。不良反应:偶见。为轻度口干、口苦、上腹不适、困倦、多汗等。禁忌症:对(包括日服片和夜服片)组分过敏者禁用。注意事项: 1.每日不超过8片,疗程不超过7天。超量服用可产生头晕、失眠、神经质等症状。 2.心脏病、高血压、甲亢、糖尿病、青光眼、肺气肿等呼吸困难、前列腺肥大伴排尿困难者不宜服用。 3.避免与降压药或抗抑郁药同时服用,服药期间避免饮酒。 4.孕妇、哺乳期妇女使用前应咨询医生。 5.服用本品若症状未改善或伴高热,应及时停药。 6.对麻黄碱药理作用敏感者及老年人慎用。12岁以下儿童不宜服用。 7.夜用片服药期间可引起头晕、嗜睡,故不宜驾车、高空作业及操纵机器。规格:每片含 日服片 夜服片 对乙酰氨基酚 0.325g 0.5g 盐酸伪麻黄碱 30mg 30mg 盐酸苯海拉明贮藏:遮光,密闭保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是