1.Analysis of quotation system of object-oriented programming (OOP) language-C~(++);面向对象程序设计C~(++)语言引用机制的剖析
2.The principles that establish figures of speech - To distingu ish between the quotation and the variations of idioms;辞格的比较、分析和确定──从引用和仿拟的区别说起

1.The act of citing.引用,引述引用的行为
2.He quotes the Bible.他引用《圣经》的话。
3.general reference (to standards)一般性引用(标准)
4.indicative reference (to standards)指示性引用(标准)
5.is the number of the row in reference from which to return a reference引用区域中的行号,用于返回所求引用
6.Add Reference: Error adding reference to the project.添加引用: 向项目中添加引用时出错。
7.Uses an index to choose a value from a reference or array使用索引从引用区域或数组中选取值
8.Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.对非共享成员的引用要求对象引用
9.A quoting of an authoritative source for substantiation.引用为支持观点引用权威来源
10.Used by a speaker to indicate the beginning of a quotation.前引号讲话者用来表示引用的开始
11.For instance,it divided Adduction Rhetoric into two kinds: yinshi and yinci,which lay a classification foundation.如首次把引用大别为两类:引事和引辞,奠定了引用的分类基础;
12.File handle reference is no longer available.文件句柄引用不再可用。
13.To refer to(an authority, for example)in support or corroboration;cite.引证引用(如一个权威)来证实或支持;引证
14.Formatting Quotations: When quoting material, integrate the quoted passage into the body of your own text using quotation marks if the passage is not longer than four lines.引用的格式:引用材料时,如果所引文段不超过4行,就用引号将引文包含在你自己的文本中。
15.To bring forward as an authority.引用,引证作为权威而提出
16.single quote mark单引号 -FORTRAN用
17.tractive effort牵引(效)力, 牵引作用, 挽力
18.of or relating to or serving as an index.索引的,关于索引的,或用于索引的。

1.An assessment of citation and net communication of the Jonrnal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)from 2001 to 2006;《西北大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2001—2006年引用及网络传播分析
2.The text analyzes the citation standards at home and abroad,introduces some cases for automatic obtaining of electronic sources citation.因特网信息越来越多地被学者们引用,但准确引用这些信息却不容易。
3.It causes the redundant wording,hurts the reasoning,wastes the publishing resources and affects the reality of measuring citations.学术论著中的一些过度标引、不相关引用、错误引用以及引用的信息滞后是一种无效引用,它影响论著的简洁表达,损害论证力度,浪费出版资源,影响引文计量的真实性。
1.A topological space structure of component sets is proposed on the basis of component and reference formalization, and a new method based on topological dynamical systems is used to study the formal semantics with parallel recursive reference of components.在组件和引用形式模型的基础上给出了组件集的拓扑空间结构,从而在组件并行递归引用形式语义的研究中引入一种新的基于拓扑动力系统的观点和方法,将其指称对象的存在性归结于一个动力系统的吸引子和泛函不动点,同时将引用过程描述为系统的轨迹。
2.This paper tentatively analyzes the realization mechanism of a reference type variable in C,and compares reference and pointer so as to deepen the comprehension of reference.为准确理解C语言引用的本质,对C语言引用型变理的实现机制进行了初步探讨。
1.Combined with examples,it represents the comprehensions to reference,quote and copy.结合实例阐述了对参考、引用和复制这三个词汇的理解,在此基础上,结合当今国内建筑创作领域中存在的问题,批评了当代建筑师对于建筑创作的态度的认识错误,表达了对建筑师走出误区的期待,并对建筑创作的手法进行了探索。
2.The application of OLE technology and the quote of OLE object in VFP are presented in this paper.介绍了在VFP中OLE技术的应用与OLE对象引用的方
3.It s the main reason which made difference between the Shuowenjiezi Li Shan quoted and our′s today.征引《说文解字》是李善注解《昭明文选》的重要方式,但一个词的普遍意义(即词典意义)与特殊意义(即语境意义)常常产生矛盾,因此,李善在引用《说文解字》时通过有意识地节引、改动、隐括、补充等方式对其做了不同程度的改造,以适应注解的需要。
1.In Chinese rhetoric,adduction rhetoric is applied widespread long time ago.在汉语修辞中,引用辞格历史悠久,运用广泛。
2.Citing allusion is a kind of rhetoric quomodo of adduction, which means expressing one s sentiment and sense by citing allusion.用典,是引用修辞方式的一种,指的是运用典故来表情达意。
1.Application of Numbering and Quoting Function of Word in Writing Scientific Articles or Dissertations;Word自动编号与引用功能在科技(学位)论文写作中的应用
2.A syntactic analysis of quotations in Chinese and Japanese reveals differences in quoting between these two languages.通过对汉日语的引用句进行句法分析,可以确认两种语言的引用范畴亦存在着差异。

引用1.引荐任用。 2.用他人的事例或言词作为根据。