adherence strength密着性能
1.The adherence characteristics have been investigated by measurement of adherence strength of Al-Zn alloy coated steel enamel samples.通过对覆铝锌钢板搪瓷样品的密着测试,研究了搪瓷的密着性能。
1.Enameling on metal surface is able to significantly improve corrosive resistance of metal,however,the adherence between enamel and metal is definitely important for the enameling products.而金属和瓷釉之间的密着对搪瓷产品的性能尤为重要。
2.The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis showed that there existed a strong elemental diffusion at interface which resulted in the strong adherence between the enamel and aluminum-coated steel.X射线能谱仪分析结果表明界面间的元素扩散十分强烈,并由此促进了覆铝钢板与搪瓷层形成良好的密着。
3.gas-gas heater element,which had good adherence,thermal shock resistance and acid resistance.采用合理配方设计,使用一次涂搪工艺,制备出了同时具有优良的密着性能、热稳定性能和耐酸性能的热交换器(又称GGH,gas-gas-heater)搪瓷板。
4)adhesive agent密着剂
1.The effects of the decarburization of the base metal on bubble formation in enamel coating, the relationship between hardness and firing temperature and time, the effect of crystal nucleus addition and influence of adding adhesive agent.研究了搪瓷层的硬度与烧结时间和温度的关系,并分析了添加晶核形成剂对搪瓷层硬度的影响,以及搪瓷原料组成中的密着剂对搪瓷层和金属基板密着性能的影响。
5)attachment density附着密度
1.The influence of spore concentration,attachment gradient and turbidity of sea water on attachment density of spores in sea mustard Undaria pinnatifida;裙带菜孢子液浓度、附着基坡度及海水浊度对孢子附着密度的影响
6)dry adhesion干燥密着

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-