家电,household appliances
1)household appliances家电
1.Design of Intelligent Control System for Household Appliances based on SoC;基于单片机的智能家电控制系统的设计
2.The Man-machine Interface Design Research of Household Appliances for Old People Using;老年人使用的家电的人机界面设计研究
3.In the same way, it is known that it is very difficult for those who produce household appliances to reach the restrained .利用博奕论来解释家电行业价格战内在机理,即只有达到纳什均衡,才形成稳定的竞争状况。

1.information appliance信息家电,信息家电产品,[港]信息家电
2.Testing & Inspection Station for Electric Wire & Cable (TICW)国家电线电缆检测站
3.That TV station is affiliated with a national network.那家电视台隶属于国家电视网络。
4.State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC)国家电力监管委员会(国家电监会)
5.Home Electronics Parts such as TV cabinets. Air Conditioner and Telephone cases.家电如电视机体、调机壳和电话等。
6.He owned a couple of movie houses.他拥有好几家电影院。
7.NTSC National Television System Committee国家电视系统委员会
8.Some stores also have Appliance Departments.有的商店也有家电部,
9.Islamic States Telecommunications Union伊斯兰国家电信联盟
10.National Computer System Pte Ltd国家电脑系统有限公司
11."State Administration of Radio, Film and Television"国家广播电影电视总局
12.Panel of Teletypewriter Specialists电传打字机专家小组(电传专家小组)
13."After I get home, I'll call you."到家后,我会打电话给你。
14.The house is wiretapped.那一家的电话被窃听。
15.domestic electric buffet servers电动家用便餐保温器
16.food server, electrothermic, domestic家用电动仪器保温器
17.Our TV is just a cheapie .我家的电视是个便宜货。
18.NMEA - National Marine Electronics Association(美国)国家航海电子协会

household appliance家电
1.From the case study of “AnTaiDa Company” to see the essential ele-ments of successful supply chain & Logistics distribution system of household appliance industry;从安泰达公司案例看成功的家电供应链及物流系统包含的要素
2.With China s accession to WTO, the Chinese household appliance industry faces the challenge of internationalization and is experiencing unprecedented transformation.随着我国加入WTO,中国家电行业面临着国际化的挑战,家电行业正在经历前所未有的变革。
3)home appliances家电
1.The innovation and humanized design of home appliances will help better the innovation and guide its directions.面对家电市场的激烈竞争 ,迫使其产品必须不断创新才能占领市场 ,以满足人们求新求异的需求。
2.Therefore, China’s chain retailers of home appliances (hereafter referred to as the home appliances chains ) have been developing faster than ever before.近年来,随着我国改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,特别是我国加入WTO后,零售行业逐步的开放,国内家电连锁零售企业(以下简称:家电连锁企业)取得了前所未有的发展。
3.According to the characteristics and constitution structure of HT1621,combined with Freescale microcontroller MC9S08AW32,the design of LCD display system of home appliances is introduced.根据液晶驱动芯片HT1621的性能特点和组成结构,结合飞思卡尔微控制器MC9S08AW32,论述了一种家电液晶显示系统的设计。
1.Green Design for Home Appliances;家电产品的绿色设计研究
2.Analyzes the feature of appliance and demand of modern design technology application,studies the instance of virtual design and rapid prototype applying SolidWorks in the appliance development,points out the broad perspective of the new products development applying modern design technology in the appliance industry.分析了家用电器产品的特点和对现代设计技术应用的需求;研究了在产品开发中应用SolidWorks软件来开展虚拟设计和快速成型制造的实例;指出了在家电行业新产品开发中应用现代设计技术将具有广阔的前景。
3.It getting rid of the faulty discomfiture condition of the electromagnetism induction calefaction technology for appliance calling, probing into a new thinking and practice mode for nation.旨在引导家电行业摆脱电磁感应加热技术不完善的尴尬境地,为国内的电磁感应装置及其它应用电磁感应加热技术的家电设计探讨一种新的思考及实践模式,并以此为突破口,推动电磁感应加热技术在其它家电,如电暖器、电磁热水器、电磁饮水机等加热电器中的应用,增强国内家电行业在国际市场上的竞争能力,实现智能家居的目的。
5)home appliance家电
6)household appliances家电板
1.Review on surface treating technology of steel sheet for household appliances in Nippon Steel Corp;新日铁家电板表面处理技术
