1.Synthetical modeling on geometric error and thermal error of direct-drive hobbing machines;零传动滚齿机几何误差和热误差综合建模
2.Research and Application on Key Technologies of Direct-drive Gear Hobbing Machine;零传动滚齿机关键技术研究与应用
3.Research on Design Technologies of Hobhead Part for Direct-drive Gear Hobbing Machine;零传动滚齿机刀架部件设计技术研究

1.Research on Design Technologies of Hobhead Part for Direct-drive Gear Hobbing Machine;零传动滚齿机刀架部件设计技术研究
2.Research on Key Technologies of Direct Drive Workpiece Spindle for Gear Hobbing Machine;零传动滚齿机直接驱动工件主轴关键技术研究
3.On Action Mechanism of Improving Generating Motion Accuracy on Hobber with Zero Transmission零传动提高滚齿机展成运动精度的作用机理
4.A Synthetical Model of Geometrical Error and Thermal Error for a Direct-drive Gear Hobbing Machine零传动滚齿机几何误差建模及补偿研究
5.Moreover, the MPF system has been included in the Government's major publicity campaign for 2000-01.此外,强积金制度的宣传活动已列入二零零零至二零零一年度的政府主要宣传计划内。
6.countershaft (excl. motor vehicle and aircraft parts which are not internal parts of engines)副传动轴(非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器的零件除外)
7.gear, variable speed (excl. motor vehicles and aircraft parts not internal parts of engines)变速传动装置(不包括非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器零件)
8.crank ,transmission (excl. motor vehicle and aircraft parts which are not internal parts of engines)传动曲柄(非发零件的机动车辆和航空器的零件除外)
9.Research on Estimation of Fatigue Life of Helicopter Transmission System Parts;直升机传动系统零部件疲劳定寿方法研究
10.The Discussion about the Traditional Energy-momentum Pseudotensors under a Nonzero Cosmological Constant;非零宇宙常数下传统能动量赝张量的讨论
11.Estimation of Rotor Zero-position Error for PMSM永磁同步电动机位置传感器零位偏差估计方法
12.gear, power transmission (excl. leather gears and motor vehicle and aircraft parts not internal parts of engines)动力传动齿轮(不包括皮革齿轮和非发动机内部零件的机动车辆和航空器零件)
13.To echo the International Year of Volunteers 2001 proclaimed by the United Nations, promotional volunteer programmes and activities were held throughout the year.为响应联合国把二零零一年定为国际义工年,社署在年内推广义工计划和举办宣传活动。
14.Transmission systems― conveys the drive to the wheels. The main components are clutch, gearbox, driveshaft, final drive, and differential.传动系统-把动力运送到车轮。主要零部件是离合器,变速器,传动轴,主减速器,和差速器。
15.It is to complete the colourful pictures on the inserted working card.齿轮零件组安装非常容易,可以搭配传动轴完成工作卡上的图案。
16.Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Names of component parts for hydraulic transmission systemGB/T3367.2-1982铁路机车名词术语液力传动系统零部件名称
17.The Mix of Internet and Bricks-and-Mortar Retail Models;传统零售模式与网络零售模式的融合
18.gear and gearing (excl. integral parts of engines) for road motor vehicles (excl. motor cycles) or tractors齿轮和齿轮传动装置(不包括发动机内部零件),道路机动车辆(不包括摩托车)或牵引车

Zero-drive Chain零传动
1.Study on Key Technologies of Gear Cutting Machine of Zero-drive Chain;零传动齿轮加工机床关键技术研究
3)direct drive零传动
4)Direct-drive gear hobbing machine零传动滚齿机
5)mechanical parts and transmission机械零件及传动
6)journal of transmission component传动零件轴颈

传动:摆线针轮传动由外齿轮齿廓为变态摆线﹑内齿轮轮齿为圆销的一对内嚙合齿轮和输出机构所组成的行星齿轮传动。除齿轮的齿廓外﹐其他结构与少齿差行星齿轮传动相同。摆线针轮行星减速器的传动比约为6~87﹐效率一般为0.9~0.94。图 轮齿曲线的形成 为轮齿曲线的形成原理。发生圆在基圆上滚动﹐若大於r1﹐M'点画出的是长幅外摆线﹔若小於r1﹐M''点画出的是短幅外摆线﹔用这些摆线中一根曲线上的任意点作为圆心﹐以针齿半径rz为半径画一系列圆﹐而后作一根与这一系列圆相切的曲线﹐得到的就是相应的长幅外摆线齿廓或短幅外摆线齿廓﹐其中短幅外摆线齿廓应用最广。用整条短幅外摆线作齿廓时﹐针轮和摆线轮的齿数差仅为1﹐而且理论上针轮有一半的齿数都与摆线轮齿同时嚙合传动。但如果用部分曲线为齿廓就可得到两齿差和三齿差的摆线针轮传动。用长幅外摆线的一部分作轮齿曲线时﹐其齿廓与圆近似﹐并与针齿半径相差不大﹐因此可用它的密切圆弧代替。摆线针轮传动的优点是传动比大﹑结构紧凑﹑效率高﹑运转平稳和寿命长。