内在激励,intrinsic motivation
1)intrinsic motivation内在激励
1.In view of college advisors’ characteristics and actual work, this paper holds that scientific application of intrinsic motivation theory is of great significance to the education and management of college advisors and will make it more scientific and creative.根据高校辅导员的特点和工作实际,科学运用内在激励理论及其方法,对于当前高校做好辅导员的教育管理工作并增强其科学性和创造性具有重要意义。

2.Internal Incentive Factors£Work Attitude and Job Performance of Knowledge Workers;内在激励因素、工作态度与知识员工工作绩效
3.On the Advantage Effect of Intrinsic Motivation to the Transfer of Tacit Knowledge;论内在激励对隐性知识转移的优势作用
4.Study on the Efficiency of Chinese Local Officials in Economic Activities--discussion on the importance of official intrinsic incentive;中国地方官员经济行为的效率分析——兼谈官员内在激励的重要性
5.A Case Study on Low Income Employee’s Intrinsic Work Motivation;低收入员工内在工作激励的个案研究
6.The Company is formulating an incentive plan for senior management including plans of stock option.公司正在制定包括股权激励为内容的管理层激励方案.
7.Taoists respect freedom as well as stimulates individual's internal potential.道家尊重个体自由,激励个人充分发挥内在潜力。
8.The Discussion of the Content-motivation Theory Modified in Various Cultures;内容激励理论在不同文化下的修正探讨
9.The Research on the Relationship of the Educated-workers Intrinsic Compensation Incentive & Satisfaction;知识型员工的内在薪酬激励与满意度研究
10.The design and implementation of coded excitation in ultrasonic endoscope system编码激励技术在医学超声内窥镜中的实现
11.The Study of the Strong Encouragement Effect from Interpersonal Relationships inside Chinese Enterprise人际关系在华人企业内部的强激励效应剖析
12.Rule#29: There is no greater motivation than giving a good person his piece of the puzzle to control, but a pat on the back or an award helps.除了鼓励或奖励以外,对一个好员工来说最大的激励就是让他在自己负责的范围内有决策权。
13.On the Incompletion,Incentive Deviation and Intensity of Artificially-Designed Incentive System Within Organizations;组织内人工设计激励机制的不完备性、激励偏差与激励强度
14.This means that a focus on monetary incentives destroys motivations that stem from one' s inner dignity to devote energy to a specific task.也就是关注金钱激励破坏了个人为一项特殊任务贡献力量这种内在的激励机制。
15.I am self-motivated and can work independently to get the job done efficiently in the least possible time.我能自我激励,独当一面在尽可能少的时间内高效率地做好工作。
16.(2) Intrinsic reward and altruism will make individuals share knowledge in high frequency.内在报酬、利他主义才会对知识共享产生持久的激励作用;
17.State Domination and Local Rent Inspiration; Analysis on Inner Motive Factors of the Expansion of Informal Finance;国家主导与地方租金激励:民间信用扩张的内在动力要素分析
18.On the Application of "Content-based Incentive Theory" into the Management of Hotel Human Resources in China;试论“内容型激励理论”在我国饭店人力资源管理中的应用

intrinsic incentive内在激励
1.Secondly,it indicates that intrinsic incentive is an important factor that economics research the feasibility of incentive.本文利用1997~2001年间全国企业管理数据检验了中国转轨经济中国有企业中激励机制对于管理绩效的影响作用,发现外在激励因素对于管理绩效决定程度不大,内在激励因素对于管理绩效则具有正效应。
3)intrinsic reward incentives内在奖酬激励
1.In addition to extrinsic remuneration incentives,the intrinsic reward incentives in Port and Lawler s theory is also studied in the modified trust-agent model.通过波特和劳勒的外在和内在奖酬激励理论对家族企业与职业经理人之间的委托-代理模型进行修正,旨在进一步合理化,完善家族企业与经理人之间的契约合同,为家族企业找到解决家族困境问题的办法提供新的思路。
4)internal incentive factors内在激励因素
1.Two-factor theory and work characteristic model unveiled the key incentive effect of internal incentive factors on employee.双因素理论和工作特性模型都揭示了内在激励因素对员工激励的重要作用。
5)internal excitement mechanism内在激励机制
6)the intrinsic spiritual motivation内在精神激励
