专利情报,patent information
1)patent information专利情报
1.Design of patent information real-monitoring and gathering system based on network;基于网络实时监测获取的专利情报系统设计
2.Drawing upon the patent information,this article formulates an indicator system for penetrating its analysis into the technical innovation capacity.专利情报为技术创新研究提供了一个客观、理性和深入分析的途径。
3.The monitoring and gathering of patent information is very important,so the existing patent intelligence systems were studied,aimed at their shortcoming and the insufficiency,the paper put forward a dynamic monitoring and gathering patent information system through network.专利情报监测和获取对专利情报分析非常重要。

1.patent information retrieval system of Japan PatentInformation Organization日本专利情报组织专利情报检索系统
2.patent information retrieval system of EuropeanPatent Office欧洲专利局专利情报检索系统
3.The American Patent Laws and FDA Patent Information Retrieval;美国专利政策及FDA专利情报检索
4.Patent Information Analysis Method in Competitor Intelligence Research;竞争对手情报研究中的专利情报分析法
5.The construction of patent strategy for the high-tech enterprise based on the patent intelligence analysis;基于专利情报分析的高技术企业专利战略构建
6.The Study of Patent Intelligence Based on Enterprise Innovation and Competition;基于企业创新与竞争的专利情报研究
7.Study on Patent Information Analysis used by Technical Innovation of Companies;专利情报分析对企业创新的影响研究
8.The Analysis to Influencing Factors on Patent Maintenance Time Based on Patent Information Perspective基于专利情报视角的专利维持时间影响因素分析
9.Application of Patent Intelligence Analysis in Enterprise Research and Development (R&D);专利情报分析在企业研发中的应用研究
10.Discussion on Domain Ontology-based Patent Intelligence Knowledge Mining;基于领域本体对专利情报知识挖掘的浅析
11.Research on the Application of Patent Information Analysis Method in the Selection of Regional Superior Industries专利情报分析法挖掘区域优势产业的研究
12.The Comparative Analysis of Patent Intelligence and Academic Information Based on Co-citation基于共引的专利情报与学术文献对比分析
13.Design of Web Based Dynamic Monitoring and Gathering System for Patent Information专利情报动态网络监测获取系统的设计与实现
14.Research on Analysis Methods of Patent Intelligience Oriented to Technology Foresight面向技术预见的专利情报分析方法研究
15.The Technology Intelligence Map--The Combination of Patent Map and Academic Information技术情报地图——专利地图与学术情报的结合
16.Intelligence Analysis on Invention Patents of Chinese Six Biological Product Institutions;6大生物制品所发明专利的情报分析
17.Patent Analysis of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence and Counterintelligence;企业竞争与反竞争情报中的专利分析
18.Discussion on How to Use Disabled Patents in Competitive Intelligence Research of Drug;试论如何利用失效专利进行药品竞争情报研究

patent intelligence专利情报
1.How to organize and manage patent intelligence efficiently to mining patent intelligence becomes an important issue.专利作为企业间竞争博弈的重要信息源,通过对其进行深挖掘可以把握竞争对手的技术发展战略以及未来的产品布局,同时还可借助既有专利信息进行产品发明及再创新,故对专利情报进行有效组织和管理,实现隐性知识发现是当今热点问题。
2.To analyze the patent intelligence is of the most important meaning to find the research and development activities.专利情报是最重要的情报分析源之一,它占全部期刊文献总量的10%,却囊括了全球40%左右的新产品信息,挖掘专利情报信息资源,分析竞争主体的专利战略,对于公司的技术创新活动有极为重要的意义。
3.This paper introduces the significance of patent intelligence analysis and the analytical skill,and shows the effects of patent intelligence analysis on technical innovation.专利情报反映了行业技术的最新动态,是技术情报的重要来源,本文论述专利情报分析的意义及分析技术,说明专利情报分析在技术创新中的作用。
3)patent intelligence analysis专利情报分析
1.As an important tool in mining patent information, patent intelligence analysis has widespread application in enterprise R&D activity.专利情报分析作为挖掘专利信息的重要工具,在企业研发活动中有着广泛的应用。
4)patent information research专利情报研究
1.This article discusses how to develop patent information research by making use of Derwent Analytics.本文针对如何利用德温特分析家软件开展专利情报研究进行了讨论。
5)Patent information analysis专利情报分析
1.Patent information reflects the newest development in industrial technology; patent information analysis becomes an important factor of technical innovation and takes into practice in the research of compa- nies.专利情报反映了各个行业最新技术的发展动态,使得专利情报分析成为技术创新的一个重要源泉,并在企业创新的实践中有着重要的应用。
6)Analytic method of patent informatics专利情报分析法

欧洲专利局专利情报检索系统  欧洲专利局于1978年开始提供服务。其前身是1947年建立在海牙的国际专利研究所 (简称IIB)。该局的专利情报检索系统由以下两部分构成:①手工检索系统具有良好的基础,是一个具有 8万多类目的专利分类目录,专供局内审查员使用;②电子计算机检索系统是在手工检索系统的基础上建立的,主机设在海牙,由IBM4381-Q03系统 (速度400万条指令/秒,内存24兆字节,外存是10台3880磁盘机,共25000兆字节)和IBM4381-P02系统(270万条指令/秒,内存16兆字节) 组成。该系统设有500多台终端,分布在海牙、慕尼黑和柏林等地。联机检索方式只供局内和欧洲专利组织成员国使用。最主要的检索系统有馆藏目录系统(简称INVE系统)和同族专利系统(简称FAMI系统)等。数据库收录有17个国家专利局和国际组织1968年以来公布的专利文献记录(包括国别、分类号、专利号、优先权项目和公布日期等),共1720万余条。不对公众开放。