物流标准,logistics standard
1)logistics standard物流标准
1.The study of the system of logistics standard s testing technique is one of the important content to complete logistics standardization.物流标准化正在我国兴起 ,研究物流标准检测技术体系是完成物流标准化工作的重要内容之一 。
2.With the acceleration of the global economic integration, the field that involved in the logistics standardizations work was more and more extensive, the role is also growing.随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,物流标准化工作所涉及的领域越来越广泛,发挥的作用也越来越大。

1.The Choice of Logistics Standardization Based on International Logistics Absorptivity in China;基于国际物流吸收率的中国物流标准化选择
2.Analysis of Action of Logistics Standardization to Logistics Enterprise s Competitive Ability;物流标准化对物流企业竞争力提升的作用分析
3.Analysis of the Value of Logistics Standardization to the Management and Decision-making of Logistics Corporation物流标准化对物流企业管理决策的价值
4.An Empirical Study of Logistic Standardization System in Guangdong;广东省物流标准化体系建设实证研究
5.Analyzing the Practice of Logistics Standardization Based on Hierarchy;基于层次结构的物流标准化实践分析
6.Towards Internationalization: Guangdong s Logistics Standardization;国际化:广东物流标准化建设的方向
7.Research on the Construction Scheme of Publications Logistics Standard System in China;我国出版物物流标准体系建设方案研究
8.The Standardization of Publication Logistics and the Development of Publishing Industry;出版物物流标准化与出版发行业发展研究
9.It is important to research into the standard system of farm products and build the system by using these principles.农产品物流标准原理的提出对农产品物流标准体系的研究、系的建立和实践均具有重要作用。
10.Logistics standardization is a key means to increase the efficiency and integration.物流标准化是提高物流系统效率和协调性的重要手段。
11.The whole process is operated under logistics standards.整个过程始终在物流标准化的前提下运行。
12.Study on Construction of the Logistics Standardization System in the Old Industrial Base of the Northeast China;东北老工业基地物流标准体系构建研究
13.A Study on China Logistic Standard System Architecture Facing to the Open;面向开放的中国物流标准体系结构研究
14.Our Country Flows the Standardized Existence the Question and the Measure Research;我国物流标准化存在的问题与措施研究
15.Logistics Standardization Performance Evaluation Based on Variable Weight Comprehensive Principle;基于变权综合理论的物流标准化绩效评价
16.Standardization of RFID Technology Applied in the Logistics Industry-Standardization of Radio Frequency;RFID技术在物流业应用中标准化——电波频率标准化
17.Study on Logistics Equipment and Operation Standardization of Alliance Enterprises;联盟企业物流设备与作业标准化研究
18.The Role of Network Media in Promoting Standardized Logistics Terms ;网络媒体对推广标准“物流术语”的作用

logistics standardization物流标准化
1.In order to set up effective logistics system,make our logistics connect successfully with international logistics and increase the international competition of our logistics,we must pay enough attention to logistics standardization,research deeply on it and drive our logistics develop in right way.为了建立高效率的物流体系,实现我国物流与国际物流的顺利接轨,增强我国物流业的国际竞争力,必须把物流标准化工作提到前所未有的高度上来,从战略的高度看待物流标准化工作,对物流标准化进行深入的研究,推动我国物流业的发展。
2.And then this paper combines the actual circumstance of our country logistics standardization to set up the logistics standardization performance evaluation index sign system.利用变权综合理论,提出了一种科学的综合评价方法,建立了多层次多因素的变权综合评价模型,该方法减少了传统评价方法中采用常权的不合理性,然后结合我国物流标准化的实际情况建立了物流标准化绩效评价指标体系,最后以广东某物流企业Y公司为例,通过进行专家调查评分的方法得出企业的各项评价指标的强弱情况,并进行了示例分析,结果基本符合实际情况,证明了该模型的有效性。
3.The article will analyze the logistics standardization effect on logistics company competitive ability from the three fields.物流标准化问题已成为制约我国物流发展的瓶颈问题之一,而物流产业的发展需要产业内的公司的竞争力的持续提升,由产业组织经济学对企业竞争力的解释框架,可得出企业竞争力的市场表现主要有成本优势、差异优势和领先优势三个方面。
3)logistic standardization物流标准化
1.The economic globalization and integration will surely activate the globalization of logistic,and if we want to make logistic develop on the direction of high efficiency,shortcut,economy and environment protection,the development of logistic standardization is imperative under the situation.经济全球一体化必将带动物流的全球化,要使物流在全球范围内向高效、快捷、节约、环保的方向发展,发展物流标准化就势在必行。
2.This paper concentrated on the study of the index system of the logistic standardization evaluation and the method of logistic standardization performance evaluation ,and established a feasible and operational logistic standardization evaluation index system.本文通过对物流标准化绩效评价指标体系和物流标准化绩效评价方法的研究,建立了具有适用性和可操作性的物流标准化的绩效评价体系。
4)standardized logistics标准化物流
5)the law on logistics standards物流标准法
6)logistics informatization standard物流信息化标准
1.By analyzing the technology support system at abroad and the status quo of logistics informatization in Nanjing, the paper suggests to perfecting the logistics technology support system of Nanjing by accelerating to construct the logistic public IT platform and the logistics informatization standard.文章在分析国外物流业信息化技术支撑体系特点的基础上,结合南京市物流业信息化发展现状,从加快物流公共信息平台建设和加快物流信息化标准建设两个方面完善和优化南京市物流技术支撑体系。

德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of Germany  Oeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。