知识资产,knowledge assets
1)knowledge assets知识资产
1.The impediments and solution for knowledge assets intra-sharing;企业知识资产内部共享障碍及解决方案
2.Discussion on the institutional arrangement of the formation of the corporation s knowledge assets;论企业知识资产形成的制度安排
3.A Study on Enterprises M&A Based on Knowledge Assets A cquisition;基于知识资产获取的企业并购研究

1.How to manage knowledge resource in knowledge economy environment;知识经济环境下企业知识资产的管理
2.The key enterprise asset does not be fixed assets and financial asset again, but is the knowledge asset.企业资产的核心不再是固定资产和金融资产,而是知识资产
3.Obstacle and Choice of Intellectual Assets Accountant;知识资产会计面临的障碍与路径选择
4.Promoting Industrialization of Intellectual Fruits through Intellectual Property Right Financing;以知识产权融资促进知识成果产业化
5.Create new IPR-based assets and revenues利用知识产权创造新的资产和收入
6.The Essence of Intangible Assets: Based on the Intellectual Property;论无形资产本质:以知识产权为基础
8.From the basis of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals?从小资产阶级知识分子的基础吗?
9.On Strengthening the Management on Research Fund and Rising the Performance of Knowledge Production加强科研资金管理 提高知识产出效益
10.Study on IPR Issue in Information Resources Development and Utilization信息资源开发利用中的知识产权研究
11.Research on the Legal Relations of Network Information Resource Intellectual Property;网络信息资源知识产权法律关系研究
12.Research on the Protection of Our Preponderant Information Resources;我国优势信息资源知识产权保护研究
13.Probe into Improving Intangibles Accounting at Knowledge-based Economy Times;试论知识经济下无形资产会计的改进
14.Research and Discussion on Mortgage Credit Financing Knowledge Property Right;知识产权质押贷款融资的对策与研究
15.Library Developing Digital Resources in the Coordination of Intellectual Property Rights;图书馆数字资源建设的知识产权协调
16.On justification of intellectual property right in information resource;信息资源知识产权发展之合理性探究
17.Discussion on Revealing the Invisible Assets under the Condition of the Knowledge-based Economy;试论知识经济条件下无形资产的披露
18.Innovations in Intangible Assets Accounting Under Knowledge Economy;知识经济环境下无形资产会计的创新

knowledge asset知识资产
1.Knowledge management is the development of enterprise management, and knowledge asset accountancy is a new subject arising from knowledge economy and knowledge management.知识资产会计是在知识经济和知识管理条件下产生的会计新课题。
2.Based on the review of knowledge innovation theory,This paper analyzes the relative activities and factors involved in knowledge innovation which include stratagem, knowledge vision, knowledge asset, innovation space and commerce model from the view of system.在回顾知识创新主要研究成果的基础上,系统分析了与企业知识创新相关的企业战略、知识愿景、创新过程、知识资产、创新空间和商业模式等活动和要素,探讨了这些要素和活动之间的关系。
3.This paper empirically examines the relationships among the characteristics of knowledge assets(technological,relational, and structural asset),and learning strategies(exploitation and exploration)and organizational performance.对我国115家高技术企业的知识资产(技术资产、关系资产、和结构资产)特性与组织学习战略和绩效之间的关系进行实证研究,发现默会性以及组织融合与利用型学习战略显著正相关,而声誉、组织融合以及自由自主特性与探索型学习战略显著正相关。
3)Intellectual assets知识资产
1.This paper,from the theory of intellectual assets,enterprise value and the operational mechanism of enterprises,drawing on the Lev and Sougiannis(1996),Feltham and 0hlson(1995)and Li Xinyuan(2002),comes up with the evaluation model of intellectual assets and the contribution level of assets to the total value of enterprise.本文从知识资产理论、企业价值理论和企业经营机制理论出发,借鉴了Lev and Sougiannis(1996)、Feltham and Ohlson(1995)和李鑫元(2002)等,导出知识资产评价模型和各资产对企业总价值的贡献程度。
2.This paper constructs principal-agent model and studies proper intellectual assets transferring strategies of client with information symmetry and asymmetry based on analysis of innovation incentive and opportunism risk of outsourcing service provider.建立委托-代理模型,对知识密集型外包项目中基于知识资产剩余控制权的外包商创新激励和机会主义行为风险作了分析与讨论,分别指出信息对称与信息不对称下顾客适当的知识资产控制权转移策略。
4)intellectual property知识资产
1.This paper makes deep analysis on the present situation of common university s intellectual property wastage, probes into the main reasons of the wastage of intellectual property, and puts forward some countermeasures for the protection of intellectual property.深入剖析了目前我国普通高校知识资产流失的现状,探讨了造成知识资产流的主要原因,并提出了初步对策。
2.The ability of allocating and protecting intellectual property of a firm has been an underlying source of its competitive advantage.伴随知识经济时代的到来,知识日益成为企业最具价值的战略资源,企业竞争优势的基础已经逐渐从有形资产向知识资产转移,企业配置和保护知识资产的能力日益成为企业竞争优势的深层来源。
5)knowledge assests or resource知识资产(资源)
6)intellectual property assets知识产权资产

知识资产综合转移论知识资产综合转移论  知识资产综合转移论主张采用直接投资形式将知识资产一揽子转移以寻求更高的经济效益的理论。 西方学者习惯于将靠知识优势的垄断而获取的收入称为知识资产的“租金”。故该理论又称“寻租论”。公司拥有的一部分知识资产如技术专利、特定产品的生产工艺和商标,可以通过特许的方式实行有偿转让,但另一部分知识资产如技术创新能力、管理经验和销售技能却很难转让给他人。知识资产作为一个整体所产生的垄断优势,不仅要大于知识资产中个别要素所具有的垄断优势,而且大于每项要素优势代数和。如果公司仅仅将其垄断的某项知识资产要素转让,它就只能在这单一要素上获取垄断“租金”,而通过对外直接投资的形式,则有可能实行一揽子要素的交易,从而获得较之单一垄断要素转让更高的“租金”。在这一寻租过程中,跨国公司所拥有的富余的内部管理资源就可以突破国内市场的局限性而在更大的国际范围内得以充分发挥潜能,对外直接投资便成为这种相对过剩的管理资源跨国延伸利用的一种有效方式。