关键种,key species
1)key species关键种
1.A review on key species study in ecology;生态学中关键种的研究综述
2.In these days, development and environment protection is also important, so in the poor district, use the theory of key species to build EIP is very important in Suqian city.本文用生态学的关键种理论论述了经济相对落后地区在当今经济发展与生态保护并重的形势下,以自然社会优势资源发展关键企业,带动生态工业园建设的重要性,并运用到宿迁市生态工业园建设中去。

1.Concepts of keystone species and species importance in ecology生态学中关键种与物种重要性的概念(英文)
2.Study on the Population Ecology of the Dey Euphausiid Species in the Waters off China Coast and in the Southern Ocean;中国近海及南大洋磷虾关键种种群生态学研究
3.Dignity is the key for this oc-casion.打扮端庄是这种场合的关键。
4.The crux of the matter is how to comprehensively treat this trend.问题的关键是要全面地看待这种趋势。
5.The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the Body.各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。
6.Scientific farming is the key to the further development of agriculture.科学种田是进一步发展农业的关键。
7.Success On The Key Technique Of Hainan Introducing American Honey Melon For Planting论海南引种美国蜜瓜成功的关键技术
8.Study on the Exporting Jiading Garlic Cricial Production Technology;出口种用嘉定白蒜栽培关键技术研究
9.Research and Implementation of One Kind of Key Technology for Image Segmentation;一种图像分割关键技术的研究与实现
10.The Study of a MIMO Link Method and Its Key Technic;一种MIMO链路方案及关键技术研究
11.A Technology Based on Critical Chain for Project Scheduling;一种基于关键链的项目进度计划方法
12.An Approach of Key Frame Extraction Based on a Mutual Information;一种基于互信息量的关键帧提取方法
13.SXKS:A Stack-based Algorithm of Keyword Search in XML Tree;SXKS:一种基于栈的XML关键词查询算法
14.The Four Factors in the Movement of Upgrading the Status of Mencius in Song Dynasty;宋代孟子升格运动中的四种关键力量
15.Critical chain -- A new method for project planning and scheduling;关键链——一种项目计划与调度新方法
16.Identifying the Acting Melody:A Key to Distinguish Ethnical Dance Types;动律确认:识别民族舞蹈种属之关键
17.Fine Varieties of Persimmon and high quality cultivation Techniques in north北方柿优良品种及优质栽培关键技术
18.Spatial Join Query with Keyword-based Search一种基于关键词搜索的空间连接查询

keystone species关键种
1.Theory of keystone species in ecosystems: new idea,new mechanism,new approach;生态系统关键种理论:新思想、新机制、新途径
2.Based on the theory of "keystone species" in ecology,this paper puts forward a concept of keystone industry in pursuit of setting up an eco-industrial chain for the projected industrial park based on the coking industry in Xiaoyi City of Shanxi Province,where mineral resources abound such as coal and aluminum.文章在关键种概念的基础上,提出了关键产业的概念,总结了关键产业在生态工业园中发挥的作用和特点,并以关键种理论为指导,构建了以炼焦行业为关键产业的孝义生态产业链。
3)key specie关键种
1.This article takes the Industry Park of Qing Baijiang as the example,using the theories of key species to select the key enterprises and the theories of the food chain to design the eco-industrial chains.该文以青白江工业集中发展区为例,运用“关键种”理论选取区内关键种企业、运用食物链(网)理论进行生态工业产业链的设计,以循环经济理论为指导,以实现物质与能量利用最优化为目的,遵循3R原则,从企业内部、企业之间和社会三个不同的层次对该区进行生态工业规划,以便能真正实现该区环境、经济的“双赢”。
2.This article takes the Industry Park of Qing Baijiang as an example,using the theories of “key species” to select the key enterprises and using the theories of the food chain to design the eco-industrial chains,following the principle of cycle economy,for the pur.本文以青白江工业集中发展区为例,运用“关键种”理论选取区内关键种企业、运用食物链(网)理论进行生态工业产业链的设计,以循环经济理论为指导,以实现物质与能量利用最优化为目的,遵循3R原则,从企业内部、企业之间和社会三个不同的层次对该区进行生态工业规划,以便能真正实现该区环境、经济的“双赢”。
4)keystone population关键种群
1.In this paper, the general situation of mountain ecosystem was briefly introduced and the effects of keystone populations on the degraded ecosystem were discussed.简要介绍了岷江上游山地生态系统的概况 ,讨论了关键种群在退化生态系统研究中的作用和意义。
5)Potential keystone species潜关键种
6)determination of key species确定关键种

八种功德──闻经八种功德【八种功德──闻经八种功德】  ﹝出大庄严经﹞  [一、端正好色],端正好色者,谓人以正信之心,严洁其身,听闻佛经。以是功德,报得色身端正,而无丑恶之相也。  [二、力势强盛],力势强盛者,谓人以精进勇猛之力,听闻佛经。以是功德,报得福力威势,降伏一切,而不怯弱也。  [三、心悟通达],心悟通达者,谓人听闻佛经,解知义趣深远,理与心会,无不通达。以是功德,故能彻悟一切法相,了无挂碍也。  [四、得妙辩才],得妙辩才者,谓人听闻佛经,深达一切法相。以是功德,得妙辩才,能以一句之义,演说无穷也。  [五、获诸禅定],获诸禅定者,谓人听闻佛经,思惟甚深妙义。以是功德,即能摄心敛念,妄想不生,寂然入定也。  [六、智慧明了],智慧明了者,谓人听闻佛经,广解其义。以是功德,开发本有智慧,照彻无碍也。  [七、出家殊胜],出家殊胜者,谓人听闻佛经,厌恶尘俗。以是功德,即出家学道。复能以所闻之法,传化于人,为世导师也。  [八、眷属强盛],得法之人,称为眷属。谓人听闻佛经,复能依经为人演说。以是功德,生他法身,即成眷属,展转流布,日强日盛也。