臭氧灭菌,ozone sterilization
1)ozone sterilization臭氧灭菌
1.The advanced technologies developed by the research project include desulfurated fixative, ozone sterilization and sterili zing by microwave-steam.针对地瓜干传统加工法存在高硫(>1000mg·kg-1)、高糖(总糖含量60%-70%)、高杂菌、低水分(≤15%)的严重问题,研究出了无硫护色剂、臭氧灭菌、微波-蒸汽协同杀菌等先进技术和设备,应用到地瓜干加工中,生产出低硫(<10mg·kg-1)、低糖(总糖含量为40%左右)、低杂菌(低于商业标准)、高水分(水分大于20%)的地瓜干产品。
2.Methods To compare the advantages and disadvantages between the traditional and ozone sterilization method,and to detect the ozone concentration of the clean areas,and to verify the effect of ozone sterilization.方法比较传统灭菌方法和臭氧灭菌之间的优缺点,并检测洁净区臭氧浓度,验证臭氧灭菌效果。

1.Study on the Effect of Ozone's Sterilization and Its Impact on Banana's Storage Quality臭氧灭菌效果及对香蕉贮藏品质影响研究
2.Applied Research on Ozone Sterilization Technology for 100,000 Class Clean Areas of Pharmaceutical Plant臭氧灭菌技术在药厂10万级洁净区的应用研究
3.Advances in researches on ozone’s bactericidal mechanism and control technologies for DBP bromate臭氧灭菌机理及消毒副产物溴酸盐控制技术研究进展
4.The Research on the Experiment of Disinfection and Removing Alage by Microwave/ Electrodeless Discharge Ultraviolet/Ozone Reactor;微波/无极紫外/臭氧杀菌灭藻试验研究
5.Germicidal efficacy of ozonated water on Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans臭氧水对伴放线放线杆菌的灭活效果观察
6.As an extremely strong oxidant, ozone has a good effect of destroying bacteria and viruses.臭氧作为一种极强的氧化剂,对细菌和病毒有很好的杀灭效果。
7.To observe the effects of sterilization using ozone and ultraviolet light in the animal surgery laboratory实验动物手术室使用臭氧和紫外线灭菌的效果观察
8.Study on synergetic effect of pulsed light and O_3 on killing contaminated Escherichia coli臭氧和脉冲强光对大肠杆菌协同杀灭效果的研究
9.Ozone was the strongest practial oxidant available for air, water and food disinfection processes.臭氧是一种实用的最强的氧化剂,可用于空气、和食品的消毒灭菌处理。
10.Experimental study on the inactivation effects of chironomid larvae by ozone臭氧对水中摇蚊幼虫氧化灭活效能试验
11.Study of the Low Voltage and Low Frequency Pulse Electrical Field-ozone Coordination Kill Alage低压低频脉冲电场—臭氧协同灭藻的研究
12.New Technology Study of Sludge Reduction with Ozone-Effective Composite Bacteria;臭氧-高效复合菌污泥减量新技术研究
13.Inhibition effect of ozone on soil-borne pathogenic fungi of vegetables臭氧对蔬菜土传病原真菌的抑制作用
14.Screening of deodorizing microorganism in aerobic composting of chicken manure鸡粪好氧堆肥发酵高效除臭菌的筛选
15.An Elementary Introduction to Ethylene Oxide Carbon Dioxide Mixed Sterilant简议环氧乙烷—二氧化碳混合灭菌剂
16.The Research on Unidted Sterilization Algaecide Technology of Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide臭氧与二氧化氯联合杀菌除藻工艺技术研究
17.The Antimicrobial Activity of Ozonated Water on S.mutans & S.sobrinus in Vitro;臭氧水溶液对变形链球菌和远缘链球菌杀菌作用的实验研究
18.The Action of Ozonated Water to the Putative Periodontopathic Bacteria;臭氧水溶液对牙周可疑致病菌作用的研究

ozone water sterilization臭氧水灭菌
3)Ozone solution sterilizer臭氧水灭菌器
4)ozone sterilization臭氧杀菌
1.The application of coating and ozone sterilization on snap bean for fresh-keeping;涂膜与臭氧杀菌在油豆角保鲜中的应用研究
2.Application of ozone sterilization in food industry臭氧杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用
3.This paper introduces the ozone sterilization technology development,principles and characteristics.本文介绍了臭氧杀菌技术的发展、原理和特点,臭氧杀菌设备的工作原理、使用安全、以及在食品工业中的运用和前景。
5)rapid sterilization by ozone臭氧快速杀菌
6)ozone-depleting suppressant消耗臭氧的灭火剂

HTST灭菌法分子式:CAS号:性质:发酵工厂中用来对培养基连续灭菌的方法。将培养基通过用高压蒸汽直接导入的加热器,使经预热的生培养基在20~30s内即达到130~140℃,接着进入培养基冷却器,使其尽快冷却至适宜于发酵的温度而进入事先已灭菌过的发酵罐中。这种灭菌法也称高温瞬时(high temperature short time,HTST灭菌法)。HTST法的优点不但在于节省时间,增加发酵罐的利用率,更重要的是可以保留更多的培养基养分,这是因为温度增高后杂菌的死亡速率大于养分的破坏速率。是目前工厂中较普遍采用的灭菌方法。