知识霸权,knowledge hegemony
1)knowledge hegemony知识霸权
1.Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West s knowledge hegemony on the East s.后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权

1.Reflection on Protection of Intellectual Property Right by Private International Law from Phenomenon of Knowledge Hegemony;从知识霸权现象反思我国知识产权国际私法保护问题
2.American Intellectual Hegemony in the Discipline of International Relations:Generative Mechanism,Supporting Mechanism and Influence Assessment;国际关系学的美国知识霸权:生成机理、维持机制及其影响评估
3.Second, I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Western intellectual hegemony.第二、我怀疑西方之所以不能接受亚洲价值观,是因为后者很可能正面挑战西方的知识霸权
4.I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Western intellectual hegemony.我怀疑西方之所以不能接受亚洲价值观,是因为后者很可能正面挑战西方的知识霸权
5.Technology super power and its prevention under protection of intellectual property;知识产权保护下的技术霸权及其防范
6.Cultural Hegemony·Intellectual·Literature--On Gramsci's Cultural Hegemony Aesthetics文化霸权·知识分子·文学——葛兰西文化霸权理论研究
7.Influences of Western Network Culture Hegemony on Undergraduate National Defense Consciousness;西方网络文化霸权对大学生国防意识的影响
8.The Constraint of the Hegemonic Ideology of Western Empire on Translation and Coping Strategy西方国家霸权意识对翻译的束缚及应对策略
9.Discourse Hegemony,Sub-ideolody and Cartoon Industry under Globalization话语霸权、亚意识形态与全球化下的动漫产业
10.1.Definition of "intellectual property"1."知识产权"定义。
11.2.Types of intellectual property2.知识产权类型。
12.Knowledge Representation,Knowledge Complementary and Game-theoretical Equilibria of Intellectual Property Rights;知识表达、知识互补性、知识产权均衡
13.WIPO Copyright Treaty知识产权组织版权条约
14.Recognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights;承认知识产权为私权;
15.Organisation mondiale de la propriete intellectuelle世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)
16.Information, Intellectual Property and China s Strategy of Intellectual Property;信息、知识产权与中国的知识产权战略
17.Knowledge, Knowledge Production, Intellectual Property Rights:Jurisprudential Analysis on theBasic Concepts of Intellectual Property Rights Law;知识、知识产品、知识产权——知识产权法基本概念的法理解读
18.The Chinese people know well the significance of peace and stability, and China opposes hegemony and will never seek h中国人民深知和平与稳定的可贵,中国反对霸权主义,中国自己也决不称霸,不谋求势力范围。

Knowledge Hegemonism知识霸权主义
3)Hegemony of ideology意识形态霸权
4)intellectual property知识产权
1.Study on intellectual property of biological medicine industry in Jilin province;吉林省生物医药产业知识产权问题研究
2.Expectation the Tang-Steel of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in "11th-FY";唐钢知识产权工作“十一五”期间展望
3.Anaslysis of the Affirmation and Reparntion of Infringement of Intellectual Property in Farniture Industry;对家具业知识产权侵权的认定与赔偿的探讨
5)intellectual property right知识产权
1.Analysis of status quo of intellectual property rights protection in universities and the countermeasures;高等院校知识产权保护现状分析和对策
2.Comments on intellectual property rights in the field of water resources and hydropower research;关于水利水电科研领域中知识产权问题的若干思考
3.China s accession to WTO and law of intellectual property right;加入WTO对我国知识产权立法的影响
6)Intellectual Property rights知识产权
1.Problems and Strategies of Intellectual Property Rights in Hospitals affiliated to Medical Colleges and Universities;高校附属医院知识产权目前存在的问题及解决对策
2.Discussion on the intellectual property rights protection of high-tech enterprise;高新技术企业知识产权保护若干问题探讨
3.Different thinking of managing intellectual property rights in emerging technology firm based on dynamic capability;基于动态能力的新兴技术企业知识产权管理思维变革

霸权1.指在诸侯中的领袖地位。 2.指在国际关系上以实力为基础的控制权或操纵权。 3.指表现在其他领域的控制权﹑操纵权。