完善与发展,perfect and development
1)perfect and development完善与发展

1.On Perfection and Development ofChinese Real Estate Law after Joining WTO;WTO与中国房地产法的完善与发展
2.The Study of the Improvement and Development on the RMLS in Gansu Province;甘肃省农村低保制度完善与发展研究
3.The Analysis of the Perfection and Development of College Graduates Employment Market;论高校毕业生就业市场的完善与发展
4.The Research of Corporation Financial Affairs Report Perfecting System and Development;企业财务报告体系完善与发展的研究
5.Research on completion and development of accounting standards;关于我国会计准则的完善与发展研究
6.University librarian s self-perfection and the development searches newly;高校图书馆员的自我完善与发展新探
7.The Perfection of Community Correction in Guangzhou and its Development;论广州市社区矫正工作的完善与发展
8.On the Improvement and Development Tendency of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of CAFTA;CAFTA争端解决机制的完善与发展趋势
9.Perfection and Development: Issue of Literature Theory of Reflection;完善与发展:文学反映论的当代课题
10.The Conception of Scientific Development Promotes and Perfects the Idea of "Development is the Absolute Principle";科学发展观对“发展才是硬道理”的发展与完善
11.On the Development and the Consummation of the National People s Congress System;试论人民代表大会制度的发展与完善
12.The Sustainable Development and Perfection of Environment Legislation in China;论可持续发展与我国环境立法的完善
13.The Development and Legal Perfection of Mortgage Guarantee Insurance of Housing;住房按揭保证保险的发展与立法完善
14.Landscape,Problem and Improvement of E-Government in Our Country;我国电子政务发展的问题与完善措施
15.The Development and Perfection of Non-governmental Policy Research Organizations(Think Tanks Among the People) in China;中国民间政策研究组织的发展与完善
16.The Legislative Improvement of the Dismissal System in Villagers Self-governance;论村民自治中罢免制度的发展与完善
17.Adhere and Perfect the Pattern of Development of Government as Dominant Factor on China s Tourism Industry;坚持与完善政府主导型旅游发展模式
18.WTO Regulations and Development and Perfection of Economic Law of China;WTO规则与中国经济法学的发展及完善

development and improvement发展与完善
1.On the Development and Improvement of "the Theory of National Distribution;“国家分配论”的发展与完善
2.In conclusion,universal design is the development and improvement of barrier free design.由此可见,通用设计是无障碍设计的发展与完善,它将是未来设计的主要发展方向。
3)development and perfection发展与完善
4)develop and perfect body and mind身心发展与完善
5)perfect development完善发展
6)development and perfection发展完善

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。