政策周期,policy cycle
1)policy cycle政策周期

1.On the Interactive Relation between Stock Market Cycle and Policy Cyde in China s Policy Market;论我国政策市中股市周期与政策周期的互动关系
2.Budgeting for Fiscal Stability over the Business Cycle:A Countercyclical Fiscal Policy and the Multiyear Perspective on Budgeting;逆周期财政政策与预算的多年度视角
3.New Characteristics of China s Economic Cycle and the Validity of Anti-cycle Economic Policy;中国经济周期新特征与“反周期”经济政策有效性
4.The Policy Direction,Business Cycles and Asymmetry of the Effects of Monetary Policies;政策方向、经济周期与货币政策效力非对称性
5.The Responsibility of American Macroeconomic Policy in the Business Cycle;美国经济周期中宏观经济政策的责任
6.Research on Monetary Policy during the USA Business Cycle Change;美国经济周期变动中的货币政策研究
7.Analysing Chinese Macroeconomic Policy from Economic Cycle Theory;从经济周期理论看中国宏观经济政策
8.Fiscal Policies and Continued Development of Economy in Beijing;财政政策反周期运作与北京经济可持续发展
9.The responsibility of fiscal policy in periodic economic changes in Japan;论日本经济周期变动中的财政政策责任
10.Pro-cyclical Fiscal Policy in Latin America:Gains and Lessons拉美国家的“顺周期”财政政策:经验教训及启示
11.An Analysis on Economic Cycle Forming Mechanism and Anti-cycle Macro-policy of our country;我国经济周期形成机制及反周期宏观经济政策分析
12.The Characteristics of Monetary Policy and Policy Options in Depression经济下行周期下货币政策作用的特征与政策选择
13.Research on the lifecycle and the emphasis of supporting policy of the current development of nanotechnology in China纳米技术生命周期及其政策支持重点研究
14.Research on the Pecking Order Distributing Policy Based on the Life-cycle;基于企业生命周期的股利优序分配政策研究
15.The Performance of Monetary Policy in Economic Cycle and Economic Fluctuation;货币政策在经济周期及经济波动中的表现
16.The Comparative Research on Interest Rate Period and Policy Effect between China and America;中美两国利率周期及政策效应的比较研究
17.On the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region s Policies of Handling Relationship with Surrounding Regions in Period of Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争时期陕甘宁边区处理周边关系的政策
18.Review of the Literature of Monetary Policy,Bank capital and Economic Cycles;银行资本、经济周期和货币政策文献综述

anti-cycle policy反周期政策
3)counter-cyclical policy逆周期政策
4)Countercyclical Fiscal Policy逆周期财政政策
1.Budgeting for Fiscal Stability over the Business Cycle:A Countercyclical Fiscal Policy and the Multiyear Perspective on Budgeting;逆周期财政政策与预算的多年度视角
5)Business cycle policy商业周期政策
6)cyclical balance fiscal policy周期平衡财政政策

反周期货币政策  凯恩斯学派主张的一种货币政策规则。基本内容是:在经济下降时期,货币当局或中央银行放松贷款,增加货币供应量,以降低利率,刺激投资,从而扩大社会需求,促进经济增长;在经济过度扩张和通货膨胀时期,则紧缩贷款,减少货币供应量,以提高利率,限制社会需求,抑制通货膨胀。由于货币政策的松紧与经济周期发展不同阶段是逆方向的,故又称逆风向货币政策。这种货币政策实际上是一种权衡性货币政策(见相机抉择货币政策)。