虚假宣传,false propaganda
1)false propaganda虚假宣传
1.The following important documents are the ones to confirm false propaganda behaviors.认定虚假宣传行为有以下要件:行为的主体是实施产品或服务宣传的经营者;行为的主观方面表现为故意或过失;行为的客观方面表现为经营者对商品或服务进行了违背事实真相的宣传;行为客观方面的结果表现为所作的宣传引人误解。

1.Research and Define the False Drumbeating Act of Crime of False Advertisement;虚假广告罪中虚假宣传的分析与界定
2.Legal Consideration of Relation between "False Advertisement"and "False Propaganda;关于“虚假广告”与“虚假宣传”关系的法律思考
3.Making misleading, false propaganda on commodities or service,对商品或者服务作引人误解的虚假宣传的,
4.On the Conformity of False Propaganda Behavior and Its Legal Responsibility;试论虚假宣传行为的认定及其法律责任
5.On the Judging Norms for Misleading and Pseudo Propaganda;论引人误解的虚假宣传行为的判断标准
6.After all, the field of antiaging drugs is littered with compounds that failed to live up to their hype or were hardly more than snake oil.毕竟在抗衰老药物的销售中,充满了天花乱坠的虚假宣传,有些干脆不如说是“万金油”。
7.Business operators shall provide truthful information related to commodities and service to consumers, they shall not make misleading or false propaganda.经营者应当向消费者提供有关商品或者服务的真实信息,不得作引人误解的虚假宣传
8.Where, in violation of the state regulations, an advertisement owner, advertising agency, or advertisement carrier gives false publicity by taking the advantage of advertising a commodity or service,广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者违反国家规定,利用广告对商品或者服务作虚假宣传
9.ghosts and other unreal entities; unreal propaganda serving as news.鬼和其他虚幻的实体;作为新闻的虚假的宣传。
10.false statement without oath未经宣誓的虚假陈述
11.San Francisco responded by announcing a route that turned out to be a decoy.旧金山对此的反应则是宣布了一条虚假的(火炬传递)路线。
12.The product descrīption for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising.食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。
13.false statement on oath经宣誓后作出的虚假陈述
14.A false publication in writing, printing, or typewriting or in signs or pictures that maliciously damages a person's reputation.诽谤以手写、印刷、打字或以符号或图画形式出现的一种虚假的宣传,旨在恶意毁坏一个人的名誉
15.False propaganda often glues up the eyes of the people.虚伪的宣传往往蒙蔽了人民的眼睛。
16.They run six commercial plug holidays in spain .他们主办了六次广告节,为去西班牙度假做宣传。
17.Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain.请惠寄贵处有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料.
18.Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain请惠寄贵处有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料。

pseudo propaganda虚假宣传行为
1.The code and definition of the misleading and pseudo propaganda vary sharply from one country or area to another.引人误解的虚假宣传行为在各个国家或地区的称谓和含义都是不完全相同的,但不论其表现形式如何,其法律本质却是相同的。
3)false oath虚假宣誓
1.On the three river sources and news propaganda;三江源自然保护与新闻宣传工作
2.New time propaganda work in hospital development and constraction function;新时期宣传工作在医院发展与建设中的作用
3.Role of Propaganda Work in Hospital Administration;浅谈宣传在医院管理工作的运用
1.Laying Stress on Library Publicity and Creating Library Brand Image;重视图书馆宣传 塑造品牌形象
2.Strengthening the research and publicity of the theory of translation variation——On the reception of the theory on translation variation from the norms perspective;加强变译理论的研究和宣传——从规范视角审视变译理论在我国的接受考
3.Several effective measures on improving readers training publicity几种有效的读者培训宣传途径
1.An Application of Multimedia Technology to Environmental Dissemination;多媒体技术在环境保护宣传中的应用
2.Heightening the dissemination of files awareness and enhancing the whole quality of archivists is the key point to raise the level of files management and can make it more systemization,standardization and scientifization.加强档案意识宣传,提高档案人员素质是提高档案管理制度化、规范化、科学化水平的关键。
3.Towards the Three Principles of the People,the ideological foundation of the first cooperation between kuomintang and the Communist Party of China,Cai Hesen experienced a change in attitude,from opposition to acceptance,dissemination to extreme criticism.对于作为第一次国共合作思想基础的三民主义 ,蔡和森经历了一个由反对到迎受、宣传到过激批判的态度转变。
