市场化模式,market model
1)market model市场化模式
1.The Research upon Market Model of Historic Districts Protecting and Exploring;历史街区保护开发的市场化模式探讨
2.bureaucratic model,market model,and citizenship model.加拿大地方政府的公共行政存在三种模式,即官僚制模式、市场化模式和公民权力模式。

1.Discussion on the market mode of city s domestic rubbish treatment;城市生活垃圾处理的市场化模式探讨
2.Market Pattern for Watershed Services from Forests in China;中国森林水流域服务市场化模式研究
3.Study on Mode Innovation of Economic Marketization in Underdevelopment Area;后发展地区经济市场化模式创新研究
4.The Research upon Market Model of Historic Districts Protecting and Exploring;历史街区保护开发的市场化模式探讨
5.Research on the Market-Oriented Mode of China,s Energy Conservation Industry Development;我国节能产业发展的市场化模式研究
6.Introspection of "Market Pattern" in the New Public Management;新公共管理中“市场化模式”的反思
7.On the Marketing Model of Water Supply Enterprises of China in 21th Century;论21世纪中国供水企业的市场化模式
8.The Research and Practice Of Market-oriented Model of the Eco-agriculture Park生态农业园市场化模式的研究与实践
9.Research on the Market-oriented Mode of Our Urban House Removal Compensating and Setting;我国城市房屋拆迁补偿安置的市场化模式研究
10.Study on Power Market Rerorm and Competitive Price Model of Power Generation Market;电力市场化改革与发电市场竞价模式研究
11.Cyclical Economy,Marketing and the Model of Urbanization in Less Developed Regions;循环经济、市场化与欠发达区域城市化模式
12.Research on the Market Operates Model of Chinese Wushu Sanda;中国武术散打市场化运作模式的研究
13.A Study on Improving the Mode of Market-oriented Employment of University Students in China;完善我国大学生市场化就业模式研究
14.Patterns of Sino-Japan Industrial Cooperation in Environmental Protection;中日环保合作的市场化运作模式探析
15.The Establishment of Marketing Stereoscopic Teaching Mode;高校市场营销立体化教学模式的构建
16.Two Patterns of Entering the Market under Cross-cultural Conditions;跨文化营销的两种市场进入模式探析
17.The Model Selection of the Marketization Reform in Our Country s Interest Rate;试论我国利率市场化改革的模式选择
18.A Study of Applying Method for Investment Market in Developing Higher Euducation;高教发展投资市场化运行模式的探讨

market-oriented mode市场化模式
1.This paper probes into the problem of the market-oriented mode of the talent management in lower railway enterprise including the operation systems,operation keys and operation targets of the market-oriented mode.探讨了铁路企业基层人才管理市场化模式的问题,包括市场化模式的运作体系、市场化模式的运作关键、市场化模式的运作目标。
3)market-based operation mode市场化运作模式
1.As a result,on one hand,the market-based operation mode improves NPS (Non Profitable Sector s) ability and efficiency to some extent;on the other hand,it puts forward higher demands .近年来,回应资源稀缺的现实及公众对非营利部门提高公益效率的呼声,非营利部门的市场化运作模式逐渐浮出水面。
4)the CUVM marketability developing model市场化发展模式
5)model of market integration市场一体化模式
6)market model市场模式
1.On selection of insurance market model in china;论我国保险市场模式的选择
2.Based on managerial economics,it is pointed out that Chinese automobile insurance market model has developed from perfect monopoly to oligopoly.以管理经济学为理论基础,指出我国汽车保险市场模式经历了从完全垄断模式到寡头垄断模式的发展过程。
3.Based on the analysis and comparison of two basic electricity market models—Net Pool and Gross Pool,this paper concluded that the latter one i s more suitable for provincial electricity market in China with its statu s taken into account.针对这一市场模式,分别从如何利用差价合约规避现货市场风险以及电力市场的监管、调度机制等方面进行了探讨。

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。