专利竞赛,patent race
1)patent race专利竞赛
1.The ε-preemptive Model in Patent Race:A Literature Review;专利竞赛理论中的ε-先占权模型评述
2.Impact of randomly arriving incomplete information on patent races随机到达的不完全信息对专利竞赛的影响
3.It introduces Fudenberg s two-stage patent race model,and relates it to the competitive strategy of laggard firm.介绍弗得伯格等人的二阶段专利竞赛模型 ,并将该模型与后动企业的竞争战略联系起来 ,提出了后动企业在专利竞赛中可以选择的三种战略 ,即理性的不战而退战略、进攻性的速战速退战略、防守性的紧跟战略 ,从而为后动企业参与专利竞赛提供了战略选择的依据。

1.Strategic Research of Patent Race Based on Patent Information基于专利信息的企业专利竞赛战略研究
2.Model Study on Technological Information Spillover in Patent Race;专利竞赛中的技术信息溢出模型研究
3.A Review of the Firm s Innovation Incentive in the Patent Races;专利竞赛中企业的创新动力研究述评
4.The ε-preemptive Model in Patent Race:A Literature Review;专利竞赛理论中的ε-先占权模型评述
5.It provides to domestic enterprises with some evidences of patent race strategies in order to achieve the technological" leapfrog".对我国企业的技术“蛙跳”提供专利竞赛策略依据。
6.Research on the Patent Races in the Information and Communication Technology Standardization;信息通信技术标准化下的专利竞赛研究
7.The Impact of Learning Speed on Innovation Under the Monopoly Structure:From Patent Races to Learning Races;垄断结构下具有学习速度的专利竞赛研究
8.Fudenberg s Model and the Patent Race Strategy of Chinese Enterprise;弗得伯格模型与我国企业专利竞赛策略
9.The Study of Firm s R&D Investment Strategy in Two-stage Patent Race;两阶段专利竞赛中企业的R&D投资策略研究
10.Impact of randomly arriving incomplete information on patent races随机到达的不完全信息对专利竞赛的影响
11.A Study on Strategic Spillover in Patent Race专利竞赛中的策略性技术溢出问题研究
12.Research on the Firm′s Strategy of Voluntary Know-How Leaking-Out in the Patent Race专利竞赛中企业主动性技术泄露行为研究
13.R&D Investments Strategies in Patent Race:A Study from the Markov Chain Perspective专利竞赛中企业R&D投资策略研究:马尔科夫链的视角
14.Patent Scope and Patenting of Intermediate Results in Cumulative Innovation Race;专利保护宽度和累积创新竞赛中的信息披露
15.His failure in the competition humbled him.竞赛失利使他丢了脸。
16.Be losing a game or some other contest(在比赛、竞赛等中)输,失败,失利
17.Advantages and Disadvantages of One-System-for-Two-Competitions Between the Regular Teachers and the Hired Teachers--a Analytic Study Based on the Vocational Competition on Technical Ability专任教师和外聘教师同台竞技的利与弊——基于职业教育技能大赛的分析
18.The competition was judged by a panel of experts.这次竞赛由一个专家小组来评判。

patent races专利竞赛
1.In the patent races for patent rights, firms strategy is vital and that they must adjust their R&D investment strategy according to their comparative positions.在企业为获取专利权而展开的专利竞赛中,企业的策略至关重要,参赛企业必须根据其在竞赛中的相对位置不断调整R&D投资策略。
2.How the racing firm s innovation incentive changes as its competing status alters is the focus of the theory of the patent races.在专利竞赛理论中 ,参赛企业的创新动力如何随其在竞赛中的相对技术位置的不同而变化是经济学家研究的焦点之一。
3.Therefore, the drastic patent races among different companies were caused by the integration of Standardization and IPR that has a great importance for companies' developing.对于以技术为驱动的信息通信竞争市场,制定标准是可持续竞争力的潜在有效来源,而知识产权则是一个国家提升创新能力和国际竞争力的有力武器,由此二者相结合对企业战略发展的重要作用引发了在标准化条件下企业间激烈的专利竞赛
3)Two-stage Patent Race Model二阶段专利竞赛模型
4)patent competition专利竞争
1.Quantitative study on patent competition in the field of genetic engineering techniques worldwide has much instructive significance on improving China’s genetic engineering techniques by using world patent data.利用世界专利数据定量考察全球基因工程技术领域专利竞争情况,对我国基因工程技术研发具有重要指导意义。
2.The paper designs the patent competition among the enterprises to be a multi-stage dynamic progra mming model.本文把企业间专利竞争设计为多阶段动态规划模型,在双寡头垄断阶段是Stackberg博弈过程,在完全垄断阶段企业继续进行技术创新,专利局以最大化社会剩余并给企业一定的收益来激励其创新活动,最后对模型中的重要参数进行探讨研究。
5)Competitive patent竞争性专利
6)patent competitiveness专利竞争力
1.Research on Assessment of patent competitiveness in 34 Provinces and Cities of China我国34省市专利竞争力评价研究
